5th Ave. Methodist Church, Medicine Hat, Alta.

RPO Postmarks

18 Jun 2013

316 visits

5th Ave. Methodist Church, Medicine Hat, Alta.

This real photo postcard is the work of Maurice Lyall of Lyall Commercial Photo Co. of Winnipeg. It is unusual to find a Lyall card from outside Winnipeg, let alone Alberta, but perhaps the number "466" suggests that it wasn't so unusual at the time. The card has a Moose Jaw & Calgary R.P.O. postmark dated October 14, 1913, with a letter to Mrs. George Whyte of Blyth, Ontario, reading: "Medicine Hat, Oct. 14,/13 Dear old Friend, This is just a line to show you I am alive and well. I have been kept very busy among the fruit. (?) We have very fine weather here yet. I expect to be home before Xmas. This Church cost about $125,000.00. My kindest regards to my Blyth friends. Sincerely, Frank Metcalf." As always, excellent detail in the photo by Lyall.

08 Dec 2013

260 visits

La Rivière, Man., from the North.

Bears a Winnipeg-Napinka R.P.O. cancel dated May 1, 1913. Addressed to Miss L. Mayes, 8 Essex Road, Manor Pk., London E.: "Dear Lily, I hope all are keeping well will write in a day or two I wrote to May last week. I have put a cross on the house where we live you cannot see it very plain, but hope to get one taken closer later on with much love to all from all. Your loving sister Edith." You can see the "X" halfway up the left margin of the photo, which is no. 30 in the La Rivière series.

24 Apr 2014

233 visits

Y. M. C. A. Building, Winnipeg.

A new example in Russell, Lang & Co.'s "Beautiful Manitoba Series" -- this shows the YMCA Building at Portage and Smith, which shortly thereafter was purchased by Birks Jewellers and extensively altered to become their Winnipeg store. The Birks Building remains in this location in almost unchanged form 100 years later. While the c. 1912 renovation from YMCA (above) to Birks made major changes to the exterior of the building, the window pattern is mostly recognizable and one of the peaked towers (the one around the side) was retained. In this version, the central window on the uppermost floor (which window was removed during the renovation) has the name "Young Men's Christian Association" carved around the semi-circular arch that encloses it. The letter, addressed to "Miss Gilbert, Coventry Road, Hinckley, England", has a Fort William & Winnipeg RPO cancel. It reads: "6/7/04 Dear Minnie, Altho I am here in Winnipeg, I can make no advance in seeing George. I have been to the Emirgration office + the C. P. Railway but they are much too busy to answer inquiries -- they are swarmed with new arrivals. This is a most wonderful town, better laid out than any I have ever seen + with better warehouses + business places than anything in England. Streets 44 + 60 feet wide - avenues of trees - Beautiful lawn mown grass 10 feet wide in the centre + on either side between the roadway + causeway. It is marvellous. Both well. Hope you all are. Frank."

03 May 2014

233 visits

Muskoka Wharf Station

Postcard posted February 19, 1900 with a Quebec & Richd. M. S. (Quebec and Richmond Mail Service?) cancel. As the reverse shows, this early postcard was actually a freight advice form. It is addressed to A. Montminy Esq., St. Giles, County Lotbinière (Quebec).

28 Sep 2013

359 visits

Branding Cattle - Medicine Hat.

Mailed to Miss Jessie M. Oakes of Dundas, Ontario. Cancel is Moose Jaw & Calgary R.P.O., date indistinct but the Hamilton transfer (above) and Dundas receiver are both March 17, 1905. Back is undivided with the common "Private Post Card" in the arched banner, although with an unusual "Souvenir" printed above the banner.

08 Dec 2013

247 visits

Stanley Park, Regina, Sask.

Moose Jaw R.P.O. cancel, indistinct date (looks like the year is 1913) on this Warwick Bros. & Rutter card with embossed 'frame". A brief note is addressed to Mrs. H. W. Hewitt, 317 - 27th St. West, Saskatoon, Sask., from Harry.

24 Jul 2014

219 visits

Main Street, Melville.

M. Jaw & Cal. R.P.O. #2 postmark, dated February 10, 1912. Letter to Miss L. Ashbaugh, Halbrite, Sask.: "Between Regina + Moose Jaw - C.P.R. - Sun. Here we are on our way to Swift Current. Slept at Regina last nite, + went to Grand Opera. Had a box too. Write to Caesarville. Maud." Published by R. G. Combe, Melville, Saskatchewan. C. S. Co. Ltd. W. No. 640. Printed in Saxony. Recorded by Souch.

03 Mar 2014

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244 visits

Regina Fire Department.

Postmarked August 8, 1909 with a Winnipeg-Moose Jaw RPO cancel, to Madame Storms, 95 Avenue du Sud, Anvers, Belgique. Stedman Bros. card no. 1329.