Plowing and Disking   "Breaking" Moose Jaw District.

Year = 1908

Plowing and Disking "Breaking" Moose Jaw Distric…

21 Jun 2013 461
This is almost certainly a C.S. Co. card, although it is marked only with the distributor initials "L.R. 1475". Souch's C.S. Co. booklet records an "L.R." in Moose Jaw and while card 1475 is not recorded, card 1476 *is* in the list and is also an "L.R." from Moose Jaw. Presumably "L.R." is "Lewis Rice". The postcard has a Moose Jaw & Calgary R.P.O. postmark dated June 9, 1909 and is addressed to someone whose name looks like Mr. Lee Silliman Jr. of Toulon, Illinois, which is over by the Iowa border. It reads: "Moose Jaw - Dear Nephew, I remember once upon a [time] you wrote me a letter and I will now send you a card from the fields of Canada. There is just lots of beautiful prairie and it looks like a good chance for a young man to raise wheat in [?] a good time, Your aunt, Sarah."

[Hotel Hamilton, Neepawa, Man.]

16 Sep 2013 293
Very nice photo of the Hamilton Hotel, "Dan. Hamilton, prop." in Neepawa, Manitoba. Note the livery vehicle at right and the little wheeled cart that two boys appear to be riding along the sidewalk. Despite the fact that it was one of the larger towns in Manitoba at the time, cards from Neepawa from this era are not especially common.

[Hotel Hamilton, Neepawa, Man.] (back)

16 Sep 2013 301
Mailed November 23, 1908 at Neepawa with the message "Well, I thought you would like a Postal Card from Neepawa, so I send you this. J. E. Hughes." This is addressed to Miss Ella Weedy, 11th Street, Brandon.

A Boundry Line Post between Canada and United Stat…

28 Sep 2013 240
Undivided back, looks to be a U.S. card addressed to David Merrill, Chester Depot, Vermont, care of Aunt Emily from A.W. Davis. Dated June 15, 1908. Shows a boundary marker. The "Treaty of Washington" refers to the Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842 (as far as I can tell) and this would therefore be somewhere along the border of Maine with what is now Canada, as that contentious issue was what the Treaty settled.

Public Schools - 1906 -1907 - 1908 - Swift Current…

28 Sep 2013 292
Posted at Swift Current, May 26, 1908, this has a W.M.T.O. monogram in a circle on the back, which I suspect stands for William MacFarlane, Toronto, Ontario.

Bathing at Kew Beach, Toronto [reverse]

19 Oct 2013 215
"Dear Edie, This is where some of the people go to have a bath. And it is getting quite hot enough for it now. This is a new kind of card out + I know you will like it." Addressed to Miss E. Choppin, Man of Kent, High St. Eltham, Kent, England. Postmarked July 8, 1908.

Prospect Point, Niagara Falls.

19 Oct 2013 227
N. Co. card postmarked at Niagara Falls, Not., on Oct. 21, 1908. Message simply says: "Here today. Beyond words. J.W.B." Addressee is Master K. Bryan Smith, Edgerton, Dyke Road, Brighton, England.

Court House, London, Ont.

19 Oct 2013 1 256
Another letter by Montie Smith, dated November 15, 1908. Card by Red Star News Co., London, Ontario. No. 111805 and 151:07.

Bird's Eye view of London, looking East on King St…

19 Oct 2013 254
Red Star News Co., London, Ontario, numbered 148542 and 691:07. Long letter on the back dated October 11, 1908, notes the difficulty of obtaining a variety of postcards in the country. Letter from Montie Smith.

The Edmonton to Strathcona Ferry

28 Sep 2013 229
Mailed March 17, 1908 from Edmonton to Mrs. J. W. Brill of Bolton Centre, Quebec. No indication of maker.

Mississaqua, 1000 Islands, St. Lawrence River

28 Oct 2013 253
Postmarked at Montreal on October 27, 1908. Valentine & Sons no. 103,018. Addressed to Miss L. Price, 26 Arden Rd., Birchfields, Birmingham, England (one of many cards I have that were addressed to her).

Shadow River, Muskoka

29 Oct 2013 224
Warwick Bros. & Rutter no. 4592 S, mailed to Mrs. Dumpty-Wright, Wrentham, Wangford, Suffolk, England and postmarked at Seguin Falls, Ontario on Jan. 13, 1908.

Stock Round Up, Canadian North West.

03 Nov 2013 268
Warwick Bros. & Rutter no. 2807 S, postmarked at Londonderry, N.S. on Nov. 20, 1908, with a very long message to Medford, Mass.

G.T.R. Double Track through the Garden of Canada (…

23 Nov 2013 307
Interesting image of a Grand Trunk train. Posted at Hamilton, Ontario, May 3, 1908 to Miss W. Green, Danson Park Stables, Welling, Kent, England. No. 102,198 in the Valentine & Sons series. Undivided back.

South Railway St., From the Mill, Boissevain, Man.

03 Nov 2013 221
Another card sent to Miss Agnes Smith of London, Ont. in August 1908. No indication of the publisher.

Wilkes Dam, Brantford, Ont.

30 Nov 2013 217
Published exclusively for S. H. Knox & Co., printed in Germany. Posted May 18, 1908 at Stratford, Ont.: "Dear win, I trust you are all well. Suppose you have nice weather now. Out hear [sic] is enough to bake us, expect a good season this year everything looks swell, I guess we are going to make up for last year. With love to all your loving sister." This was addressed to Miss Green, Danson Park, Welling, Kent, England.

Elevators, Pierson

08 Dec 2013 376
Mailed at Pierson, September 10, 1908 to Miss M. Morrow of Everett, Ontario. It is written in a very ornate hand: "Received your Card on the 9th of Sept. and was glad to hear from you. I knew Mrs. Murphy would soon have to quit the powder. I believe I could of got steam enough to suing her only for the powder. Suing him around and around (ha ha) is the pigs foot still on the go. I hear from Mary Wedick every week. I wrote to Mr. McK. sister but I have not a answer as yet also wrote to Miss Mary Emma Mitchell but still no answer [?]. I will close my face till another time I remain your old stand by, from (Thos.) Box 53 Pierson. If you got photo to spare don't forget me."

Drying Nets, Jack Fish, Lake Superior

10 Jan 2014 267
Valentine & Sons card no. 100,521 (last three digits hard to make out), this was mailed at Jasper, Ont. on May 14, 1908 to J. P. Moore Esq., c/o Messrs Arbuthnot Latham Co., 33 Great St. Helens, London E.C., England.

42 items in total