Melbourne Street, Sherbrooke, Que.


19 Aug 2013

252 visits

Melbourne Street, Sherbrooke, Que.

Unused card marked "Valentine's Series (Britain) and additionally marked "Published by W. H. Griffith, Sherbrooke, Que." Another version of the same card that I have (which is coloured) was postmarked in 1906. The reason I have the card is that this is the street that my grandfather lived on as a boy, right around this time (he would have been 15 in 1906). It was a long post road that began in central Sherbrooke and made its way to Melbourne, a town to the north where my grandfather's parents had, incidentally, been married in 1886. There is no Melbourne Street anymore since it was broken up into a number of smaller streets to better fit the city's grid pattern as Sherbrooke grew. Interestingly, my grandfather's house (then known as 28 Melbourne) is one of the row houses shown just at right. The face of the kid looking at the camera reminds me of him ... but that would be too much to ask for. Here is a great view of the exact same scene today from Google Earth. Other than the paved street and the loss of the house in the right foreground (as well as some of the street straightening mentioned above), it is virtually an identical scene over a century later: View Larger Map

22 Aug 2013


341 visits

Winnipeg - Main street East Side [front]

Nice Ed Justement image of Main Street, showing the Palace Hotel. This is taken from the CPR Bridge, I expect. It is looking north from the subway. The receipt stamp is dated December 19, 1905 at Saintes-Charente-Inférieure, France. Here the Belgian printer seems to have believed that "Ed. Justement" stood for éditions Justement, which would mean "Justement Publishing (Co.)", and took it on itself to expand the abbreviation to "Edit." Of course it actually stood for "Edmond".

08 Dec 2013

278 visits

High Street, Looking West, Moose Jaw, Sask.

Nice, bright colouring job on this one, which isn't identified with a publisher. Looks to be c. 1920 and has no. 105936 on the back, which looks like a Valentine image number.

14 Dec 2013

232 visits

Avenue Road & St. Paul's Methodist Church, Toronto, Canada.

Valentine & Sons card no. 104,491, posted Oct. 14, 1914 to Mr. E. Coles, Bibury, Fairford, Glrs [Gloucestershire], England with a brief message from his sister. Bibury is between Oxford and Cheltenham.

24 May 2013

249 visits

Main Street, Winnipeg, looking North from Portage Avenue

Unused C. S. & Co. card, showing the McIntyre Block.

12 Jan 2014

308 visits

Children's Hospital & College St., Toronto. (101,789)

Valentine & Sons card showing the Hospital for Sick Children building that is now the Canadian Blood Services building at College and Elizabeth Streets.

10 Apr 2014

226 visits

Granville Street showing Post Office, C.P.R. Depot, and Bank of Commerce, Vancouver, B.C. [105,701]

Unused Valentine & Sons card, no. 105.701, showing Vancouver, B.C.

28 Aug 2013

196 visits

College Street at McCaul, Toronto, Canada.

Nice view of College Street looking east, I think, from McCaul. Valentine & Sons card no. 109,433.

28 Aug 2013

204 visits

College Street at Spadina, Toronto.

Looking north up Spadina toward the College-Spadina intersection. Valentine & Sons card no. 101,783.
17 items in total