Bulls, Experimental Farm, Indian Head, Assiniboia.

Oxen or cattle

08 Jul 2013

292 visits

Bulls, Experimental Farm, Indian Head, Assiniboia.

Unused Valentine & Sons card, no. 100,391 and likely dating to about 1905 (as the reference to "Assiniboia" suggests).

26 Jul 2013

288 visits

Home of Mr. Nelson Bedford, Glengross, Manitoba, Canada

A lively and orderly looking farm at Glencross (misspelled on the card), a post office that closed in 1909 but which is still on maps on 25W-8N about four miles southwest of the City of Winkler, Manitoba.

28 Sep 2013

359 visits

Branding Cattle - Medicine Hat.

Mailed to Miss Jessie M. Oakes of Dundas, Ontario. Cancel is Moose Jaw & Calgary R.P.O., date indistinct but the Hamilton transfer (above) and Dundas receiver are both March 17, 1905. Back is undivided with the common "Private Post Card" in the arched banner, although with an unusual "Souvenir" printed above the banner.

03 Nov 2013

268 visits

Stock Round Up, Canadian North West.

Warwick Bros. & Rutter no. 2807 S, postmarked at Londonderry, N.S. on Nov. 20, 1908, with a very long message to Medford, Mass.

24 May 2013

214 visits

Stock Gards [Yards] - Winnipeg

De Nobele card no. 24, showing the Stockyards. This was postmarked on April 30, 1906 at Winnipeg and addressed to Miss L. M. Wetherell, 28 Overton Road, Brixton, London, S.W., England: "A busy time, working hard as usual. " This image also appears on the WINNIPEG postcard with two images, the other being a rendering of the Merchants Bank on Main Street. www.flickr.com/photos/wintorbos/4056461703/in/photolist-7bsqJT

04 Dec 2013

294 visits

Horse Ranching in Canadian West. -- 900 Horses in Corral.

W. G. MacFarlane card no. I.501, mailed at Regina on December 18, 1906 to MIss Ruby Adam, c/o Adam + White, King's Lynn, England: "Hope you are well". Received at Peterborough, the original destination (it was readdressed) on January 3, 1907.

12 Jan 2014

227 visits

Young Bulls, Burra Country, S.A.

South Australia card, printed by Donald Taylor Collotype Co., Ltd and addressed to Thos. Webb Esq., Andover, Hampshire, England.

16 Apr 2014

203 visits

First Year on the Homestead in the Canadian North West

Stedman no. 687, recorded by Smith. Not postally used.

28 Aug 2013

189 visits

Cattle on the Cochrane Ranch, Western Canada.

Another Government Agent card. I guess this is out in Alberta.
14 items in total