Kennedy Street - Winnipeg

Lettres en français (French letters)

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24 Jun 2013


319 visits

Kennedy Street - Winnipeg

Sender Stella [Elewaut] writes: "Winnipeg, December 14, 1905 My dear cousin, Here is a view card of Winnipeg that I'm sending to add to your collection. I await your news. Lots of kisses from your loving cousin, Stella. All the best to your family." It is difficult to identify where on Kennedy this is.

24 Jun 2013

228 visits

Kennedy Street - Winnipeg [back]

Back, with addressee in Mont St-Amand. This is one of the three types of back that L.J. De Nobele used for the series of sixty (or more) postcards issued in 1905-06 at Winnipeg.

11 Jul 2013

693 visits

Steamer "Winnitoba" on Red River, Winnipeg, Man.

Valentine & Sons card no. 105,147 posted on September 11, 1912 at St. Boniface, Man. to Mr. Justus Morria, Acton Vale, Quebec, with a message in French. The Winnitoba was a popular passenger vessel owned by the Hyland family. It mainly carried passengers from central Winnipeg to the Hyland amusement park downstream around Middlechurch. This card provides a nice view of the ship, which sailed for only a couple of seasons before being destroyed in a fire.

16 Jul 2013

228 visits

Notre Dame des Prairies - Façade de l'Église

Notre Dame des Prairies, the church at the Trappist monastery in St. Norbert, Manitoba (now a neighbourhood in the extreme south end of Winnipeg). This is on an undivided back with a "Private Mailing Card" design and was postmarked in November 1903 at St. Norbert to Monsieur A. Maguin, Aures, Haute-Loire, France. It is signed "Joseph" on the front, as seen above.

22 Aug 2013

252 visits

Maison Chapelle, St. Boniface

Lyall RPPC of Maison Chapelle in St. Boniface. Signed by a J. E. Fontaine of St. Boniface and addressed to France where it is receipt stamped on March 29, 1914.

18 Oct 2013

252 visits

Québec, Pris du Parlement.

This card was mailed at Quebec City on September 22, 1905 and addressed to Mademoiselle Marie Gallery des Granges à Cigné (something I can't make out), Mayenne, France. The card is printed entirely in French and was published by Pruneau & Kirouac of Quebec.

22 Aug 2013

239 visits

Winnipeg - Main street East Side

Back of the Main Street, East Side postcard by Ed. Justement. Discussing the winter.

09 Jun 2013

316 visits

M'Dermott Ave., Winnipeg

Another very nicely coloured Valentine & Sons card, this time no. 101,395, showing McDermot Avenue looking west from Main Street along what was then Newspaper Row. You can see the Manitoba Free Press sign extending from one of the buildings on the north (right) side of the street. At the corner are the Dominion Bank (left) and Caldwell Block (right), both now just empty lots. This is one of the highest grade of coloured lithographs that you will see from that era. The card was addressed and a message written, although it does not appear to have been stamped or mailed. The addressee was Mr. J. P. Lemoine of Millbury, Mass., and the message is in French (and is actually just part of a message that was probably written across several card backs).

08 Dec 2013

288 visits

Sask St. Rosthern.

Card number 1101 published by J. A. Stewart, Rosthern, Sask. but probably a C. S. Co. card. A message in French written across the back. At left in the photo is the Imperial Bank of Canada.
15 items in total