
Team club

Posted: 21 Aug 2023

Taken: 20 Aug 2023

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Andy Rodker - 2023

Andy Rodker - 2023
From Cornwall, England to Madrid, Spain, long time club member Andy Rodker shared his love for nature and his kind heart with all of us on ipernity.
Friend to so many of us here, Andy loved to take long walks and show us how nature inspired him.

Andy Rodker

Andy Rodker - image - Another stormy day! Or, a Midsummer Night's Dream! 640
Outside Madrid

Andy Rodker - Godrevy Lighthouse
Godrevy Lighthouse

Andy Rodker - image - most appreciated - Porthcadjack Cove, Cornwall north coast, heather and gorse 640
Porthcadjack Cove, Cornwall

MARCEL, Ruesterstaude, Percy Schramm, beverley and 56 other people have particularly liked this photo

88 comments - The latest ones
 Tanja - Loughcrew
Tanja - Loughcrew club
Danke für diesen ergreifenden Nachruf…

Du fehlst, Andy…mögest Du dort, wo Du jetzt bist,
die schönsten Berge erwandern, an den schönsten Klippen
stehen und im Garten Deiner Mutter die schönsten Blumen finden…
R.I.P. Andy…ein Teil von Dir bleibt bei uns ❤️
18 months ago.
 Colin Ashcroft
Colin Ashcroft club
We have lost one of the great ‘voices’ of Ipernity.
Andy introduced many people to others here.
We will all miss him.
RIP Andy.
18 months ago.
Adele club
Dear Andy, your beautiful pictures will not be forgotten and neither will your kindness and cheerfulness.
I will always remember your showing me the lighthouse on the Cornish coast which inspired Virginia Woolf and our talks, when in Panoramio and then here on IP.
May you keep on enjoying long walks and great views wherever you are. We will keep on following you in our memory.
R.I.P. Andy.
18 months ago. Edited 18 months ago.
Amelia club
No words.
18 months ago.
Xata club
No words to say how much I will miss our long chats and the planned hikes we will not perform.
Forever in my heart my great friend, rest in peace …
18 months ago.
 Erhard Bernstein
Erhard Bernstein club
Andy, du fehlst! Mögest du in Frieden ruhen.

Meine Anteilnahme an die Familie und Freunde.
18 months ago.
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
Mes condoléances les plus sincères à toute sa famille et à tous ses proches. Il fut un grand ami qui nous faisait partager les beaux paysages et les magnifiques Sierras chargées de granite. Repose en paix et que Dieu vous bénisse.
18 months ago.
 Nick Weall
Nick Weall club
Granite was his passion and in particular deepest Cornwall and Madrid walking the hills and mountains. The Cornish Coast was also a magnet to him and his daily offerings shared his world with us. I first discovered Andy on Panoramio a long time ago.

He had just received delivery of a brand new Camera Phone as mentioned in his last post that he hadn't the time to try it out yet.

So he will be likely to be walking with his new camera, taking pictures of granite trails near to his final resting place.

Farewell Andy
18 months ago.
volker_hmbg club
Werde ihn vermissen,
mein Beileid allen
Angehörigen und Freunden.
18 months ago.
 Günter Klaus
Günter Klaus club
Lieber Andy,du hast immer gerne die Berge und die Natur aufgesucht und diese Liebe dazu kam in deinen Aufnahmen immer sehr schön rüber,du wirst weiter hier unter uns sein und ich bin mir sicher,du wirst dir da oben einen schönen Platz aussuchen,um das auch weiterhin zu Genießen,du hast jetzt deinen Frieden gefunden lieber Andy :))

Auch mein aufrichtiges Beileid allen Angehörigen
18 months ago.
homaris club
18 months ago.
 Jocelyne Villoing
Jocelyne Villoing club
Adieu mon ami, je garderai longtemps dans mon souvenir l'amour de la nature que nous avons partagé pendant de longues années ici sur Ipernity, tes jolies balades dans les Cornouailles me faisaient tant rêver !

Repose en Paix Andy.

Mes plus sincères condoléances à ta chère famille et à tous tes amis.
18 months ago.
J.Garcia club
Your beautiful photos from Cornwall and Sierra Cabrera
It was always a pleasure to see them and read the texts always very pleasant
Until forever, Andy
18 months ago. Edited 18 months ago.
StoneRoad2013 club
Rest in Peace, my friend.
I enjoy looking at your travels and images of nature, they make a very fine memorial.
My condolences to your family and friends.
18 months ago.
Léopold club
Un autre membre sympathique nous a quitté........Il avait toujours des commentaires personnalisés et aimables pour nos photos. Repose en paix Andy.....
18 months ago.
 Patrick Brandy
Patrick Brandy club
C'est bien triste mes condoléances a sa famille.
18 months ago.
tiabunna club
I really appreciated our around-the-world online friendship, Andy. Your images of Cornwall and advice led to a very enjoyable visit there. My deepest condolences to your family and friends. Rest in Peace, Andy.
18 months ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
tot in de eeuwigheid Andrew, ....
we hebben samen genoten jaren voor ipernity als sinds 2007
de langste tijd komt nog
ik condoleer jou vrienden en familie het meest met dit verlies
Tot Ziens!
18 months ago.
Makrofan club
Was bleibt, ist die Erinnerung. R.I.P. Andy
18 months ago. Edited 18 months ago.
 natureoncam aka Greg
natureoncam aka Greg club
Sincere condolences to Andy's family and friends.
I shall miss your images and comments about mine.
18 months ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
My condolences to the family ! Farewell, Andy ! We’ll miss you !
18 months ago.
©UdoSm club
Hi Andy rest in peace...
18 months ago. Edited 18 months ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
Missed by so many, RIP Andy !
18 months ago.
 Karl Hartwig Schütz
Karl Hartwig Schütz club
Danke, das passt sehr gut! Wir denken an Dich, Andy!
18 months ago.
RHH club
Our condolences, too, to Andy's family and friends. He will be missed here on Ipernity.
18 months ago.
Annaig56 club
bon repos l'ami j'aimais tellement partager tes photos de la cornouaille un pays merveilleux pour moi et d'autres encore et même si je n'écrivais pas toujours un message dans tes photos je passais les voir mon coeur est lourd mais je sais que tu n'es pas loin tout près et enfin en paix,
18 months ago. Edited 18 months ago.
 Peggy C
Peggy C club

18 months ago.
slgwv club
Andy was a sparkling presence on Ipernity who will be greatly missed--not just his photos but his wit. RIP and deepest condolences to his family.
18 months ago.
 Diana Australis
Diana Australis club
Such a kind and dear soul. RIP and sincere condolences to his loved ones.
Andy, you will certainly be missed…as will your lovely landscapes of the places you loved to walk.
18 months ago.
 Doug Shepherd
Doug Shepherd club
Thank you for your company Andy, you will be very much missed. My condolences to Andy's family and friends.
18 months ago.
 Nora Caracci
Nora Caracci club
DEAR Andy I hope you are in a splendid place seeing and reading us, viewing all our love for you.
My condolences to your family and loved.
18 months ago.
Andy notre bel ami dans nos coeurs pour l'éternité tu nous manques tellement mais je sais tu es là toujours avec nous tes photos seront gravées à jamais dans nos mémoires je t'embrasse fort et t'envoi plein d'amour repose en paix dans ce beau paradis . Toutes mec Condoléances à ta famille et à tes proches
18 months ago.
LotharW club
Never alone, never forgotten, forever in our hearts. Goodbye Andy!
18 months ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
Andy it has always been a great pleasure to wander with you here, whether it be the Cornish coast or your new home of Spain. Your photos and thoughts from the heart have inspired us and gave us great joy. Your spirit shall live forever more here.

Goodbye my friend!
18 months ago.
 Percy Schramm
Percy Schramm club
Eine sehr schön gestaltete Erinnerung an Andy. Wir vermissen Dich, aber Du bleibst unvergesslich. Mein herzliches Beileid an Verwandte und Freunde. R.I.P, Andy !
18 months ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
Dear Andy, you will be greatly missed. I have loved your photos from Cornwall and Spain and have always appreciated your great comments in my gallery. They have made me laugh at times but now I feel so sad. You will not be forgotten.

My condolences to Andy's family and friends.
RIP my friend.
18 months ago.
 Gabi Lombardo
Gabi Lombardo club
I just heard the sad news about our friend Andy and I'm really shocked.... I will never forgot him and his pictures ..My condolences to his family.. R.I.P, Andy !
18 months ago.
Annemarie club
sad sad and a great loss in our community!
I will miss him and his beautiful images.
My condolences to Andy's family and friends.
18 months ago.
 Dimas Sequeira
Dimas Sequeira club
A great loss in Ipernity! We will miss your wonderful contributions from your hikes in Cornwall and in the sierras of Madrid region, as well as your kind and friendly character. My deep condolences to Andy's family and close friends. Rest in peace, Andy!
18 months ago.
 Petar Bojić
Petar Bojić club
Počivaj u miru, Andy! Mnogo će nam nedostajati tvoje fotke. Iskreno saučešće porodici.
18 months ago.
gezginruh club
My deepest condolences to Andy's family and friends.
We will all miss him!

Rest in Peace, Andy.
18 months ago.
 Boarischa Krautmo
Boarischa Krautmo club
very sad news and a great loss.
My condolences to his family!
18 months ago.
Ecobird club
Rest in peace Andy. You will be sorely missed as will your photos of your beloved Cornwall and of course Spain.

My condolences and best wishes to your family and friends
18 months ago.
 José Manuel Polo
José Manuel Polo club
Algunos dicen que se van los mejores. Nos vamos todos, mejores y peores; pero, en el recuerdo de los amigos que se dejan, queda anclado todo lo bueno de los mejores. Con esto quiero expresar porque, entre la familia de Ipernity, dejas tantos amigos que te recordarán siempre, porque fuiste un hombre abierto, amable y sincero. Si me lo permites, me honraría considerarme uno entre ellos. Sencillamente te apreciaba y lo digo con el convencimiento pleno de decir lo que pienso. Mis condolencias a tu familia y amistadas de dentro y de fuera de Ipernity.
RIP Andy Rodker.
18 months ago.
Christa1004 club
J'ai "rencontré" Andy sur le site Panoramio, et j'étais contente de le retrouver ensuite sur Ipernity. J'ai adoré ses photos des Cornouailles, et souvent nous avons constaté des similitudes entre le Cornwall et la Bretagne.
C'est une grande perte, mais il restera inoubliable parmi nous. Mes sincères condoléances à sa famille. Repose en Paix, Andy.
18 months ago.
 Treasa Ui Cionaodha
Treasa Ui Cionaodha
Rest in Peace Andy. My condolences to your family and friends
18 months ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
My deepest condolences to all who love Andy. He was a large part of this community and a great, caring person who loved to share the beautiful scenic pictures of his home country Spain and Cornwall. He will be greatly missed and forever in our prayers and memories. Enjoy eternity Andy even if it breaks our hearts here.
18 months ago.
 Armando Taborda
Armando Taborda club
18 months ago.
 Wierd Folkersma
Wierd Folkersma club
My condolences to family and friends, RIP Andy.
18 months ago.
 Eunice Perkins
Eunice Perkins club
It was a sad shock to hear that Andy had left us. His lovely photos in Spain and in Cornwall were always a joy to see! My heart goes out to his family. Please feel our arms around you even if it cannot be done in person. We will all miss him.
18 months ago.
Angelofruhr club
Ich kann es noch immer nicht fassen, dass Andy uns verlassen hat.
Ich lernte ihn kennen, als er Panoramio beitrat und - kurz nach seinem Umzug von Cornwall nach Madrid - täglich viele Bilder postete, vor allem um Kontakt mit seinen Freunden in England zu halten, die er in seiner neuen Heimat vermisste. Das ist nun über ein Dutzend Jahre her.
Als Panoramio eingestellt wurde, freute ich mich, dass er sich auch für Ipernity entschied und die Freundschaft mit ihm weiterhin Bestand hatte.
Dann der Schock über seinen schweren Coronaverlauf und die Freude, dass er die Torturen der Monate dauernden Behandlung überstanden hatte und in sein schönes Heim außerhalb von Madrid zurückkehren konnte.
Und nun diese Schocknachricht...
Andy, ich werde dich vermissen. Meine herzliche Anteilnahme gilt auch allen, die dir nahe stehen und um dich trauern!
18 months ago. Edited 18 months ago.
Gudrun club
Farewell, Andy, you'll be missed. My condolences to his family and friends.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who'll think of Andy whenever I see granite..
18 months ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
I didn't know you in real life Andy, but through our interactions on Ipernity I'd come to think of your as a real friend. I would loved to have met you and maybe walked with you. You are sadly missed. RIP my friend.
18 months ago.
 Josiane Dirickx
Josiane Dirickx club
Andy je ne te connaissais pas -, mais tu faisais partie de la grande famille qu'est Ipernity et j'aimais regarder tes photos qui me faisaient rêver !
Adieu l'ami mais tu resteras toujours dans un coin de notre tête cela c'est certain
Toutes mes sincères condoléances à ta famille et à tous tes proches !
18 months ago.
 @ngélique ❤️
@ngélique ❤️ club
Adieu Andy tu resteras dans nos coeur tout comme les autres qui sont partis
sincères condoléances à la famille ♀♀♀
18 months ago.
LutzP club
RiP Andy, my condolences go to his friends and his family
18 months ago.
I miss You Andy!
18 months ago.
 David G Johnson
David G Johnson club
Rest in peace,.. Andy'..
.... it is heartwarming that we can recall his uploads to 'iper' and the sights,. feelings and sounds that 'he' will have experienced via his photo's,..
covering ,. October 2016 - to July 2023
Good wishes and condolences to his friends and family.
18 months ago.
 Leo W
Leo W club
RIP Andy, we will miss you
18 months ago.
FarbFormFreude club
"make the world a better place", that's our common duty, and i always had the feeling that Andy took over his part of it. And reading those many heartful greetings here i am totally sure about that. So i give my contribution via nightshot
18 months ago. Edited 18 months ago.
 Edna Edenkoben
Edna Edenkoben club
That's really sad news. My condolences to Andy's family and friends.
R.I.P. Andy!
18 months ago.
 Jean Paul Capdeville
Jean Paul Capdeville club
The best wine I ever drank!Andy, avec cette photo j'avais découvert quel grand connaisseur tu étais.C'est avec beaucoup de plaisir que j'avais partagé ce souvenir familial avec toi. Habituellement, j'ouvre une bouteille de vin tout les Dimanches. La prochaine, ce ne sera probablement pas un "Haut Brion" mais je l'ouvrirais en pensant à toi.Tu la goutera avec moi et je sais que là où tu es désormais tu ne manquera pas de me donner ton avis.A bientôt Andy.
18 months ago. Edited 18 months ago.
 Eric Desjours
Eric Desjours club
You kept us on our toes, Old Chap! Your trips back and forth between the Sierra and Cornwall, your teacher anecdotes, your hikes, discoveries and misadventures in wild and often grandiose environments - especially under your lens, have brought us hot weather and sea breezes, and some great emotions.
And all this from Panoramio, where I had the pleasure of making your acquaintance.
I imagine they won't be bored with you up there!
Your eternal smile and generous irony will live long in my memory.
Have a good rest, dear friend.
18 months ago. Edited 18 months ago.
 Steve Paxton
Steve Paxton club
It truly is a loss that as you see above will be a deep one as it should be for this very big "Family " when we lose someone. It sad to think all the comment and photos have come to an end BUT it is truly nice seeing and hearing from you for all those years. You will be Missed all the very best to the family at the loss. Rest in peace I do hope a camera went with you. You will be missed.
18 months ago.
 David Rodker
David Rodker
A heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed so movingly to this lovely tribute to my brother. In some ways you have opened my eyes to what was clearly a big part of Andrew's life (I never did call him Andy!).
So heartwarming to read all of your kind and warm words. Thank you all for being in his life, and in such an obviously big way - it means such a lot. I look forward to sharing many of your tributes with our parents in Cornwall as soon as I can.
Keep on snapping!!
18 months ago.
Diane Putnam club has replied to David Rodker
Hello, David, nice to meet you. As you see, Andy was greatly beloved. Warm greetings to you and your family from an American friend of his. I hope you all find some comfort in knowing he was so highly regarded in this big community.
18 months ago.
David Rodker has replied to Diane Putnam club
Thanks, Diane. It has been so heartwarming reading these tributes. I imagine we will return to them often.
I'm glad he continued to hold out for 'proper' English but it seems you had fun trying to persuade him otherwise!
All the best to you, and to all Andrew's friends in (on?) Ipernity.

18 months ago.
 Diane Putnam
Diane Putnam club
Oh, our dear Andy...I am heartbroken... How I cherish the "good old days" when we were both healthy as horses and had scathingly funny exchanges about the differences between British and American English.

Andy was, of course, the expert in the British version and I only a moderately-educated user of the American one. He would sometimes (begrudgingly!) give in to Noah Webster's sensible American spelling of English words such as analize, color, maneuver, labor, etc. We never resolved our argument over aluminum vs. aluminium. I gave in to British grammar, but found it impossible to work it into my American conversations. Oh, Andy, I will always miss you and those funny, lengthy conversations.

Thanks so much for all of the lessons about granite in Spain and tin mining in Cornwall, too.

Well, Andy, I'll eventually bump into you flying around up there. In the meantime, make sure everyone is speaking proper English. British, with American spelling.
18 months ago. Edited 18 months ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Diane Putnam club
Dear Diane, I love your tribute to Andy. It made me smile!
I'm still smiling, but with tear in my eye.
18 months ago.
 Misou 49
Misou 49 club
Je suis très triste d'apprendre le décès d'Andy , un ami qui nous quitte !
Sincères condoléances à toute sa famille .
18 months ago.
ROL/Photo club
Andy un ami qui me quitte, je viens de l'apprendre..
grand est mon désarroi, et ma tristesse,
dans mon coeur il ne sera jamais oublié, ce vigneron
du Bordelais qu'il fut une fois...
toute mes condoléances à sa famille et en particulier à son frère David que je découvre Ici
18 months ago. Edited 18 months ago.
David Rodker has replied to ROL/Photo club
Je vous remercie. c'est très gentil.
18 months ago.
grobi358 club
Ich habe von Andy hier in IP erfahren, als er schwer an Corona erkrankt war und eine breite Welle des Mitgefühls hier zu erleben war. Ich habe mit Ihm gehofft und täglich nachgeschaut ob es ihm besser geht, Isabel hatte uns damals auf dem Laufenden gehalten. Ich habe mich sehr gefreut dass er wieder genesen war und langsam in sein altes Leben zurück kehren konnte. Wir haben über Granit gefachsimpelt und ich habe seine wunderbaren Landschaftsbilder genossen. Ruhe nun in Frieden Andy! Mein herzlichstes Beileid seiner Familie und seinen Freunden.
18 months ago. Edited 18 months ago.
 Trudy Tuinstra
Trudy Tuinstra club
Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures,I liked them very much. We can remeber you by that. R.I.P. and my condoleances for those who will miss you the most
18 months ago.
 L. L. Wall
L. L. Wall club
Andy's portrait at the top of this group: a powerful image.
For as long as I have been on "photo-sharing" sites (the good ones are "friendship-sharing" sites too), Andy had been there to talk to: such a strong personality ... back in Panoramio, even schooling me about the intricacies of continental drift, that the Norumbega granite in my Downeast Maine was really Cornish granite. And so many conversations since. Sadly, missing him.
18 months ago.
 Martin M. Miles
Martin M. Miles club
Oh Andy, I do miss you.
Thank you for the imput you gave me. RIP.
18 months ago.
Sadly missed, always will be, may you rest in peace Andy
and condolences to your family and friends both in the UK
and Spain.
17 months ago.
autofantasia club
RIP old friend, such a sad loss. I might not get on hear as often lately, but in the years gone by I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Andy's photos and reading his comments. Thoughts and condolences to his family and friends.
17 months ago.
 Peter Heijst
Peter Heijst
Such a shock to hear about this sad news.
Warm and good memories I have of our correspondence during the time of Panoramio and Ipernity, later during the time of disease. Dear Andrew, rest in peace dear friend.
17 months ago.
 Andrea Riberti
Andrea Riberti club
Capisco solo ora che Andy non c'è più. Ci eravamo "conosciuti" su Panoramio e il nostro ultimo viaggio in Cornovaglia era stato ispirato proprio dalle sue fotografie; in primavera avevamo scambiato alcune sensazioni proprio al riguardo di questa meta che era l'altra sua casa. Grazie per tutte le nostre molte conversazioni. Buon viaggio, Andy, ovunque tu sia.

I realize only now that Andy is gone. We had "met" each other on Panoramio and our last trip to Cornwall had been inspired by his photographs; last spring we had exchanged some feelings about this destination which was his other home. Thank you, Andy, for all our many conversations and be still happy, wherever you are.
16 months ago.
 Cheryl Kelly (cher12861 on flickr)
Cheryl Kelly (cher12… club
I just read the very sad news. Rest in peace, Andy. You will be missed.
16 months ago.
 Ronald Stachowiak
Ronald Stachowiak club
I remember me his friendliness and words of praise ,
16 months ago.
 David Rodker
David Rodker
Happy New Year to all Andy’s IP friends.
I, and the rest of the family, continue to be so touched by all the wonderful tributes posted here. They have meant an enormous amount to our parents in Cornwall, who are still devastated by his passing.
I hope 2024 brings health and happiness to you and yours.
14 months ago.
 Diane Putnam
Diane Putnam club
I still miss our Andy and even forget he is gone. What an intelligent, funny teacher, explorer and staunch granite-lover he was! I considered him a "real friend," not just an "internet friend." Much love and blessings from the USA to the Rodker family.
9 months ago.
Xata club
One year is passed… still missing you my friend…missing our long chats on video call…
6 months ago. Edited 6 months ago.

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