The Senior Champions on the Red River, Winnipeg

Interesting postcard letters

18 Jul 2013

307 visits

The Senior Champions on the Red River, Winnipeg

Another in the "Beautiful Manitoba Series" published by Russell, Lang & Co. of Winnipeg, this time showing championship rowers out on the Red River. The message is amusing: "Oct. 22nd/04 Poplar Point / Dear Ethel, How did you enjoy yourself at the fair. I should like to know how many different young men you had to take you home. I like to keep up with the times. Fred" Referring to the image of the young oarsmen, he adds, mischievously, "Pick which you like, four for a Dime (5d)." This is addressed to Miss E. Stokes, 4 Poplar Grove, Narnabell St., Holderness Rd, Hull, Yorkshire, England. The postmark on the undivided back card appears to be October 25, 1904.

21 Oct 2013

273 visits

Toronto from Parliament Buildings

August 15, 1910 postmark at Toronto. A rather bitter letter: "228 Simcoe St., Toronto, Not., Aug. 15/10 Dear Mother, Many thanks for welcome letter and papers, got back to the city last night, the firm's advertising end has gone up and am without a job for a while. It is cursed hard luck for me anyhow, four of us got sacked at a moment's notice without any warning that is how they do things here in this country. Love to you all from your aff'te son Joe. Will write later, Joe." This was addressed to Mrs. Train, 76 Cecile Park, Crouch Hill, London N. England. Valentine & Sons card no. 100,500.

15 Nov 2013

291 visits

On Lake Joseph, Muskoka Lakes (100,518)

Postmarked at Toronto, November 7, 1906 "Nov. 7th 06 Another view of Muskoka Lakes by moonlight. Guess you had better start a "Canadian Book" for P.C.'s. What do you say? I am sending five [crossed out] six this time. Hope you get them all." The fortunate recipient was Miss D. Mulhern, Craignair, Higham Road, Woodford Green, Essex, England. Valentine & Sons no. 100,518.

30 Nov 2013

327 visits

Parc Lafontaine, Montreal (102,177)

Valentine & Sons card no. 102,177, posted July 7, 1910 to Miss Mossop, 8, Bank Terrace, Lindal in Furness, Lancashire, England: "Sorry I sent you two of the same kind. Have kept no record, and don't know what I have sent. Very good fo the junior F.C. Recognized them all. J.M."

08 Dec 2013

401 visits

Shipping headquarters, Wm. Pearson Co. Ltd. Last Mountain Lake, Sask.

A William Pearson Co. card, addressed in an unpracticed hand to Mr Peter Kreh, Bearlin [sic], Ont. "Strassburg, July 27 Dear Berother, I am going to stard work today in a feding Stabel this man has lots of hay to cut I am getting $40 a mont. but you better stay were you are I will write you lader a letter write soon John" The Berlin, Ont. receiver on the front of the card is dated July 29, 1911.

08 Dec 2013

376 visits

Elevators, Pierson

Mailed at Pierson, September 10, 1908 to Miss M. Morrow of Everett, Ontario. It is written in a very ornate hand: "Received your Card on the 9th of Sept. and was glad to hear from you. I knew Mrs. Murphy would soon have to quit the powder. I believe I could of got steam enough to suing her only for the powder. Suing him around and around (ha ha) is the pigs foot still on the go. I hear from Mary Wedick every week. I wrote to Mr. McK. sister but I have not a answer as yet also wrote to Miss Mary Emma Mitchell but still no answer [?]. I will close my face till another time I remain your old stand by, from (Thos.) Box 53 Pierson. If you got photo to spare don't forget me."

12 Jan 2014

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350 visits

Elk River Crossing, Dewdney Trail.

Postmarked at Moose Jaw, Sask., on Apr. 1, 1908 to Miss Hotchkiss, 44 Eaton Rise, Ealing, London, England: "Do not think for one moment that this scene is anywhere near where I am; if it was I would be happy. This prairie life gets very monotonous. Am glad to hear Grandfather keeps so well. Please give everyone my love. Am having very cold wintry weather. Am glad to report very good health. Harold."

10 Apr 2014

370 visits

Excursion Party at Arlington Beach, Last Mountain Lake, Sask.

Numbered 22905, "Compliments of Wm. Pearson & Co. Ltd., Winnipeg, Canada." Posted at Govan, Sask., May 28 of unclear year: "Arlington Beach, Sask: Dear Ida, You will see by address we have removed, we expect to stay here until Sept: it's just a dandy little summer resort, sixteen miles from the nearest town and 130 from Saskatoon but we have good time so don't care, write soon as we only get mail twice a week. Yours, Mabel."

10 Apr 2014

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244 visits

Grand View, Man.

Card by M. C. Prust, Druggist, Grand View, Man. Posted April 8, 1907 at Grand View to Miss Lena Callahan, Marmion, Ont.: "Dear Lena, this only shows about half of our town. The picture was taken three years ago that is taken off it is railway street the house all by itself by the back is the depot the store on the corner is where I boarded last winter I will put a mark under my bed room window they had three rooms over the store and I will put a mark where Aunties house it was not built when this was taken the nicest part of the town is now shown here it is just the business part so long from Nellie. Aunties is at the far end of the street I put A at it." "The rink is here" - notation at centre of image.
24 items in total