Melbourne Street, Sherbrooke, Que.


Melbourne Street, Sherbrooke, Que.

19 Aug 2013 252
Unused card marked "Valentine's Series (Britain) and additionally marked "Published by W. H. Griffith, Sherbrooke, Que." Another version of the same card that I have (which is coloured) was postmarked in 1906. The reason I have the card is that this is the street that my grandfather lived on as a boy, right around this time (he would have been 15 in 1906). It was a long post road that began in central Sherbrooke and made its way to Melbourne, a town to the north where my grandfather's parents had, incidentally, been married in 1886. There is no Melbourne Street anymore since it was broken up into a number of smaller streets to better fit the city's grid pattern as Sherbrooke grew. Interestingly, my grandfather's house (then known as 28 Melbourne) is one of the row houses shown just at right. The face of the kid looking at the camera reminds me of him ... but that would be too much to ask for. Here is a great view of the exact same scene today from Google Earth. Other than the paved street and the loss of the house in the right foreground (as well as some of the street straightening mentioned above), it is virtually an identical scene over a century later: View Larger Map

Québec, Pris du Parlement.

18 Oct 2013 253
This card was mailed at Quebec City on September 22, 1905 and addressed to Mademoiselle Marie Gallery des Granges à Cigné (something I can't make out), Mayenne, France. The card is printed entirely in French and was published by Pruneau & Kirouac of Quebec.

Cape Trinity. Saguenay River.

19 Oct 2013 196
Has both a Montreal Import Co. label and a "Published by J. P. Garneau, Quebec" label. Mailed at Quebec City, July 28, 1903 to Miss Florrie Knight, "Chierden", Gordon Road, Cowes, Isle of Wight, England. Undivided back "Private Post Card".

Wolfe's Monument, Plains of Abraham, Quebec, Canad…

19 Oct 2013 258
Postmarked at Quebec, August 28, 1909, a Warwick Bros. & Rutter card (no. 466) with the intricate Warwick back. Writer notes "This city is full of charm" -- addressed to Mrs. Oscar Beebe, Orient Point, Long Island, New York.

Montreal, Victoria Bridge - Pont Victoria

19 Oct 2013 292
Weiss Import Co., Montreal, no. 103, unused.

Quebec Bridge - Pont Quebec

19 Oct 2013 242
Weiss Import Co., Montreal, no. 113, unused.

Montreal, Bleury Street - rue Bleury

19 Oct 2013 325
Weiss Import Co., Montreal, no. 136, unused. Likely 1920s.

Mount Royal from Notre Dame Tower, Montreal

21 Oct 2013 204
Mailed at Montreal, July 24 (year unreadable) to Miss L. Price, 26 Arden Road, Birchfields, Birmingham, England. Valentine & Sons no. 106,119.


19 Oct 2013 238
Illustrated Post Card Co. of Montreal, divided back, unused.

Chateau Frontenac and Lower Quebec

30 Oct 2013 209
Postmarked Sept. 5, 1907 at Quebec and mailed to Miss Ethel Bryant, L. Fassmont St., Woburn, Mass. This is Tuck "Oilette" no. 2559 (each of the Quebec City cards has this same number).

St. James' Cathedral, Montreal

22 Nov 2013 234
Postmarked at Brantford, August 17, 1907, a Valentine & Sons undivided back card with the 100,000 series number cut off at lower right. Published for the Canada Railway News Co., Ltd., Toronto and addressed to Miss E. Niven, 16 Wellington St., Greenock, Scotland R. G.

Montreal from Mount Royal

22 Nov 2013 245
Valentine & Sons divided-back card no. 100,075, mailed at Montreal on February 15, 1906. Addressed to Miss Seymour, 20 Manchester Square, London W., England with the message: "D. S. Just a P.C. hope you are well we are all fine having lots of snow yesterday and to day hoping to see you soon. Best regards to all. Yours T. P. M. (??), From Montreal."

Entrance to the Johnstown Flood, Dominion Park, Mo…

30 Nov 2013 1 605
Valentine & Sons no. 101,620, showing a Johnstown Flood exhibit in Montreal. Message readers "Have received your Photo. It's very good indeed. This place is something like your White City I guess. They charge 15c to see this show, but it's very good indeed, all miniature people, railway trains etc." Addressed to Miss M. S. H. Harris, 24 Cornbrook Park Rd., Old Trefford, Manchester, England and postmarked Lachine Locks, Que., on July 19, 1907.

Windsor Hotel from St. James Cathedral, Montreal (…

30 Nov 2013 309
Valentine & Sons card 106,131, posted on May 18, 1913 at Montreal to Miss Phyllis Prior, 19 Grosvenor Road, Westcliffe-on-Sea Essex, England. "The Windsor Hotel, Montreal, P.Q. Sunday. I have got to spend all day here and find it pretty hard to kill time -- I wish I could take "theh darling" for a walk on the front. It is nice + warm here. Sunny now tho' very wet when I arrived this morning. Best love, C."

Parc Lafontaine, Montreal (102,177)

30 Nov 2013 327
Valentine & Sons card no. 102,177, posted July 7, 1910 to Miss Mossop, 8, Bank Terrace, Lindal in Furness, Lancashire, England: "Sorry I sent you two of the same kind. Have kept no record, and don't know what I have sent. Very good fo the junior F.C. Recognized them all. J.M."

Kent House, Montmorency, near Quebec

14 Dec 2013 219
Valentine & Sons card no. 101,239 with a brief message about a trip to this area, including Montmorency Falls.

Block House at Philipsburg, Canada, Foot of Lake C…

10 Jan 2014 435
Unused card published for the Champlain Tercentennial in 1909 by Sheldon Ambertypes, Burlington, Vermont. It is no. 190 in the Champlain series.

Laval Monument, Quebec

10 Jan 2014 295
Mailed March 28, 1911 at Montreal to Miss L. Price of Birmingham once again. Valentine & Sons card no. 104,365.

51 items in total