Team's photos

26 Jan 2025

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226 visits

cp_u - 2025

cp_u Our long time club member, Claus-peter (cp_u), passed away in January 2025. A family man who loved Italy, good wine, music and life, he took the time to help insure that ipernity became the member owned association we have today. He was part of the group of people who helped form the ipernity members association thus insuring our website continued as a member owned community. An intelligent, open-minded person, Claus-peter was always fair and allowed all opinions to be heard. He valued friendship, which he showed in all his interactions on ipernity. Claus-peter was a traveler who shared his findings with us here. He was active in many ipernity groups including administering HWW - Happy Wall Wednesday and HFF - Happy Fence Friday. Enjoying city and nature alike, his varied images delighted us. The Eye of the Bridge is the moon - HFF! Perditi! HFF! Sydney Bay View 1

28 Sep 2022

12 favorites

138 visits

Ambassador Images 2024, December

Result of the editorial team voting from December 2024: The number of submitters was 43 (previous month: 57). In accordance with the selection rules (maximum of one picture per submitter and month, 50% of which will be taken), 22 pictures could be included in the group. You will find them in the upper, light blue section of the results display above. In the middle blue section , you see 4 multiple submission which the editorial team also considered promising, but which could not be included in the group because another picture by the same submitter was adopted. These picture is welcome to be submitted again. The lower, dark blue section contains all submissions that could not be included in the group. The editorial team thanks all submitters for their efforts. Also visit the group: ━ ► ipernity Ambassador Pictures Due to an irregularity at Poll Unit, 4 picture proposals were not put to the vote in November. They were considered in December.

25 Jan 2025

29 visits

Group banner - Architecture in Spain

24 Jan 2025

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242 visits

Ulrich John - 2025

Ulrich John Our long time dedicated and enthusiastic club member, Ulrich, passed away in January 2025. In his family's dedication above it says: "I lived my life, loved and suffered, received, lost, took, gave. I laughed and cried, reconciled and argued. I have reached my goal and this life was beautiful." In his photography, Ulrich often saw great vistas, graphic shapes and the beauty in discovered décollages. In his own words, "I try a lot and have no fixed preferences; they change from time to time. At the moment it's fog, sky, landscapes and playing with light and reflections, and of course my 'decollages'; fragments of billboards that wind, weather and people have put together to create a new meaning, but that will change again, for sure." He was a true community member, participating in many group activities including 'Saturday Self-Challenge' and 'HFF - Happy Fence Friday'. Here are some of Ulrich's best loved photos: Ein Morgen am See < Spuren Morning Light Auf Wiedersehen im März

20 Jan 2025

24 favorites

248 visits

I use Bluesky

J'utilise Bluesky Ich benutze Bluesky Uso Bluesky Uso Bluesky Ik gebruik Bluesky Utilizo o Bluesky

20 Jan 2025

122 favorites

359 visits

I do not use Bluesky

Je n'utilise pas Bluesky Ich benutze Bluesky nicht No uso Bluesky Non uso Bluesky Ik gebruik Bluesky niet Não utilizo o Bluesky

19 Jan 2025

61 favorites

297 visits

I use Facebook

J'utilise Facebook Ich benutze Facebook Uso Facebook Uso Facebook Ik gebruik Facebook Utilizo o Facebook

19 Jan 2025

96 favorites

333 visits

I do not use Facebook

Je n'utilise pas Facebook Ich benutze Facebook nicht No uso Facebook Non uso Facebook Ik gebruik Facebook niet Não utilizo o Facebook

19 Jan 2025

19 favorites

749 visits

Media Survey

The purpose for this survey is to help us decide on the best ways to gain new membership. Please look at the statements on the 7 images in this album, and give a ☆ to those that apply. L'objectif de cette enquête est de nous aider à déterminer les meilleurs moyens de recruter de nouveaux membres. Regardez les affirmations sur les 7 images de cet album et donnez un ☆ à celles qui s'appliquent. Diese Umfrage soll uns helfen, zu entscheiden, wie wir am besten neue Mitglieder gewinnen können. Bitte sehen Sie sich die Aussagen auf den 7 Bildern in diesem Album an und vergeben Sie einen Stern ☆ für die Aussagen, die zutreffen. El objetivo de esta encuesta es ayudarnos a decidir cuáles son las mejores formas de captar nuevos miembros. Fíjate en las afirmaciones que aparecen en las 7 imágenes de este álbum y da una ☆ a las que correspondan. Lo scopo di questo sondaggio è quello di aiutarci a decidere i modi migliori per ottenere nuove adesioni. Guardate le affermazioni sulle 7 immagini di questo album e date un ☆ a quelle che si applicano. Het doel van deze enquête is om ons te helpen beslissen wat de beste manieren zijn om nieuwe leden te werven. Kijk naar de stellingen op de 7 afbeeldingen in dit album en geef een ☆ aan de stellingen die van toepassing zijn. O objetivo deste inquérito é ajudar-nos a decidir sobre as melhores formas de angariar novos membros. Observe as afirmações nas 7 imagens deste álbum e dê um ☆ às afirmações que se aplicam.
1520 items in total