[Norwood, Ont.???]

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11 Apr 2014

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[Norwood, Ont.???]

Posted at Norwood, Ont., June 5, 1906. It looks like it could well be from there: e.g. this photo from Google Maps www.google.ca/maps/@44.385833,-77.97821,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m5!1e2!3m3!1s20886827!2e1!3e10 The card has an undivided back and was postmarked June 6, 1906 to Mr. E. H. Rowntree, 358 Donald St., Winnipeg, Man. and readdressed to the Kings Hotel, Dauphin. The message reads: "One I took just after the sun had set. E. S. F."

10 Apr 2014

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244 visits

Grand View, Man.

Card by M. C. Prust, Druggist, Grand View, Man. Posted April 8, 1907 at Grand View to Miss Lena Callahan, Marmion, Ont.: "Dear Lena, this only shows about half of our town. The picture was taken three years ago that is taken off it is railway street the house all by itself by the back is the depot the store on the corner is where I boarded last winter I will put a mark under my bed room window they had three rooms over the store and I will put a mark where Aunties house it was not built when this was taken the nicest part of the town is now shown here it is just the business part so long from Nellie. Aunties is at the far end of the street I put A at it." "The rink is here" - notation at centre of image.

10 Sep 2013

375 visits

[Winnipeg, Man. aerial (one panel)]

This is just one panel of what would have been a multi-panel Winnipeg card likely by C. S. Co. (although the back of this section of the card is not the panel with the publisher information or the address). The message reads, October 32, November 1, 1908: Once again it is hello Cousin Louise. Received your card of the old wreck are you there yourself? If you are you don't look like any of our family. Suppose you will laugh at the idea of us calling this a city but it really extends farther in the opposite direction than the way it is taken, however we will not compare it with New York at all. Warren."

10 May 2014

214 visits

Children's Hospital, Toronto.

Image of Children's Hospital, with message about how the writer passes it on her way to music lessons. I pass it myself on the way to work which is why I liked this one. The card is by The Picture Postcard Co. of Ottawa, and is number 539 in the Imperial Series.

30 May 2014

274 visits

Ice Breaker, Osborne Bridge

This is what is known as Armstrongs Point, south west of the City. This is all frozen over now. Thermometer Reg[isters] 27 deg. of frost tonight. The Ice is about 18" thick; it will average 4 + 5 ft. You see the Cross on the picture. This is Miss Spence's house made fully modern this spring. We have done the painting. The picture shows the River fully 15 ft. above the ordinary level." This message is across the entire back so there is no indicate of sender's or recipient's names. On the front is noted, "These Photos were printed in England". No indication of the publisher. It is an undivided back card.

09 Dec 2014

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4558. Scene at Deer Lodge, a Winnipeg Suburb

Posted November 15, 1906 on a Cyko back to Master Leslie Beal, Kent Coast College, Hern Bay, England. "With love from Alice. The cars also run out here. They keep buffalo, deer and a black bear at Deer Lodge. It is a fine ride there and back on the bicycle."

16 Mar 2015

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4981. [Stony Mountain Prison]

Postmarked at Stony Mountain (split-ring) Sept. 2, 1909 to Master Leslie Rile, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, U.S.A.: "Dear Leslie, I sent you the prison stables before - This is the prison, wall and workshop - The centre building is the prison (the back of it) the workshops are nearer the road the warden's house is shown away in the distance - The fence in the foreground surrounds one of the guards (or officers) house, Love to all, Aunt Mary"