Saskatoon Ferry

Year = 1906

Saskatoon Ferry

02 Jul 2013 478
An early Saskatoon real photo card, postmarked June 4, 1906 and addressed to MIss Ella MIghton, Muir, Ont., but with no message (as it's an undivided back card). This shows a ferry crossing the South Saskatchewan River.

Farm of H. Dorell, near Moose Jaw, Assa., Canada

21 Jun 2013 438
Another in the "Government Agent" series, this one happily has a postmark: Oxford, May 9, 1906. Very often these cards weren't actually mailed. The card is addressed to Miss A. A. Pasten, Carlingford, Sidcup and has the message: "Thank you so much for your kind invite. Shan't be able to accept now as I am off to Canada for a 3 months trip the end of the month - Else I had hoped to descend upon you for a night or two! Love from H.G.L."

Ice Leaving Assiniboine, Winnipeg

09 Jul 2013 241
Posted March 2, 1906, this embossed card by Novelty Souvenir Co. was sent to Dorothy but intended for "Harry", as the letter states: "Dear Dorothy, I am sending this P.P.C. for Harry. I sent one to you at the beginning of the week. Your letter to H arrived safely yesterday. He is working at the other end of City, (still for the C.P.R. you know) therefore is feeling too tired to wrie when he gets home. He thought you would be anxious if you did not get a reply as quickly as previous letters . He will write to you next week. Fondest love from us both, H + E." Exactly where the photo is on the Assiniboine is unclear, although my guess would be that that is the Main Street Bridge -- not sure, but if it were the case then "ice leaving Assiniboine" would be literally true.

Brookside Cemetery - Winnipeg

09 Jul 2013 2 242
Card 12 in the De Nobele series is Brookside Cemetery. This one was mailed on March 26 (year missing but 1906 would be most likely) to Miss D. Worfolk, 5 Browning Road, Enfield, Middx., Englad, with the message: "Dear Do, I am sending you another with this one to make up for some you have not had." Perhaps "Do" was a collector.

New C.P.R. Station - Winnipeg.

31 Jul 2013 237
Number 13 in the De Nobele series, showing the brand new (and still not quite finished) Canadian Pacific Railway station on Higgins Avenue in Winnipeg. This was mailed on June 12, 1906 to Miss H. Butcher, 31 Ballingdon Rd., Clapham Com., London S. W. England without a message.

Winnipeg - Ogilvie's Mill

22 Aug 2013 250
Another Ed. Justement card, sent by A. Gay (see back).

St. Mary's Academy

22 Aug 2013 390
Number 15 in this Russell, Lang & Co. series. Dated Jan. 4, 1906 and mailed to Miss Sawdy, The Manse, Nayland, Colchester (Essex) England.

Ottawa - Birdseye View

22 Aug 2013 427
Nice Illustrated Post Card Co. (Montreal) image of Ottawa. Posted there on May 16, 1906 to Mr. A. Nunn, 45 Hargurgne St., Brixton, London, S.W., England. That is Parliament Hill and in particular the West Block of Parliament (with a bit of the Centre Block -- destroyed by fire a decade later -- in the left foreground).

Harvesting Scene

17 Sep 2013 1 340
Number 16 in the monochrome Russell, Lang & Co. series. This was mailed October 21, 1906 in Winnipeg to Miss Mary Simpson, Burnbank Cottages, Langloan, Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, Scotland, from a J.L. c//o Mrs M. Rowden, 295 Isabel Str., Winnipeg, who wrote: "You will be thinking I have forgot you all together allways getting word from A. Getting along all right up here. Not as nice as Ontario. This is one of our harvesting scenes. Hoping this finds you all well."

Birds' Eye View of Regina, Sask., Looking East

28 Sep 2013 271
Unused Warwick Bros. & Rutter card no. 1935.

Minnedosa, Man. - The Town Among the Hills

09 Oct 2013 231
Card no. 4274, Illustrated Post Card Co. of Montreal. Divided back but no message (as it was being sent outside the country). Addressee: Miss Willmott-Dixon, The Cottage, High Hurst Wood, Buxted, Sussex, England. Mailed at Bethany, Manitoba, August 28, 1906, with a transit cancel at Neepawa the same day. The history of Bethany school is given here. The hamlet appears to have had its day. Minnedosa, of course, is still going strong.

Moraine Lake, from Summit of Trail, Laggan, Albert…

19 Oct 2013 294
Postmarked in November 1906 at Winnipeg to Miss Lunn, Hambledon Cottage, Droxford, Hants, G.B. and co-branded with the C.P.R. This is Valentine & Sons card n. 100,445.

Niagara from Canadian Side

21 Oct 2013 254
Postmarked August 13, 1906 at Mimico to Master A. Smith, 5 Blenheim Rd, Reading, Berks., England. Valentine & Sons no. 100,481.

Deer Lodge, at Silver Heights, Winnipeg.

28 Sep 2013 265
MacFarlane card HA.110. The stamp has been removed but there is enough of the cancellation to show that it was sent or received in December 1906. The message on the front is presumably in Flemish. The sender is J. B. Vigneron of St. Boniface and the recipient appears to be a Mr. St. Elfons Van de Broeck (?), "school master"), Lovenjoul by Leuven, Belgium. The handwriting is difficult to read. The card is quite intricately coloured, making for a convincing overall effect. Same image on (possibly the work of Barrowclough).

On Lake Joseph, Muskoka Lakes (100,518)

15 Nov 2013 291
Postmarked at Toronto, November 7, 1906 "Nov. 7th 06 Another view of Muskoka Lakes by moonlight. Guess you had better start a "Canadian Book" for P.C.'s. What do you say? I am sending five [crossed out] six this time. Hope you get them all." The fortunate recipient was Miss D. Mulhern, Craignair, Higham Road, Woodford Green, Essex, England. Valentine & Sons no. 100,518.

Bala Falls, Muskoka Lakes (100,516)

15 Nov 2013 303
Valentine & Sons no. 100,516, with message as follows: "Many thanks for the very pretty p.c. received this morning. Gladys Stewart." This was sent to Mis M. A. Bayley, 4 Duke Street, St. James, London, England. The date on the front is May 1, 1906. The back is a Valentine & Sons back I'm not sure I've seen before, with the word CANADIAN set in small letters, all caps above the words POST CARD in larger upper case letters.

Rapids, Musquosh River, Muskoka (100,979)

23 Nov 2013 236
Posted at Bala, Ont., on September 10, 1906, with an image depicting a wedding glued on the back (it's a rather sombre depiction) and the message: '"Lead us not into Temptation" Dear Beatie, hope this will not hurt your feelings but you know when an occasion comes my way like this I must use it. Kind regards to Percy guess he'll be knocking the stuffing out of me. Love to Ma + Pa hope to hear from them soon. George.' To Miss B. Gent, 1 Tendring Villas, Church Road, Clacton on Sea, Essex, England.

Ice Mountain - Niagara Falls.

23 Nov 2013 242
Postmarked January 30, 1906 at Toronto, to C. E. Roubaud Esq., 25 Strand Road, Calcutta, India: "Many thanks. Have you ever been to Canada? This ice mountain is wonderful. It did not form this year owing to our very mild winter. You can see the water falling to right of picture (Miss) Bessie Brock." [presumably a postcard exchange]

49 items in total