Plowing and Disking   "Breaking" Moose Jaw District.

Publisher = C. S. Co.

Folder: Publishers
Postcards published by "C. S. Co.", the trade name of the Consolidated Stationery Co. of Winnipeg.

21 Jun 2013

461 visits

Plowing and Disking "Breaking" Moose Jaw District.

This is almost certainly a C.S. Co. card, although it is marked only with the distributor initials "L.R. 1475". Souch's C.S. Co. booklet records an "L.R." in Moose Jaw and while card 1475 is not recorded, card 1476 *is* in the list and is also an "L.R." from Moose Jaw. Presumably "L.R." is "Lewis Rice". The postcard has a Moose Jaw & Calgary R.P.O. postmark dated June 9, 1909 and is addressed to someone whose name looks like Mr. Lee Silliman Jr. of Toulon, Illinois, which is over by the Iowa border. It reads: "Moose Jaw - Dear Nephew, I remember once upon a [time] you wrote me a letter and I will now send you a card from the fields of Canada. There is just lots of beautiful prairie and it looks like a good chance for a young man to raise wheat in [?] a good time, Your aunt, Sarah."

20 Sep 2013

234 visits

Threshing Scene, Stavely, Alta.

Unrecorded C.S. Co. card no. 566. Unused.

28 Aug 2013

267 visits

St. Boniface Hospital, Winnipeg.

Unrecorded C. S. Co. card no. 607.

28 Sep 2013

268 visits

John Hawk's Farm, Near Medicine Hat, N.W.T.

Posted June 16, 1907 at Winnipeg, this is by C. S. Co. as indicated. Mailed without a message to Mr. H. H. Simmons, 21 Eagle St., Schenectady, New York.

07 Dec 2013

320 visits

Cigar Stand

C. S. Co. card, produced for W. J. Clubb, showing Clubb's shop in the Royal Alexandra Hotel, including a postcard rack. The card was sent by Clubb to a paper box supplier (see image of reverse) on December 19, 1907. The name "W. J. Clubb" appears on the glass case surrounding the pillar, beneath the "BBB" logo.

07 Dec 2013

294 visits

Cigar Stand [reverse]

Reverse of the Cigar Stand card, with Clubb's advertisement. Postmarked December 19, 1907.

08 Dec 2013

288 visits

Sask St. Rosthern.

Card number 1101 published by J. A. Stewart, Rosthern, Sask. but probably a C. S. Co. card. A message in French written across the back. At left in the photo is the Imperial Bank of Canada.

24 May 2013

249 visits

Main Street, Winnipeg, looking North from Portage Avenue

Unused C. S. & Co. card, showing the McIntyre Block.

16 Apr 2014

207 visits

A Saskatchewan Harvest Scene.

C. S. Co. card no. 110, unrecorded by Souch. Part of a multi-card letter across the whole back: "...fashions in advance of us. Yesterday we went to Baptist Church in morning, and the train moved on during dinner to a small town called Sutherland. We got out and Dr. Coward, Emily and I went to a tiny Methodist church. Good preacher. After service we just got on train again when it started back to Saskatoon. It was a lovely night. Northern lights splendid and moonlight went..."
18 items in total