Wolfe's Monument, Plains of Abraham, Quebec, Canada.

Patriotic cards

Postcards containing heraldic or other patriotic imagery, where such sentiments are the primary focus of the message of the card.

19 Oct 2013

258 visits

Wolfe's Monument, Plains of Abraham, Quebec, Canada.

Postmarked at Quebec, August 28, 1909, a Warwick Bros. & Rutter card (no. 466) with the intricate Warwick back. Writer notes "This city is full of charm" -- addressed to Mrs. Oscar Beebe, Orient Point, Long Island, New York.

04 Feb 2014

336 visits

Flags the help the Motherland

I liked the look of this World War I patriotic.

15 Apr 2014

150 visits

Harvesting in Canada (A Birthday Greeting)

Another Birn Brothers card, this one unused and with no number.

15 Apr 2014

166 visits


Not postally used but addressed to Miss Lurie Glidden: "Hello Lurie, You're looking fine. How is all the cats. Write soon and let me know how everything is going. I will write you a long letter if you answer this. from John McMurray." Birn Brothers, London, Series No. # 1906. Made in England.

10 May 2014

214 visits

Old Chipman House, St. John, N.B., Built in 1789, where King Edward VII. stayed in 1860.

New Brunswick patriotic. On the reverse is the notation "Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada in the year 1904 by the New Brunswick Tourist Association at the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa."

25 Jun 2014

219 visits

Armorial Bearings of Canada.

Unused Tuck Oilette, "Canadian Postcard no. 2552." Interesting because it shows no armorial bearing for Alberta, even though Saskatchewan is included (and the two provinces joined Confederation on the same day in 1905, so there never were 8 provinces as is suggested here -- just 7, then 9.)

25 Jul 2014

257 visits

Harbor, Toronto, Canada

Nerlich card, unused, no. 1713.

13 Aug 2014

276 visits

From the Land of the Maple

A nice Valentine & Sons patriotic, posted Sept. 2, 1912 at Vancouver, B.C. to Miss Maggie Warnock, Avondale Cottage, Aughlich Cookstown, Co Tyrone, Ireland: "My Dear Margaret, Many thanks for card I received safely, tell Mother I got her letter saying she had sent parcel, + I will write as soon as I get same, it is rather awkward trying to write with so many ups + downs so excuse scribble. Love from us Both to you all. Your Loving Sister + Brother May + John xxxx"

13 Aug 2014

278 visits

Canada [Oilette]

Tuck Oilette no. 2552, postd at Toronto on September 23, 1914 to Mr. R. Barkley, Ballarat Street, Ravenhill Road, Belfast, Ireland: "205 Keele St., Toronto, Dear R. Just a PC to let you see I am alive + well but very homesick. Drop me a line + let me know how you are getting along + give me all the news. "Are you going to the war" isn't it awful. Write soon. A. L. McI." [not sure about the "I"]
13 items in total