Veterok's photos

23 May 2021 92
I can't believe it's finally summer
11 May 2021 1 2 76
It's like that
10 May 2021 3 7 153
Knit all the old, unexciting plant dyed yarns into these latte themed lace socks and they turnt out nice.
10 May 2021 3 181
Selfie from some 5 years ago slightly edited a day ago. Ps. We all know I don't look like that
28 Apr 2021 59
I just think they're neat
24 Apr 2021 77
perpetual sketchbook

Pasture shawl

25 Mar 2021 2 2 133
Ran out of prison sheep wool so now I'll have to (get to) buy some new yarn

2750 items in total