Museum find

Museum stuff

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19 Jul 2022

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213 visits

Museum find

I found this while wandering around my local museum. Hands up if you're able to remember these. :-)

26 Aug 2022

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286 visits


This Boab tree is now in Kings Park, in Perth, Western Australia, but in 2008 it was tranported for 3,200km by road from the north of the State when it needed to be moved for bridgeworks. (See PiP and below for more details of the move). The tree, known as a Jumulu in the language of the local people, is estimated to be some 750 years old. It is deciduous and much healthier than it may appear here I'm afraid I'm having major computer problems at present, so I'm largely offline for now. That said, I wish everyone a very Happy Fence Friday and a great weekend.

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27 Aug 2022

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223 visits

Fishing port

Fremantle is not only the main commercial port for Perth, it also has a long history as a fishing port. That is where I saw these sculptures of old-time fishermen, commemorating that history.

29 Oct 2022

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195 visits

MV Loch Ard

A restored ferry, built in the early 1900s fromTasmanian Huon Pine and Kauri, and now operating trips on the coastal lake at Mallacoota in Victoria.

30 Sep 2023

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197 visits


My talented daughter is a painter in her spare time. She is visiting this weekend and brought along her latest oil painting for me to photograph. As a blatant plug for anyone considering purchasing one of her paintings, you will find them here. Best viewed large on black.

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20 May 2023

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396 visits

Ilfracombe Machinery Mile

Ilfracombe is a 'blink and you will miss it' village with the main road passing through. To add interest and give travellers a reason to stop, they have this roadside museum of old equipment. ADDITION: I've just done some homework I should have done earlier, it's called the Machinery Mile. Yes, there are some fences. So, although the world doesn't seem that way, I wish everyone a Happy Fence Friday and a peaceful weekend.