camouflage colouring

Goose and goslings

this year's crop, down at McKee Park.

18 May 2014

105 visits

camouflage colouring

sitting still on the warm sand....

18 May 2014

131 visits


Already down to just three goslings... and they are only a few days old...

18 May 2014

156 visits

playing in the waves

After a few wet tries at getting a drink... this one finally just sat down and waited for the waves to come in closer!

18 May 2014

104 visits


This one was so tiny that even small twigs were huge hurdles on the trip to the water's edge...

18 May 2014

1 favorite

135 visits

dangerously alone

This one wandered away from the brood... he won't be around for long!

18 May 2014

120 visits

water's a tad brisk!

... about to be rolled by that incoming wave.... ;-)

18 May 2014

102 visits

river waves

even the tiniest ripples are enough to tumble these tiny goslings... just a few days old...

18 May 2014

108 visits

taking turns

tiny as they are, they are already working in watchful teams...

19 Apr 2014

117 visits

Come No Closer!

This this brave mother ( or maybe inexperienced?!) had selected a busy parking lot median in Devonshire Mall for her nest site... Shoppers were getting *warned* away by her mate!