Bulls, Experimental Farm, Indian Head, Assiniboia.

Valentine 100,000+ numbered series

Bulls, Experimental Farm, Indian Head, Assiniboia.

08 Jul 2013 292
Unused Valentine & Sons card, no. 100,391 and likely dating to about 1905 (as the reference to "Assiniboia" suggests).

Steamer "Winnitoba" on Red River, Winnipeg, Man.

11 Jul 2013 693
Valentine & Sons card no. 105,147 posted on September 11, 1912 at St. Boniface, Man. to Mr. Justus Morria, Acton Vale, Quebec, with a message in French. The Winnitoba was a popular passenger vessel owned by the Hyland family. It mainly carried passengers from central Winnipeg to the Hyland amusement park downstream around Middlechurch. This card provides a nice view of the ship, which sailed for only a couple of seasons before being destroyed in a fire.

A View through the trees of Fort Rouge Park, Winni…

22 Aug 2013 315
Mailed on February 4, 1914 to Miss Fraser, c/o Miss Charlton, 138 Allcroft Rd, Gospel Oak N.W., London, England. Nice view of Fort Rouge Park. Valentine & Sons card no. 109,521.

A Corner in Central Park, Winnipeg, Man.

22 Aug 2013 221
Valentine card no. 105.156, showing the bandshell at Central Park with the Warwick Apartments in the background.

University of Manitoba, Review of High School Cade…

23 Aug 2013 1 343
Posted September 6, 1911 at Winnipeg: "Arrived O.K. Didn't miss my train. Am enjoying every minute. Saw Ricahrds yesterday + was speaking to Mr. Black over the phone. Muriel M. Bliss" Addressed to P. Q. M. S. Carmen, Militia Dept., Ottawa, Ont. P.O.O.'s office. The image seems to show the houses and other buildings along Osborne Street North, behind the U of M building (in what is now Memorial Park). Valentine & Sons card no. 105,781. This event took place on October 7, 1909. The schools involved were: Aberdeen, Alexander, Argyle, Carlton, Dufferin, Gladstone, Isbister, Somerset, John M. King, King Edward, Lord Selkirk, Luxton, Machray, Mulvey, Norquay, Pinkham, Strathcona, Victoria and Wellington.

Manitoba Government Telephone Building, Winnipeg,…

28 Sep 2013 289
Valentine & Sons 105,183, showing the Telephone Building on Cumberland Avenue (I believe it is). Card mailed January 22, 1910 to Miss Fay Winslow, Chelsea Green P.O., London, Ontario. "London" is written in a rather low-slung hand that made it look a lot like "Windsor", where in fact the card was sent, as indicated by the Windsor receiver. There is a very faint stamp next to this showing a hand with a finger pointing at the Windsor receiver. Inscribed in the hand is the word "Missent" and next to it is some sort of text that starts with "Please ..." It is too faint to make out. I've never seen this "hand" stamp before.

McIntyre Block, Winnipeg, Man.

01 Oct 2013 272
Valentine & Sons card 105,777 showing the McIntyre Block on Main Street, Winnipeg. Unused.

Governor-General's Body Guards, Toronto, Canada

09 Oct 2013 1 572
Beat up but nice image of the Governor-General's Body Guards marching down a street (Yonge?) in Toronto. Valentine & Sons card no. 105,770. Unused. Lots of great signs in this shot.

A Street in Cobalt, Ont.

18 Oct 2013 2 308
Mailed at Haileybury, Ont., May 9, 1909 to Miss Edna Hemphill, 651 South 3rd East St, Salt Lake City, Utah. Valentine & Sons no. 102,464 with additional mention of The Canada Railway News Co., Toronto.

St James Cathedral, Toronto, Canada

19 Oct 2013 254
Unused Valentine & Sons oval with the number 107,161, showing St. James Cathedral.

First Capilano Canyon, Vancouver, B.C.

19 Oct 2013 215
Unused Valentine & Sons card no. 101,606.

Moraine Lake, from Summit of Trail, Laggan, Albert…

19 Oct 2013 294
Postmarked in November 1906 at Winnipeg to Miss Lunn, Hambledon Cottage, Droxford, Hants, G.B. and co-branded with the C.P.R. This is Valentine & Sons card n. 100,445.

Elliot Memorial Home, Guelph, Ont., Canada

19 Oct 2013 222
Valentine card 106,579, unused.

Victoria Park, London, Canada

19 Oct 2013 231
Valentine & Sons card 102,181, showing Victoria Park in London, Ontario.

103,432 - Baptist Church, Stratford, Canada.

17 Oct 2013 284
This is a Valentine & Sons card that is credited to H. Knox & Co. of Kingston on the back. Unused, except for the notation "From Annie" on the reverse.

103,697 - Kingston Mills, Rideau Lakes, Ont.

17 Oct 2013 281
This is a Valentine & Sons card that is credited to H. Knox & Co. of Kingston on the back. Unused.

Niagara from Canadian Side

21 Oct 2013 254
Postmarked August 13, 1906 at Mimico to Master A. Smith, 5 Blenheim Rd, Reading, Berks., England. Valentine & Sons no. 100,481.

Royal Canadian Yacht Club, Centre Island, Toronto,…

21 Oct 2013 274
Valentine & Sons no. 112,236 with a brief message across the back.

151 items in total