Looking west, Calgary, N.W.T.

Town = Calgary (Alta.)

19 Oct 2013

725 visits

Looking west, Calgary, N.W.T.

September 10, 1905 postmark, a few days after Alberta became a province. Addressed to Miss Bell, 1 Aurs Road, Barrhead, Scotland. Warwick Bros. & Rutter card no. 380, with an ink-stamp (see top of card) of D. J. Young & Co of Calgary.

10 Apr 2014

1 favorite

228 visits

Calgary, Alta. [Fire Halls 1-3]

NO. 3121/23 by "The Royal Curio and News Co., Calgary." Posted with a 1908 Quebec tercentenary stamp to Erle B. Lacey Esq., Box 261, Sayles Ave, Pasoag, R. I., U.S.A.: "Thanks for card. Indian Head is just about 500 miles directly east of here, or a day's journey - Have passed through it. It is rather a pretty village. Hoping to hear from you again soon. Sincerely, Edith E. Kingston, Box 267, Calgary."

28 Aug 2013

230 visits

Shipping Cattle, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

I've added six cards to my collection of "Government Agent" cards, bringing my total to 18 (32 or 33 are known to exist). This one explains that "Cattle are driven from ranches in hundreds and loaded on cars for English and other markets." The card was unused.

24 Jul 2014

202 visits

Cowboys, Calgary, Alberta

Valentine & Sons no. 100,389, postmarked Jan. 8, 1906 (year doubtful) at Hargrave, Man. to Mr. Norris S. Viles, 243 Ward Street, Newton Centre, Mass.: "Dear Father: Today is your birthday. You have passed another milestone. Many congratulations. We are all well. We are having lovely spring weather. The grain is well up. Most everyone has finished seeding around here. Both oats and wheat are a good price. Hoping you are well. I am -- Lovingly -- Eva."