5618. [Sabotage of the Peabody Ltd. Factory, Walkerville, Ont.]

Year = 1915

18 Sep 2015

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183 visits

5618. [Sabotage of the Peabody Ltd. Factory, Walkerville, Ont.]

Very unusual card detailing the sabotage of the Peabody Ltd. Factory at Walkerville (Windsor), Ont. on 21 June 1915. Unused.

27 Mar 2016

264 visits

6799. National Patriotic Parade, July 1st, 1915

A group in some sort of ethnic dress. Maybe Masonic, a triangular sash with an "S" in the middle (of some but not all of them). No. 55 in the Charles A. Meyers series. This one was used. Postmarked August 23, 1915 to Miss R. Barr, Box 61, Sudbury, Ont.: "Dear Rosie, Just arrived at Winnipeg 2 clock Monday afternoon. Leaving here 11'clock tonight. Hoping you are well will write soon with love from Alf." Interesting that someone would have bought this card -- which depicts an event nearly two months before -- immediately on arriving in the city. So presumably Meyers had an outlet for the public sale of his postcards at or near one of the train stations. Note that my copy of card 39 in the series was posted just four days later (Aug. 27) by someone who'd also just arrived in the city. www.ipernity.com/doc/wintorbos/31336535//in/album/880636

27 Mar 2016

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6798. National Patriotic Parade, July 1st, 1915 [Ancient Order of Foresters' float]

The Ancient Order of Foresters with their appropriately forested float. Charles A. Meyers, photographer, no. 43 in the series.

13 Dec 2015

231 visits

6044. Canadian Building at the Pan.-Pac. Int. Expo. San Francisco, 1915.

A later Edward H. Mitchell card showing the impressive Canadian pavilion at the Pan-Pac Expo in 1915. Unused.

13 Dec 2015

203 visits

6043. Pavilion at Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco 1915

There were a lot of Panama-Pacific Expo cards for sale at the Market today. I liked this one for its association with the Methodist Church and the Abingdon Press, and also for its design and colouring. Unused.

23 Apr 2016

234 visits

6927. Merchants Bank of Canada, Brandon, Man. [110,222]

Valentine & Sons, no. 110,222, posted at Edmonton on Sept. 3, 1915 to Mrs Dalgelish, 1022 - 13 Ave W, Calgary, Alta. "Dear Mrs Dalgalish, How are you after the party. Miss Mawson's met us at the station so we are having a nice time. Expect to leave for home next week if all is well. It is cold here to day. Closing with love + best wishes, From your loving Friend, Mrs. Mary Currie"