#1 dices

Scavenger Hunt 2021

#1 dices

09 Apr 2021 29 16 218
Macro Dreams: Iacta alea est SHC1: A cube

#2 destruction before construction

19 May 2021 34 15 287
SSC: Baustelle / Construction site SHC2: A tool/tools When passing this construction site I thought it could still fit the theme. They will build later flats on this place.


14 Apr 2021 26 13 234
Macro Dreams: Coffee bubbles, Shimmer and sparkle SHC3: Bubbles

pride week #4

02 Jul 2021 31 21 194
TSC: fly the flag of your country It was pride week in Finland, the only flag I saw last week SHC4: A rainbow


15 May 2021 21 11 248
SHC5: Footwear


12 Apr 2021 26 10 230
SCH6: Crazy colours please enlarge on black


22 Apr 2021 22 13 239
SHC7: Something above you


28 Jun 2021 27 15 199
SHC8: Something below you

#9 tea time

06 May 2021 26 13 249
Macro Dreams: China in Detail SHC9: A teacup

#10 music

24 Apr 2021 28 19 233
SSC: to photograph anything that makes you feel better Listening or playing music SHC10: A musical instrument Macro Deams: Music Puss and Dog with Rare Footage


22 Apr 2021 11 7 160
SHC11: An orange car


22 Apr 2021 16 11 225
SHC12: A motorcycle


22 Apr 2021 20 9 203
SHC13: A street sign


22 Apr 2021 14 6 133
SHC14: A licence plate


29 Apr 2021 45 19 313
TSC: Darkness in Photography SHC15: Steps


21 Jun 2021 27 14 198
SHC16: A nature abstract

in red #17

05 Aug 2021 27 16 178
SSC: "Pfeile" SHC17: Something rough


15 Jul 2021 24 10 246
SHC18: A ‘For Sale’ sign

50 items in total