[Red River Valley?]


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02 Jul 2013

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[Red River Valley?]

Very early real photo postcard posted at Winnipeg on December 14, 1904 and received on December 29 by the addressee, Mrs Ball, 4 Manor Street, Nottingham, England. There is no indication of the exact location but it is likely near to Winnipeg. The image is very clear and shows the machinery quite nicely. The card is on the usual early Canadian Velox back. 1904 is the year in which RPPC begin to appear in southern Manitoba. The earliest image that I can date on such a postcard in my collection is around the beginning of May 1904. This one would have been taken in September or October of that year. It's quite a good image for the 1904-06 period -- many of the cards from that era have condition problems, primarily fading and silvering.

24 Jul 2013

229 visits

Off to the Grain Fields, Western Canada

Used but not mailed, with what appears to be the conclusion of a multi-card message written across the entire back: "...some one who will lend me a little. I haven't got much room in this letter with these post cards that is the way me and Pearl is going to our honest end I will have to rite you a longer letter next time I rite I will conclude with best love from your Loving Brother & Sister." The author doesn't actually capitalize the word "I". This is another nice example of Lewis Rice's work.

20 Sep 2013

234 visits

Threshing Scene, Stavely, Alta.

Unrecorded C.S. Co. card no. 566. Unused.

25 Sep 2013

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502 visits

Four Big Four "30s," each pulling 8-foot-cut John Deere Binders (Zealandia, Sask.)

Interesting farm implement advertising card, unused, with the following printed on the back: "Compliments of Gas Traction Company. First and Largest Builder in the World of Four-Cylinder Farm Tractors. Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A. Canadian Office: Winnipeg, Man."

25 Sep 2013

294 visits

Mr. Jonathan Mansfield, Elton, North Brandon, Manitoba, Canada.

Government Agent card, unused. Makes 20 that I now have.

19 Oct 2013

246 visits

Threshing Scene, Western Canada

Warwick Bros. & Rutter card no. 170, undivided back, with message: "Dear Dais, Just a veiw [sic] of the Canadian thresher men don't they look a busy set they [come?] about for a day hope you are quite well. Len." Addressed to Mrs S. Minter, Sweffling, Saxmundham.

28 May 2014

256 visits

Loading Logging Train near Vancouver, B.C.

Posted at Vancouver, Sept. 16, 1907 to Mr. B. Lloyd-Janes, Mt. Vernon, Ont. Long letter on back.