The Senior Champions on the Red River, Winnipeg

Undivided back postcards

The Senior Champions on the Red River, Winnipeg

18 Jul 2013 307
Another in the "Beautiful Manitoba Series" published by Russell, Lang & Co. of Winnipeg, this time showing championship rowers out on the Red River. The message is amusing: "Oct. 22nd/04 Poplar Point / Dear Ethel, How did you enjoy yourself at the fair. I should like to know how many different young men you had to take you home. I like to keep up with the times. Fred" Referring to the image of the young oarsmen, he adds, mischievously, "Pick which you like, four for a Dime (5d)." This is addressed to Miss E. Stokes, 4 Poplar Grove, Narnabell St., Holderness Rd, Hull, Yorkshire, England. The postmark on the undivided back card appears to be October 25, 1904.

The First Settlers - A Group of Western Canada Ind…

23 Jul 2013 236
Russell Lang & Co. card showing a composite of photos of native people. Undivided back, likely c. 1903.

Toronto University, Toronto, Canada

23 Jul 2013 289
Private Mailing Card of the University of Toronto (University College). A U.S. card circa 1900 by Arthur Strauss, Inc. of New York. No. 137. Unused undivided back.

Greetings from Halifax - Old Town Clock and the Ci…

14 Aug 2013 1 241
A second "Greetings from Halifax" card, c. 1901-1903, this one featuring the famous Town Clock and Citadel Hill.

Greetings from Halifax - Fountain, Lovers' Walk, L…

14 Aug 2013 251
One of two cards from Halifax with an unused, undivided, "Private Post Card" back. Likely c. 1901-1903, although conceivably a bit earlier. I am not very familiar with Maritimes cards. This card features three attractive scenes (each individually labelled) from the Public Gardens in Halifax.

Greetings from Halifax - Old Town Clock and The Ci…

14 Aug 2013 224
Back of the two Halifax cards.

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B. [ba…

14 Aug 2013 234
I'm not familiar with this back so I thought I'd reproduce it.

Morden, Man.

19 Aug 2013 286
This is quite an early card on a CANADA POST CARD undivided back that is a little unusual. It is one of those with multiple dotted lines provided to write the address on. In this case, "Lovie" was Miss Flo Morehen of 6 Oak Villas, Archway Road, Highgate, London. The card was posted by "Frank" on August 29, 1904 at Morden. The street shown there is Railway Street. Behind that you can see some buildings on Stephen Street, which is the main street today in this very attractive southern Manitoba town (now a "city").

A Shady Drive, Morden, Man.

28 Aug 2013 244
Barrowclough card "taken for Wilson" (as the Morden cards all are) -- addressed to Miss Flo Morehen, 6 Oak Villas, Archway Road, Highgate, London. Undivided back postmarked November 21, 1905. Squared circle "Morden, Man." cancel.

Parliament Building, Victoria, B.C.

16 Sep 2013 279
MacFarlane no. 119, showing the Parliament Building at Victoria, B.C. with a message dated May 17, 1904: "Dearest E--- where I am now staying is just by the Parliament buildings where the X is. I have only heard from you once since I have been back. Have you addressed your letters properly? Am sending letter tomorrow. Best wishes and love, T. S. (?) P." Nice example of the first numbered series by W. G. MacFarlane of Toronto.

Parliament Building, Victoria, B.C. [back]

16 Sep 2013 257
Showing the backs of the MacFarlane first series (that I've been collecting ... slowly). This is an undivided back, mailed May 18, 1904 to Miss Elsie Shark (?), 29 Winifred Grove, Clapham Common, London.

The Experimental Farm, Brandon, Man.

17 Sep 2013 260
An unused Russell Lang & Co. card (no. 154) on an undivided "Canadian Souvenir Post Card" back. This is for those with an interest in the Brandon Experimental Farm.

Mount Begbie and Columbia River, Revelstoke, B.C.

20 Sep 2013 302
Number 260 in the MacFarlane series, this undivided Private Mailing Card was postmarked at Macleod (?), Alberta on February 25, 1904 and mailed to Mrs. R. W. Young, Dumgree, Blenheim, New Zealand. "Would it hurt you to write a *little oftener*"?

A Boundry Line Post between Canada and United Stat…

28 Sep 2013 240
Undivided back, looks to be a U.S. card addressed to David Merrill, Chester Depot, Vermont, care of Aunt Emily from A.W. Davis. Dated June 15, 1908. Shows a boundary marker. The "Treaty of Washington" refers to the Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842 (as far as I can tell) and this would therefore be somewhere along the border of Maine with what is now Canada, as that contentious issue was what the Treaty settled.

General Hospital, Brandon, Man.

28 Sep 2013 294
An early Warwick Bros. & Rutter undivided back card, no. 172, depicting the Brandon General Hospital. The addressee was Miss Stella Lawrence, 15 Laval Ave., Montreal (Miss Lawrence's postcard collection pops up quite a lot ... she must have had a lot of them). The writer of this card appears to realize that Stella is interested in receiving more: "Will try to send you some more cards before then." The card is postmarked at Brandon on October 1, 1905.

Main Street, Boissevain

28 Sep 2013 284
Card showing Boissevain's Main Street, mailed there on June 26, 1905 to Miss Ella Giffard, Highfield, Bishop's Waltham, Hants, England.

Osgoode Hall, Law Courts, Toronto

09 Oct 2013 1 271
Osgoode Hall, which is still exactly the same (to the naked eye) and where I spent the whole day last Friday. Nice Warwick Bros. card, no. 514.

North Shore, Lake Superior, on Canadian Pacific Ra…

18 Oct 2013 216
Postmarked at Cranbrook, B.C. on May 2, 1904, this undivided back "Canadian Souvenir Post Card" (unusual back design featuring a drawing of a beaver) was addressed to Mr. H. Bushel, 26 Berryfield Road, Manor Place, Walworth, London.

40 items in total