Kennedy Street - Winnipeg

Year = 1905

24 Jun 2013


319 visits

Kennedy Street - Winnipeg

Sender Stella [Elewaut] writes: "Winnipeg, December 14, 1905 My dear cousin, Here is a view card of Winnipeg that I'm sending to add to your collection. I await your news. Lots of kisses from your loving cousin, Stella. All the best to your family." It is difficult to identify where on Kennedy this is.

26 Jul 2013

288 visits

Home of Mr. Nelson Bedford, Glengross, Manitoba, Canada

A lively and orderly looking farm at Glencross (misspelled on the card), a post office that closed in 1909 but which is still on maps on 25W-8N about four miles southwest of the City of Winkler, Manitoba.

22 Aug 2013


341 visits

Winnipeg - Main street East Side [front]

Nice Ed Justement image of Main Street, showing the Palace Hotel. This is taken from the CPR Bridge, I expect. It is looking north from the subway. The receipt stamp is dated December 19, 1905 at Saintes-Charente-Inférieure, France. Here the Belgian printer seems to have believed that "Ed. Justement" stood for éditions Justement, which would mean "Justement Publishing (Co.)", and took it on itself to expand the abbreviation to "Edit." Of course it actually stood for "Edmond".

28 Aug 2013

244 visits

A Shady Drive, Morden, Man.

Barrowclough card "taken for Wilson" (as the Morden cards all are) -- addressed to Miss Flo Morehen, 6 Oak Villas, Archway Road, Highgate, London. Undivided back postmarked November 21, 1905. Squared circle "Morden, Man." cancel.

19 Sep 2013

267 visits

City Hall, Soldiers' Monument and Union Bank Bldg., Winnipeg.

A previously unknown style of Russell, Lang & Co. postcard. Postmarked October 17, 1905 at Winnipeg and send to Miss Sawdy, "The Manse", Nayland, Colchester (Essex), England.

25 Sep 2013

1 comment

410 visits

Scene on Decoration Day, Winnipeg, 1905

Barrowclough postcard on the usual Velox back. Inscription appears to say "1906" but I think it's really "1905" as otherwise this would be the only Barrowclough Winnipeg card from after 1905. That's unlikely as he didn't use the Velox back after about September 1905, to the best of my knowledge. A nice image. Not sure whether it's Portage or Main -- only one shop is identifiable -- Devlin's Fine Shoes (now confirmed to be at 406 Main Street, likely the McIntyre Block or one of the buildings next to it).

28 Sep 2013

284 visits

Main Street, Boissevain

Card showing Boissevain's Main Street, mailed there on June 26, 1905 to Miss Ella Giffard, Highfield, Bishop's Waltham, Hants, England.

18 Oct 2013

239 visits

Locks, Rideau Canal, Ottawa.

Imperial Series No. 136, Picture Postcard Co., Ottawa. Postmarked May 25, 1905 at Ottawa.

18 Oct 2013

258 visits

Niagara Falls- American Fall from Canada

Postmarked February 13, 1905 at Toronto. Undivided back addressed to Mrs N. Ferdinand, 151 Regent Street, London W., England. It is by Franz Huld of New York and is numbered 163.
34 items in total