blowing in from the south

Storm rolling in - Colchester Harbour

The black clouds raced in, the winds whipped, the waves roared... and still a patch of sunshine danced across the water.

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28 Jul 2013

164 visits

blowing in from the south

The storm rolled in across Lake Erie. The inner harbour was still calm, but the outer surf was starting to pound.

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28 Jul 2013

156 visits

even the gulls are ashore

The gulls were smart enough to come ashore... but if you look to the right side, you can see people still out in the water! On the right horizon, the stacks of the FERMI nuclear plant can be seen.

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28 Jul 2013

173 visits

starting to pounding the pier

I did not venture too far out the pier - the spray was noticable even from back here and the wind gusts were making it difficult to stay still enough to shoot!

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28 Jul 2013

2 favorites

152 visits

storm rolling in - a pano

a panorama across the sweep of the beach ( 4 photos)

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28 Jul 2013

169 visits

tough harbour entrance today!

The waves were piling in to the mouth of the harbour... not a generous entrance even on quiet days - but today it would be very risky.

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28 Jul 2013

174 visits

waves pounding

the winds picked up and the waves started to pound the beach