Main St., Ninga, Man. from the East.

Publisher = Winnipeg Photo Co.

Folder: Publishers
Cards by the Winnipeg Photo Co. of Napinka, Manitoba or its principals, Saunders and Eaton.

27 Jun 2013

691 visits

Main St., Ninga, Man. from the East.

Winnipeg Photo Co. card #1107 dated 1908, showing the main street of Ninga, Manitoba. Inscribed on reverse "Uncle Richard, from Charlie".

18 Jun 2013

524 visits

Looking East on Railway Ave. Frobisher

Frobisher is a village of 145 (2006) in southern Saskatchewan between Oxbow and Estevan. It is found on Highway 18. This postcard was mailed on August 25, 1910 at Hirsch, SK to Miss Annie Duff,, Gassfield P. O., Ont. with the message" Hirsh Sask. August 28, 1910 Sent you a card a few weeks ago hope you will let us hear from you soon, with best regards L.K." The card is numbered "8" (in a Frobisher series, presumably) and is almost certainly the work of Winnipeg Photo Co. of Napinka. It has an unusual "Canada Post Card" undivided back.

08 Jul 2013

324 visits

The Broadway, Ninga

Winnipeg Photo card no. 1088, sent to Miss Hunt, Abbey Mills, West Ham, London with the message: "Aunt Annie, from Stanley".

28 Sep 2013


250 visits

North-East Residence District, Weyburn

24 Oct 2013

342 visits

Qu'appelle St., Qu'appelle.

Postmarked in August 1912 at Eyebrow, Saskatchewan and addressed to Mrs. A. Hailstone, Carling, Ontario (Parry Sound District). A branch of the Northern Bank is at right. The card appears to be in the Winnipeg Photo Co. series but is not marked as such. It is numbered 699. It is attributed to W. H. Hunter. The Central Drug Hall appears in the centre of the photo, so it is possible that W. H. Hunter could have been the proprietor of that shop.

10 Sep 2013

260 visits

Roadway near Ninette

Rustic scene, presumably by Winnipeg Photo Co. Numbered "No. 33".

08 Dec 2013

266 visits

Gainsboro, Sask.

Posted at Gainsborough, August 13, 1907 to Miss G. J. Elder c/o M. R. A. Ltd. St. John, N.B.: "Hello Tessie: How is every one these days? Am back to work again + feeling fine. Remember me to all, Harry." Winnipeg Photo Co. card no. 364.

08 Dec 2013

334 visits

C. P. R. Yards and Elevators, Deloraine.

Unused Winnipeg Photo Co. card, no. 126.

08 Dec 2013

376 visits

Elevators, Pierson

Mailed at Pierson, September 10, 1908 to Miss M. Morrow of Everett, Ontario. It is written in a very ornate hand: "Received your Card on the 9th of Sept. and was glad to hear from you. I knew Mrs. Murphy would soon have to quit the powder. I believe I could of got steam enough to suing her only for the powder. Suing him around and around (ha ha) is the pigs foot still on the go. I hear from Mary Wedick every week. I wrote to Mr. McK. sister but I have not a answer as yet also wrote to Miss Mary Emma Mitchell but still no answer [?]. I will close my face till another time I remain your old stand by, from (Thos.) Box 53 Pierson. If you got photo to spare don't forget me."
14 items in total