Mt. Rundle, Banff, Alta. [back with Albertype Co. pricing]

Year = 1907

Mt. Rundle, Banff, Alta. [back with Albertype Co.…

28 Sep 2013 222
Albertype Co.'s Sepia-Delft process described and priced in great detail. It may be that the similar series of cards produced by Russell Lang & Co. and others were really made by Albertype Co. The large Winnipeg viewbook sold by Russell's bookstore was produced by Albertype, so there was definitely a connection between the Russell company and Albertype.

Mt. Rundle, Banff, Alta.

28 Sep 2013 1 354
No. 60 in the Harmon & Dixon series, showing Mt. Rundle at Banff. This was a sample card showing off the results of the Albertype Co.'s "Sepia-Delft" process (see text on back).

Methodist Church, Tisdale

28 Sep 2013 366
This was actually sent from Brantford, Ont., home of Stedmans, so perhaps they sold random cards locally. This one shows a rather unusual looking Methodist Church at Tisdale, Saskatchewan. The date on the card is December 12, 1907 and it was addressed to Miss Bessie Risk, 1526 3rd Ave., Fairview, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Manufacturers and Liberal Arts Building, Industria…

18 Oct 2013 338
Postmarked "Credit Forks, Ont." on May 22, 1907 and sent to Miss Price, East Oxford School, Cowley Road, Oxford, England with the message (in a schoolgirl hand, likely to a former teacher): "Miss Price. We arrived at our journey's end safely. I hope you + your sister are quite well. We are 50 miles from Toronto + we are at Forks of Credit, Ontario, Canada." No maker stated but there is a number -- 1314 -- on the back.

Window in City Hall, Toronto, one of the world's f…

28 Aug 2013 213
A. H. Cooper card, mailed November 4, 1907 to Miss L. Holbrook, Claremont Villa, Camden Road, Bath, Somerset, England.

Buffaloes, at Silver Heights, Winnipeg

19 Oct 2013 229
Addressed to Miss Millie Booth, 53 Essex Street, Halifax, England. Postmarked Woodlea, Manitoba, May 10, 1907. Divided-back MacFarlane card no HA 107.

The Mint, Ottawa, Canada.

19 Oct 2013 214
N. Co. card. Postmarked September 9, 1907 at Ottawa, Canada and addressed to Miss Mabel Purdy c/o H.C. Brown Esq. Yoxford House, King's Lynn, Norfolk, England.

C. P. R. Steamer in Canadian Lock. Sault Ste. Mari…

19 Oct 2013 350
N. Co. card. Postmarked October 22, 1907 at Hamilton, Ont., addressed to Miss A. M. Bex, 93 Avondale Rd., Sth Croydon, Surrey, England: "21/10/07 Thanks for P.P.C. Dear M. This is the Boat I went on to see Grace. It is called "Alberta". It is a very nice ship + the dinner was great. Had a nice trip. Left Grace well + all the rest. Good bye for now. Your Loving Bro, Harry"

East Side, Swift Current, Sask.

28 Sep 2013 194
December 30, 1907 letter from a Sara Dodds to Mrs. W. H. McLean, Minnedosa, Man., conveying the usual vague New Year's greetings.

John Hawk's Farm, Near Medicine Hat, N.W.T.

28 Sep 2013 268
Posted June 16, 1907 at Winnipeg, this is by C. S. Co. as indicated. Mailed without a message to Mr. H. H. Simmons, 21 Eagle St., Schenectady, New York.

Chateau Frontenac and Lower Quebec

30 Oct 2013 209
Postmarked Sept. 5, 1907 at Quebec and mailed to Miss Ethel Bryant, L. Fassmont St., Woburn, Mass. This is Tuck "Oilette" no. 2559 (each of the Quebec City cards has this same number).

Toronto University (100,698)

15 Nov 2013 299
Mailed April 8, 1907 with an interesting triple-ring circular Toronto cancel. The card was sent by young Sarah Trenwith to her aunt, Mrs. C. Blunderfield, Station Cottages, Fakenham, England. Valentine & Sons, no. 100,698.

City Hall, Carnegie Library, Municipal Building, F…

04 Nov 2013 321
Postmarked Steelton (the Algoma Steel company town that is now just the west end of Sault Ste. Marie) on August 21, 1907, to Dumbarton, Ont. The message reads: "Ma is helping me. Steelton, Ont., Aug. 18, 1907 My Dear Cousin B. Excuse me for not writing before, but I have been busy looking for some flowers and will send you some later. How is Auntie and Gramma. We are well. Kisses for you. Love, Hilda." To Miss Beatrice ??, Dumbarton, Ont., Hill Crest.

Moraine Lake, Valley of the Ten Peaks

23 Nov 2013 199
Card (no. 1259) by Thompson's Studio of Vancouver, B.C., showing Moraine Lake. Posted at Laggan, Alberta, January 14, 1907 to Mrs Blackman, 9 Eldon Road, Worthing, Sussex, England: "I hope this is the right address. I will write soon. Hope you are all well. Sid."

Swing Bridge at Entrance to Harbour, Hamilton, Ont…

22 Nov 2013 335
Valentine & Sons card no. 101,825, posted March 11, 1907 at Hamilton to M. E. Nash, 129 Victoria Street, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. The letter reads: "222 Charlton Ave. W., Hamilton, Ont. Canada. Dear Eadie, just a line to let you know we have changed our address once again + Sam is not going to bother about the club again as he has bought a house so he does not think he will ever live in England again, will write again soon as I am coming how. Love to all believe me. Your sincerely friend, M. E. T."

Whirlpool, Niagara River

22 Nov 2013 266
Addressed to Miss M. Kinnell, 7 Gillespie Place, Edinburgh, Scotland and posted at Hamilton, Ont., on September 23, 1907. "Your cards are certainly the nicest views I get anywhere, must be a beautiful country all right enough. The rapids shown in this view here are very fierce, boil + roar, and kick up quite a racket. A man was mad enough some years ago to try + swim them but that was his "finish". Sincerely, EBT." Valentine & Sons no. 100,843. Note the admonition on the front of the card to "just pass by" the writer's North American slang.

St. James' Cathedral, Montreal

22 Nov 2013 234
Postmarked at Brantford, August 17, 1907, a Valentine & Sons undivided back card with the 100,000 series number cut off at lower right. Published for the Canada Railway News Co., Ltd., Toronto and addressed to Miss E. Niven, 16 Wellington St., Greenock, Scotland R. G.

Entrance to the Johnstown Flood, Dominion Park, Mo…

30 Nov 2013 1 605
Valentine & Sons no. 101,620, showing a Johnstown Flood exhibit in Montreal. Message readers "Have received your Photo. It's very good indeed. This place is something like your White City I guess. They charge 15c to see this show, but it's very good indeed, all miniature people, railway trains etc." Addressed to Miss M. S. H. Harris, 24 Cornbrook Park Rd., Old Trefford, Manchester, England and postmarked Lachine Locks, Que., on July 19, 1907.

44 items in total