Ice Leaving Assiniboine, Winnipeg

Heraldic cards

09 Jul 2013

241 visits

Ice Leaving Assiniboine, Winnipeg

Posted March 2, 1906, this embossed card by Novelty Souvenir Co. was sent to Dorothy but intended for "Harry", as the letter states: "Dear Dorothy, I am sending this P.P.C. for Harry. I sent one to you at the beginning of the week. Your letter to H arrived safely yesterday. He is working at the other end of City, (still for the C.P.R. you know) therefore is feeling too tired to wrie when he gets home. He thought you would be anxious if you did not get a reply as quickly as previous letters . He will write to you next week. Fondest love from us both, H + E." Exactly where the photo is on the Assiniboine is unclear, although my guess would be that that is the Main Street Bridge -- not sure, but if it were the case then "ice leaving Assiniboine" would be literally true.

23 Jul 2013

289 visits

Toronto University, Toronto, Canada

Private Mailing Card of the University of Toronto (University College). A U.S. card circa 1900 by Arthur Strauss, Inc. of New York. No. 137. Unused undivided back.

17 Sep 2013

260 visits

The Experimental Farm, Brandon, Man.

An unused Russell Lang & Co. card (no. 154) on an undivided "Canadian Souvenir Post Card" back. This is for those with an interest in the Brandon Experimental Farm.

28 Sep 2013

294 visits

General Hospital, Brandon, Man.

An early Warwick Bros. & Rutter undivided back card, no. 172, depicting the Brandon General Hospital. The addressee was Miss Stella Lawrence, 15 Laval Ave., Montreal (Miss Lawrence's postcard collection pops up quite a lot ... she must have had a lot of them). The writer of this card appears to realize that Stella is interested in receiving more: "Will try to send you some more cards before then." The card is postmarked at Brandon on October 1, 1905.

28 Sep 2013

284 visits

Main Street, Boissevain

Card showing Boissevain's Main Street, mailed there on June 26, 1905 to Miss Ella Giffard, Highfield, Bishop's Waltham, Hants, England.

19 Oct 2013

239 visits

Changing Guard at Citadel, Halifax, N.S.

Warwick Bros. & Rutter card no. 390, unused. Divided back.

19 Oct 2013

246 visits

Threshing Scene, Western Canada

Warwick Bros. & Rutter card no. 170, undivided back, with message: "Dear Dais, Just a veiw [sic] of the Canadian thresher men don't they look a busy set they [come?] about for a day hope you are quite well. Len." Addressed to Mrs S. Minter, Sweffling, Saxmundham.

19 Oct 2013

725 visits

Looking west, Calgary, N.W.T.

September 10, 1905 postmark, a few days after Alberta became a province. Addressed to Miss Bell, 1 Aurs Road, Barrhead, Scotland. Warwick Bros. & Rutter card no. 380, with an ink-stamp (see top of card) of D. J. Young & Co of Calgary.

19 Oct 2013

260 visits

Parliament Buildings, Fredericton, N.B.

Warwick Bros. & Rutter card no. 354, undivided back, unused.
30 items in total