Moose Jaw, Sask.

Canadian Pacific Railway

Any postcard related to the CPR.

18 Jun 2013

263 visits

Moose Jaw, Sask.

This unused multiview is divided back and produced by the Albertype Co. of Brooklyn, N.Y. It appears to be a U.S. card. The lower image is identified as a "Porter Photo".

18 Oct 2013

216 visits

North Shore, Lake Superior, on Canadian Pacific Railway

Postmarked at Cranbrook, B.C. on May 2, 1904, this undivided back "Canadian Souvenir Post Card" (unusual back design featuring a drawing of a beaver) was addressed to Mr. H. Bushel, 26 Berryfield Road, Manor Place, Walworth, London.

19 Oct 2013

294 visits

Moraine Lake, from Summit of Trail, Laggan, Alberta

Postmarked in November 1906 at Winnipeg to Miss Lunn, Hambledon Cottage, Droxford, Hants, G.B. and co-branded with the C.P.R. This is Valentine & Sons card n. 100,445.

23 Nov 2013

239 visits

Along the Fraser Canyon, showing Four Tunnels, Canadian Rockies (107,245)

Unused card no. 100,295.

23 Nov 2013

242 visits

C.P.R. Train "Imperial Limited" leaving Loop Tunnel, Field Hill (107,232)

I have two of these, both unused, no. 107,232 of Valentine & Sons.

23 Nov 2013

344 visits

Imperial Limited Trans-Continental Express, Montreal to Vancouver (100,044)

Valentine & Sons no. 100,044: "This is the very sort of train I spent a week in they are very big engines out here the one we came by was froze once and would not go." Undivided back, not addressed or posted.

08 Dec 2013

334 visits

C. P. R. Yards and Elevators, Deloraine.

Unused Winnipeg Photo Co. card, no. 126.

24 May 2013


288 visits

C. R. P. Viaduc [CPR Viaduct] - Winnipeg.

Nice De Nobele card (no. 33) of the CPR subway on Main Street. It was mailed in Gravesend (England) on May 31, 1906 to Matron, Port of London Hospital, Gravesend. There is no message.

10 Jan 2014

267 visits

Drying Nets, Jack Fish, Lake Superior

Valentine & Sons card no. 100,521 (last three digits hard to make out), this was mailed at Jasper, Ont. on May 14, 1908 to J. P. Moore Esq., c/o Messrs Arbuthnot Latham Co., 33 Great St. Helens, London E.C., England.
30 items in total