Greetings from Winnipeg


03 Jul 2013

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Greetings from Winnipeg

This is an interesting Stedman card, unrecorded in the Stedman book, although an identical "Series 13" card sporting a Portage & Main image is depicted there. The card is addressed but not stamped. The message reads: "Winnipeg, Man. Will go down to see you as soon as I get home. Hoping you are all well. Best Love, James." The addressee is Miss Ardienne [sic] Rochon, Beauharnois, Que. The image is surprisingly unusual -- taken from atop the Union Station and looking north. You would think that you would see this a lot, given that it is an important stretch of the city's most important street (Main Street), but I don't think I have seen this angle before. Perhaps the management of Union Station weren't accommodating to postcard photographers. Interestingly this seems to be from a sheet of postcards that have been photographed in order to produce smaller versions. At left you can see the edge of a card showing Eaton's.

24 Jun 2013


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Kennedy Street - Winnipeg

Sender Stella [Elewaut] writes: "Winnipeg, December 14, 1905 My dear cousin, Here is a view card of Winnipeg that I'm sending to add to your collection. I await your news. Lots of kisses from your loving cousin, Stella. All the best to your family." It is difficult to identify where on Kennedy this is.

09 Jul 2013


242 visits

Brookside Cemetery - Winnipeg

Card 12 in the De Nobele series is Brookside Cemetery. This one was mailed on March 26 (year missing but 1906 would be most likely) to Miss D. Worfolk, 5 Browning Road, Enfield, Middx., Englad, with the message: "Dear Do, I am sending you another with this one to make up for some you have not had." Perhaps "Do" was a collector.

16 Jul 2013

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Notre Dame des Prairies - Façade de l'Église

Notre Dame des Prairies, the church at the Trappist monastery in St. Norbert, Manitoba (now a neighbourhood in the extreme south end of Winnipeg). This is on an undivided back with a "Private Mailing Card" design and was postmarked in November 1903 at St. Norbert to Monsieur A. Maguin, Aures, Haute-Loire, France. It is signed "Joseph" on the front, as seen above.

02 Mar 2015

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4930. Agricultural College, Winnipeg

Unused Warwick Bros. & Rutter card for G. Frankfurter, Wholesale & Retail Stationery, Winnipeg. No. 4135. Posted May 24, 1907 to Miss Jeanette Foster, S A U M, St. Anthony Park, Minn. No message other than what is on the front.

02 Mar 2015

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4929. C. P. R. Depot - Winnipeg, Man.

Unused Warwick Bros. & Rutter card, no. 1873T. Liberal use of sparkle makes this one pop.

16 Mar 2015

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4990. Greetings from Winnipeg - C.P.R. Depot, Winnipeg

Lyall card, numbers B455 on back. A second copy of this card is postmarked Sept. 2, 1912.

05 Jun 2014

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Grove, Elm Park, Winnipeg

Posted July 11, 1904 at Winnipeg to Miss E. J. Sherwin, Llanpayst, Marrickville Bright Street, Sydney N.S.W. Australia, with a great message: "Dear Evie, You will see we are still in Canada but leave for home very soon now. The summers here are very pleasant + remind me of our Australian climate. It is nice to see bright sunshine every morning after the gloom + wet of Ireland. Winnipeg is a fine growing City of 70,000 inhabitants + then people we have met are hospitable + kind, but of course as Florie + Percy are not remaining here we shall likely never see any of them again, but one never knows. Marnie had Florrie's letter this morning. We are sorry to hear of poor old Aunt. Glad you are all well. Yours ever. I. Cockerill [???]" It appears to be dated June 11th, Wellington Crescent but I'm not sure. This image also appears, cropped slightly but also as an oval, in Illustrated Souvenir of Winnipeg (the smaller view book that is probably by Martel".

27 Mar 2016

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6799. National Patriotic Parade, July 1st, 1915

A group in some sort of ethnic dress. Maybe Masonic, a triangular sash with an "S" in the middle (of some but not all of them). No. 55 in the Charles A. Meyers series. This one was used. Postmarked August 23, 1915 to Miss R. Barr, Box 61, Sudbury, Ont.: "Dear Rosie, Just arrived at Winnipeg 2 clock Monday afternoon. Leaving here 11'clock tonight. Hoping you are well will write soon with love from Alf." Interesting that someone would have bought this card -- which depicts an event nearly two months before -- immediately on arriving in the city. So presumably Meyers had an outlet for the public sale of his postcards at or near one of the train stations. Note that my copy of card 39 in the series was posted just four days later (Aug. 27) by someone who'd also just arrived in the city.
22 items in total