On our way

Outback Odyssey

In 2023, a friend and I headed off to visit some of the less-visited areas of the "Outback" of Australia. I will post many images here, but not all will be in the sequence of our travels, as some will be timed for the posting days of certain ipernity groups.

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10 May 2023

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On our way

As my friend and I headed off to visit some of the more remote areas of Australia, on the first day of our Outback Odyssey we passed these fields in what are described as the "Western Slopes" of NSW. A rather approximate position on the map location, but expect to see some substantial landscape changes! The PiP shows the pair of us with a fully laden vehicle, just before departure.

11 May 2023

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Morning in Nyngan

We stayed in a very comfortable cabin in Nyngan. This was the view next morning across the surrounding parkland, complete with a bench (see also PiP for a close-up). Happy Bench Monday, everyone, and wishing you a good coming week.

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11 May 2023

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Don't sit here!

This rather ferocious looking crocodile was resting on this bench in the grounds of the Nyngan Caravan Park. Well, maybe not so ferocious, it was missing half its lower jaw. Happy Bench Monday, but with due caution! :-)

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10 May 2023

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Bogan reflections

Early mornig at Nyngan and this is the Bogan River. Maybe it's how the crocodile on the bench in my previous image found its way here. :-)

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10 May 2023

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Early morning on the Bogan

Early monring light and reflections on the Bogan River at Nyngan. Best viewed on black. Previous image in PiP. As a matter of interest, I find that many of my images appear darker when loaded to ipernity than when viewed on my screen software. Is this something you also experience?

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10 May 2023

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The Big Bogan

This image needs some explanation for viewers outside Australia. First of all, many Australian country towns have a "Big" statue of their claim to fame - one of the best known is the "Big Pineapple", there also is the "Big Merino" (sheep), and a couple more I'll show from this trip. So, what is a "Bogan"? It's an Australian term for a very unsophisticated and uncultured person - something like a "country bumpkin" or "yokel" in other places. Someone who would prefer to be with his dog and go fishing, as with the statue, rather than attend a concert. Of course, Nyngan happens to be on the Bogan River, so.....! I gather this caused something of a stir locally when it was erected. :-)

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10 May 2023

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Solar and fences

This substantial (250 Ha, over 100 MW) solar farm is just outside Nyngan in sunny western NSW. The constructors also kindly provided this viewing area, complete with fences See also PiPs. You can read more about it here. Wishing everyone a very Happy Fence Friday, to be followed by an enjoyable weekend.

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11 May 2023

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Water tower artwork

This painted water tower is in Cunnamulla, in western Queensland. It was painted by Guido van Helten and illustrates annual childrens' football games (rugby league) between two adjacent (200 km) towns, Cunnamulla and Charleville. See also PiPs.

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11 May 2023

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Coolabah bench

Well, this bench is indeed under a Coolibah tree - in Coolabah, what's more! Coolabah is little more than a pub, motel and shop on a very long almost entirely straight road (see PiP). Of course, fo Australians, this really calls out for a musical link. Happy Bench Monday and have a good week, everyone.
91 items in total