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NaturKunstRaum Neubürg
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Camera: PENTAX K200D
Exposure:0.00286 sec. (1/350)
Focal Length:70.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 105.0 mm)
Flash:Off, Did not fire
Exposure mode:Landscape
Resolution:300 x 300 dpi
Dimension:3675 x 2395 pixels
Original Date:2020:10:04 14:06:03
Digitized Date:2020:10:04 14:06:03+00:00
Created on:2020:10:04 14:06:03
Modified on:2020:10:04 16:14:17
Software:darktable 3.2.1
Copyright:alle Rechte vorbehalten
AE Aperture7.3
AE Exposure Time1/313
AE LockOff
AE Max Aperture4.8
AE Max Aperture 24.4
AE Metering ModeMulti-segment
AE Metering Segments12.6 12.6 14.2 14.5 14.2 14.8 12.9 13.0 12.9 13.1 12.0 12.0 12.1 12.4 15.0 13.0
AE Min Aperture38
AE Min Exposure Time1/3862
AE Program ModeLandscape
AE Xv0
AF Adjustment0
AF Defocus2
AF Integration Time0 ms
AF Point ModeFixed Center
AF Point SelectedFixed Center
AF Point Selected 2Center
AF Points In FocusCenter (horizontal)
AF Predictor3
Analog Balance1 1 1
Aperture Ring UsePermitted
ArtistTobias Bauer
As Shot Neutral0.5688888889 1 0.7781155015
Auto ApertureOn
Auto Bracketing0 EV, No Extended Bracket
Auto presets applied1
Baseline Exposure-0.5
Baseline Noise1
Baseline Sharpness1
Black Point0 0 0 0
Body Battery A/D Load123
Body Battery A/D No Load163
Body Battery StateFull
Bracket Shot Numbern/a
CPU Firmware Version1.01.00.05
Camera Temperature18 C
Circle Of Confusion0.020 mm
Color SpaceAdobe RGB
Color Temp Cloudy6000 +5 +2
Color Temp Daylight5205 -5 +2
Color Temp Flash5420 0 0
Color Temp Fluorescent D5816 -6 +7
Color Temp Fluorescent N4790 +3 +4
Color Temp Fluorescent W4142 +5 +5
Color Temp Shade8000 -6 +1
Color Temp Tungsten2857 +2 +3
Country CodeDEU
CreatorTobias Bauer
Custom RenderedNormal
DSP Firmware Version1.01.00.05
Date Created2020:10:04 14:06:03
Derived From20201004-140603-0023-Neubürg. DNG
Device Mfg DescDarktable
Device Model DescsRGB
Drive ModeSingle-frame; No Timer; Shutter Button; Single Exposure
Drive Mode 2Single-frame
Dynamic Range ExpansionOff
E-Dial In ProgramP Shift
EV Steps1/2 EV Steps
Effective LV14.1
Exposure Bracket Step Size0.5
Exposure Compensation0
Exposure ModeAuto
External Flash Bouncen/a
External Flash Exposure Compn/a
External Flash Guide Numbern/a
External Flash ModeOff
Field Of View19.5 deg
Fine SharpnessOff
Flash Exposure Comp0
Flash Exposure Comp. Setting0
Flash Metering Segments0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Flash ModeOff, Did not fire; Internal
Flash OptionsNormal
Flash StatusOff
Focal Length In 35mm Format105 mm
Focus ModeAF-S
Focus Mode 2AF-S
High ISO Noise ReductionWeakest
History Blendop paramsgz11eJxjYGBgkGAAgRNODGiAEV0AJ2 iwh+CRyscOAAdeGQQ=
History Blendop version9
History Enabled1
History Modversion5
History Multi priority0
History Num11
History Operationclipping
History Paramsc01e054000000000e0b2653c000080 3f10e07c3f0000000000000000cdcc 4c3ecdcc4c3ecdcc4c3fcdcc4c3ecd cc4c3fcdcc4c3fcdcc4c3ecdcc4c3f 000000000000000000000000010000 000000000000000000
History end12
Hyperfocal Distance36.51 m
ISO Floor100
Image Area Offset8 8
Image Size3675x2395
Image ToneLandscape
Internal Flash ModeDid not fire, Normal
Internal Flash Strength55
Iop order version1
Kelvin WB 0152480 0 4.0970458984375 5.947998046875
Kelvin WB 0220225 0 2.6910400390625 3.916015625
Kelvin WB 03-6910 0 2.1600341796875 5.696533203125
Kelvin WB 0434050 0 2.6290283203125 3.0084228515625
Kelvin WB 0517155 0 4.1605224609375 3.1953125
Kelvin WB 062820 0 6.7545166015625 6.4759521484375
Kelvin WB 07-1275 0 2.4736328125 4.3504638671875
Kelvin WB 084870 0 7.286376953125 4.5999755859375
Kelvin WB 0921255 0 5.1929931640625 7.2869873046875
Kelvin WB 1053000 0 3.943359375 4.16162109375
Kelvin WB 1137130 0 3.6312255859375 3.0050048828125
Kelvin WB 1249420 0 3.881591796875 3.723388671875
Kelvin WB 1329455 0 4.3507080078125 6.3792724609375
Kelvin WB 14-4845 0 4.69482421875 2.8477783203125
Kelvin WB 1537655 0 4.3514404296875 1.0662841796875
Kelvin WB 166430 0 2.758056640625 0.9722900390625
Kelvin WB Daylight24075 0 5.10009765625 1.5986328125
Lens F Stops8.5
Lens IDSigma 17-70mm F2.8-4.5 DC Macro
Lens TypeSigma or Tamron Lens (3 44)
Light Value13.9
Linear Response Limit1
Max Aperture4.4
Metering ModeMulti-segment
Metering Mode 2Multi-segment
Min Aperture22
Monochrome Filter EffectNone
Monochrome ToningNone
Multiple Exposure SetOff
Noise ReductionOff
Nominal Max Aperture4.8
Nominal Min Aperture38
Pentax Model IDK200D
Pentax Model Type0
Pentax Version4.1.2.0
Photometric InterpretationColor Filter Array
Picture ModeAuto PICT (Landscape); 1/2 EV steps
Picture Mode 2Auto PICT
Planar ConfigurationChunky
Power SourceBody Battery
Preview Image Borders26 26 0 0
Primary Chromaticities0.64, 0.33, 0.21, 0.71, 0.15, 0.06
Production Code2.2
Program LineDepth
PublisherTobias Bauer
Rating Percent20
Raw Development Process1 (K10D,K200D,K2000,K-m)
Raw Image Size3872x2592
Raw params0
Resolution Unitinches
Rightsalle Rechte vorbehalten
SR Focal Length70 mm
SR Half Press Time3.33 s
SR ResultStabilized
Samples Per Pixel1
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent1.5
Scene Capture TypeLandscape
Sensing MethodOne-chip color area
Sensitivity Steps1 EV Steps
Sensor Size23.788 x 15.924 mm
Shake ReductionOn (7)
SharpnessMed Hard
Shutter Count29207
Slave Flash Metering Segments0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Subfile TypeReduced-resolution image
SubjectAusflugsziele, Bayern, Deutschland, Glashütten, Neubürg, Orte, Wohnsgehaig, Wohnsgehaiger Hügel
Subject Distance RangeDistant
TTL DA A Down0
TTL DA B Down0
TitleNaturKunstRaum Neubürg
Unique Camera ModelPENTAX K200D
WB RGGB Levels Cloudy14560 8192 8192 9375
WB RGGB Levels Daylight13824 8192 8192 10558
WB RGGB Levels Flash13824 8192 8192 10558
WB RGGB Levels Fluorescent D17376 8192 8192 9830
WB RGGB Levels Fluorescent N14528 8192 8192 11195
WB RGGB Levels Fluorescent W13088 8192 8192 13562
WB RGGB Levels Shade16128 8192 8192 8100
WB RGGB Levels Tungsten8192 8192 8192 23301
White BalanceAuto
White Balance Auto AdjustmentOn
White Balance ModeAuto (Daylight)
White Balance SetAuto
White Point14400 8192 8192 10528
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 4.4.0-Exiv2
Xmp version4
Y Cb Cr Coefficients0.299, 0.587, 0.114
Y Cb Cr PositioningCo-sited

GPS Information

GPS Altitude572 m Above Sea Level
GPS Altitude RefAbove Sea Level
GPS Date Stamp2020:10:04
GPS Date/Time2020:10:04 14:06:03Z
GPS Latitude49 deg 53' 30.00" N
GPS Latitude RefNorth
GPS Longitude11 deg 24' 3.28" E
GPS Longitude RefEast
GPS Map DatumWGS-84
GPS Position49 deg 53' 30.00" N, 11 deg 24' 3.28" E
GPS Time Stamp14:06:03
GPS Version ID2.2.0.0