iced #1

First Snow - 2015

It was not sure whether to rain or snow - so in the end it did both.
The snow fell - sticking to grass, but melting on pavement.

Wish the winter would keep this pattern!

22 Nov 2015

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89 visits

iced #1

The temps fluctuated between rain and snow... so ice coated trees.

22 Nov 2015

106 visits


The japanese maple refused to bow before the snow and still shouted RED. Note the clear driveway in the background... that's how the snow fell - sticking to grass, but melting on pavement. Wish the winter would keep this pattern!

22 Nov 2015

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94 visits

iced #2

As the breezes shake the trees, we are blessed with a hail of ice droppings...

22 Nov 2015

82 visits

stuck to moss

Laughed at this "snow in the driveway" as the snow stuck to the moss, but melted on the bricks. ;-)

22 Nov 2015

91 visits

polite snow-clear pavement

Yup - this is how the snow fell - sticking to grass, but melting on pavement. So driveways and roads are clear. Wish the winter would keep this pattern!

22 Nov 2015

88 visits

iced trees

... this morning will be a swell collection of ice from on high.

22 Nov 2015

105 visits


a mix of fall leaves and winter snow...

22 Nov 2015

96 visits

benched for the season

For some reason, the wet snow, adhered to the vertical slats of the stacked benches just caught my eye..

22 Nov 2015

94 visits

tears of the November rose

So poetically sad...
10 items in total