Greetings from Winnipeg

Parades and processions

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03 Jul 2013

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Greetings from Winnipeg

This is an interesting Stedman card, unrecorded in the Stedman book, although an identical "Series 13" card sporting a Portage & Main image is depicted there. The card is addressed but not stamped. The message reads: "Winnipeg, Man. Will go down to see you as soon as I get home. Hoping you are all well. Best Love, James." The addressee is Miss Ardienne [sic] Rochon, Beauharnois, Que. The image is surprisingly unusual -- taken from atop the Union Station and looking north. You would think that you would see this a lot, given that it is an important stretch of the city's most important street (Main Street), but I don't think I have seen this angle before. Perhaps the management of Union Station weren't accommodating to postcard photographers. Interestingly this seems to be from a sheet of postcards that have been photographed in order to produce smaller versions. At left you can see the edge of a card showing Eaton's.

25 Sep 2013

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Scene on Decoration Day, Winnipeg, 1905

Barrowclough postcard on the usual Velox back. Inscription appears to say "1906" but I think it's really "1905" as otherwise this would be the only Barrowclough Winnipeg card from after 1905. That's unlikely as he didn't use the Velox back after about September 1905, to the best of my knowledge. A nice image. Not sure whether it's Portage or Main -- only one shop is identifiable -- Devlin's Fine Shoes (now confirmed to be at 406 Main Street, likely the McIntyre Block or one of the buildings next to it).

09 Oct 2013

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Governor-General's Body Guards, Toronto, Canada

Beat up but nice image of the Governor-General's Body Guards marching down a street (Yonge?) in Toronto. Valentine & Sons card no. 105,770. Unused. Lots of great signs in this shot.

27 Mar 2016

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6799. National Patriotic Parade, July 1st, 1915

A group in some sort of ethnic dress. Maybe Masonic, a triangular sash with an "S" in the middle (of some but not all of them). No. 55 in the Charles A. Meyers series. This one was used. Postmarked August 23, 1915 to Miss R. Barr, Box 61, Sudbury, Ont.: "Dear Rosie, Just arrived at Winnipeg 2 clock Monday afternoon. Leaving here 11'clock tonight. Hoping you are well will write soon with love from Alf." Interesting that someone would have bought this card -- which depicts an event nearly two months before -- immediately on arriving in the city. So presumably Meyers had an outlet for the public sale of his postcards at or near one of the train stations. Note that my copy of card 39 in the series was posted just four days later (Aug. 27) by someone who'd also just arrived in the city.

27 Mar 2016

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6798. National Patriotic Parade, July 1st, 1915 [Ancient Order of Foresters' float]

The Ancient Order of Foresters with their appropriately forested float. Charles A. Meyers, photographer, no. 43 in the series.

27 Mar 2016

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6797. Military Parade - Winnipeg, Feb. 14th 17.

This is a later parade - Feb. 14, 1917. The 1917 poultry show, held at the Industrial Bureau in the background, was a roaring success -- according to the Winnipeg Tribune. Eggs laid during the show were to be donated to the returned soldiers at Deer Lodge, with several dozen having been so collected as of the date of the article (Feb. 15). No. 6 in a series by Charles A. Meyers.

27 Mar 2016

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6796. National Patriotic Parade July 1st, 1915

Not sure who these guys were; their sign was blown inward by an unfortunate gust of wind so it's impossible to make out. They are wearing kilts and military uniforms so I imagine that it is a regimental group of some sort. No. 41 in the Meyers series.