Main St., Ninga, Man. from the East.

Animal = Dog

27 Jun 2013

691 visits

Main St., Ninga, Man. from the East.

Winnipeg Photo Co. card #1107 dated 1908, showing the main street of Ninga, Manitoba. Inscribed on reverse "Uncle Richard, from Charlie".

13 Feb 2014

209 visits

Canadian Homestead Life - Returning from the Woods (103,041)

Very nice Homestead Life card, posted at Jordan Station, Ont. June 22, 1910 to Miss Bertha Hamdeman, 172 Riley Street, Buffalo, N. Y.: "Hello Bertha, I am at Jordon for two week wish you and the girls where here, and I am having a good time every body is well here. Ans. before the first of July (Howard)". The name "H. J. Overholt" is pencilled in beneath this.

28 May 2014

199 visits

A Temagami Garden Family, Temagami District

Grand Trunk Railway System card published by Johnston's Art Stores, Niagara Falls, N.Y. and posted in South Brooksville, Maine on Sept. 1, 1906 to Mrs. L. A. Hopkins of North Sullivan, Maine. Undivided back.

26 May 2014

166 visits

Partridge Shooting 5628

Interesting Stedman card ... see details of reverse.

17 Jun 2014

250 visits

Montreal Chateau de Ramezay

Tuck OIlette "Montreal" series 2553, addressed to Mr. M. L. Hunt, Norwich, N.Y. and posted at Toronto on August 13, 1908: "Awful swift time".

13 Aug 2014

279 visits

Jack Fish Tunnel - Lake Superior.

Published by The Federated Press, Limited of Montreal, of which I've not heard before. Clearly torn out of a booklet.

08 Nov 2014

265 visits

4429. This is the Place to Buck You Up [Moose Jaw]

Winnipeg & Moose Jaw RPO postmark, July 30, 1914. Addressed to Mrs John Langlois, 240 Wellington N., Hamilton, Ontario -- Dear Sister, Rec'd your card O.K. What is the matter with Mother, Yours, Will." Valentine Series card (Great Britain printing), no 80070 (under dog at left).

23 Apr 2016

245 visits

6925. Rosser Avenue, looking East, Brandon, Man. [105,240]

Posted to Hr. Direckor A. Knudsen, Villa "Merlon", Dutzfeldsalle 17, Hellerup, Denmark, Europe, from Miniota, Man. on 22/5/1913 with a letter to "Onkel Anton" from E. L. Landorph. Written in Danish. Valentine & Sons, no. 105,240. Is the placement of the two signs at right and left accidental? They actually appear to be some sort of box, like a small mailbox or, perhaps more likely, a refuse container. I suppose that advertising space was sold on them, whatever they are. They didn't miss many chances to slap advertising on things in those days.