Baths. [Medicine Hat, Alta.]


Postcards with a strong focus on a person or group of people doing something.

18 Jun 2013

306 visits

Baths. [Medicine Hat, Alta.]

This postcard was posted July 28, 1911 at Medicine Hat and shows a barbershop, presumably in that Alberta city. The card was mailed to Mrs. E. W. Brown of Woodbridge, Ontario with the message: "Hello Emma - received your letter some time ago. And will try and ans. it sunday. Hopeing your all well. Yours truly, George." This card is by J. W. Wilson Co., of Toronto and Regina.

18 Jul 2013

307 visits

The Senior Champions on the Red River, Winnipeg

Another in the "Beautiful Manitoba Series" published by Russell, Lang & Co. of Winnipeg, this time showing championship rowers out on the Red River. The message is amusing: "Oct. 22nd/04 Poplar Point / Dear Ethel, How did you enjoy yourself at the fair. I should like to know how many different young men you had to take you home. I like to keep up with the times. Fred" Referring to the image of the young oarsmen, he adds, mischievously, "Pick which you like, four for a Dime (5d)." This is addressed to Miss E. Stokes, 4 Poplar Grove, Narnabell St., Holderness Rd, Hull, Yorkshire, England. The postmark on the undivided back card appears to be October 25, 1904.

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26 Jul 2013

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Farm of Mr. J. E. Marples, Deleau, Manitoba, Canada.

I believe there are two scenes of this farm in the Government Agent series. Deleau is on Highway 2, about 15 miles west of Souris.

25 Sep 2013

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Scene on Decoration Day, Winnipeg, 1905

Barrowclough postcard on the usual Velox back. Inscription appears to say "1906" but I think it's really "1905" as otherwise this would be the only Barrowclough Winnipeg card from after 1905. That's unlikely as he didn't use the Velox back after about September 1905, to the best of my knowledge. A nice image. Not sure whether it's Portage or Main -- only one shop is identifiable -- Devlin's Fine Shoes (now confirmed to be at 406 Main Street, likely the McIntyre Block or one of the buildings next to it).

28 Oct 2013

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240 visits

[Niagara Falls]

Real photo card, unused, on classic Canadian Velox back indicating a date of 1904 or 1905.

03 Nov 2013

252 visits

The Assiniboine River, [St] Lazare, Man.

Valentine & Sons card no. 105.962, unused.

10 May 2014

229 visits

Winnipeg Letter Carriers, 1912

By Russell Photo Studio, Cor. Main St. & Pacific Ave., Winnipeg. Unused, no message. Presumably obtained and sent by "Syd". The names are legible.

02 Jun 2014

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Winnipeg - Portage Avenue

An Ed. Justement card, unused. Note the William Pearson & Co lands office at left (in the Northern Crown Bank building) and the Free Press's typically boastful advertising. The YMCA also has a big sign on its building.