
Team club

Posted: 30 Nov 2018

Taken: 30 Nov 2018

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Photo replaced on 10 Feb 2019
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New Subscription Packages

New Subscription Packages
Updated Final version (3.0), February 1, 2019

The update takes into account the suggestions below regarding the optimization of the download rules.

Dornberger, Bergfex have particularly liked this photo

83 comments - The latest ones
 Frank J Casella
Frank J Casella
I LIKE IT! I believe this presented will help present free members to join Standard, and many new members to try Eco. I like the Guest option for all others. I am not looking at this compared to Flickr, rather what one needs to contribute to the community here. When the Flickr people see this, I believe, there is no comparison.
6 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Frank J Casella
Making the possibility of comparison as difficult as possible is an expressly desired strategy for niche providers. It underlines the uniqueness.

I myself still have a problem with "eco". Is that possible as an abbreviation in English/American? (In Germany one would understand that, because ecologically = "öko" is abbreviated. How is that at yours?)
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Bergfex club
As I mentioned in another comment below - in America, Eco is the abbreviation for Ecology. Economy is abbreviated 'Econ'.

And when we get to designing the look of the page - it would be awesome to have 3 different colors for the titles at the top. Or at least 2 really different ones.
6 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Looks good, sounds less !!

I would opt for 'Standard' and 'Basic'. "Eco" reminds me too much of everything about 'energy saving'.
6 years ago.
S.Pylypko (WorldArou… has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Name "Initial" may be acceptable instead "Eco"?
6 years ago.
Manu club
"Eco" needs to be "Basic" (or "Economy"), can't be an abbreviation.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Manu club
Economy is abbreviated 'Econ' - Eco is the abbreviation for Egology.
6 years ago.
Manu club
I like the darker blue for Standard, but the shadow behind it should not be darker/bigger than behind the other two headings. (Rather try to remove the shadows for all three.)

Edit: look at the style of the three options on (when logged out).

(They shouldn't be identical, as the ones on are clickable. But they should be consistent in style.)
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Manu club
The darker shadow only results from the fact that yesterday in Photoshop I quickly created the desired center accentuation by duplicating/multiplying the corresponding element. Of course the shadow is optimized for the last version, and the color has to be adapted to the color scale of ipernity.

But we don't have to deal with such details here, because we only deliver the blueprint, according to which the web designer will build the website. And he has all ipernity elements true to colour in his construction kit. But maybe he will have to come up with a completely different, more creative solution for the central accentuation. Let's wait and see.

Moreover let me remind you again: What you see here is just a Photoshop layout to visualize an idea of what (in terms of content) should be done. Whether and how it will look in HTML later is still open. It is also still completely unclear whether the page can be integrated into the existing software or whether it has to be programmed separately as a new module.

But all this is not the issue here. Here and today we only want to clarify how the tariff levels should differ from each other and how they should transport this visually in a more or less acceptable form. Nothing more.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Manu club
"ipernity offers three rates at which you can use the service:"

I'd just remove that sentence.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Manu club
I agree. That sentence is redundant. It is blatantly obvious that we have 3 option rates (and really we kind of have more and less - we have multiples rate options for Standard - and our 3rd option has no rate at all - so it is confusing to include that sentence).
6 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to raingirl club
The sentence is a transition. As a mayor says: "I would now like to introduce you to my three guests of honour." (Whereby these stand beside him.)
6 years ago.
Be◉bachter club
So manch einer hier stört sich ja an der vorgesehenen Anordnung, die als unlogisch empfunden wird.
Demgegenüber vertritt Bernhard den "Marketing"Ansatz, wonach das , worauf das Augenmerk gerichtet sein soll, unbedingt mittig anzuordnen sei.

Wenn ich mich so umschaue, dann scheinen ja viele von Marketing nicht viel zu verstehen:

Ich schlussfolgere daraus, dass man den Blick auch durch andere optische Elemente die Aufmerksamkeit gezielt lenken kann, ohne gegen die "Logik" anzukämpfen.

Überhaupt erscheint mir das eine oder andere optisch "frischer".
6 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Be◉bachter club
Deine Schlussfolgerung teile ich. Da mussten die Marketingfachleute wohl oft zurückstecken. Optisch frischer sind die zitierten Webseiten auch. Samt und sonders haben alle offensichtlich ein viel höheres Budget als wir. (Unser finanzieller Spielraum ist so gering, dass heute noch keiner weiß, wie eine Implementierung - welches Designs auch immer - selbst auf niedrigstem Level realisiert werden kann.)

Generell gilt außerdem zu bedenken: Solange wir am alten ipernity herumbasteln, oder behelfsmäßig was drumherum stricken, kann alles nur auf dem Designniveau des alten ipernity sein - etwas hausbacken also, auf dem Stand von 2008 bis 2013. Optisch vielleicht ein bisserl klarer, aber keinesfalls so, dass der Eindruck entsteht, man wäre aus dem Programm geflogen, wenn man eine Unterseite besucht.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Boarischa Krautmo club has replied to Be◉bachter club
Mal abgesehen von Layout und Marketing - ich finde die aufgeworfenen Preise viel interessanter:

120 USD pro Jahr für photoshelter basic, 4 GB storage
48 USD für den einfachstens mugmug Tarif
96 EUR für ein mit ipernity vergleichbares Angebot bei der fotocommunity
60 USD der billigste Tarif bei zenfolio
60 EUR bei directupload
ab 36 EUR bei dawawas (die Preisliste ist hier nur abrufbar für registrierte user, also eine Verschleierung der tatsächlichen Kosten, vielleicht abmahnbar nach UWG)

Ich finde, ipernity braucht sich da überhaupt nicht klein zu machen oder zu verstecken.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Be◉bachter club has replied to Boarischa Krautmo club
Ich habe es befürchtet, dass so etwas kommt (und deshalb auch lange gezögert, die Seiten hier zu verlinken): Äpfel- und Birnenvergleiche.
Ich will's kurz machen. Die angeführten Seiten sind beileibe nicht alle mit Ipernity ansatzweise zu vergleichen.
Gerade "photoshelter" bedient eine total andere Klientel und bietet eine Fülle an Features, die hier überhaupt nicht gefragt sind.
Ja, fotocommunity ist mit ipernity und Flickr im Prinzip vergleichbar und doch wieder nicht. Fotocommunity hat bei dem Preis keine 100GB- und auch keine 200GB-Grenze. Für mehr als 100 GB bezahlt man bei Ipernity künftig ca 90€, soweit entfernt ist des dann auch nicht mehr.
Aber sieh Dir mal an, was die gerade völlig neu gestaltete Seite - nicht nur optisch - sonst noch so bietet ... nur ein Beispiel:
Wir wollen doch lieber nicht solide Hausmannskost mit einem sterneverdächtigen Menü vergleichen.
Dabei möchte ich es bewenden lassen.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Be◉bachter club
Die Fotocommunity hatte vor zwei Jahren einen grottenschlechten Relauch ihrer bis dahin exzellenten Website hingelegt. Die Performance ist damals dramatisch gesunken. Unendliche Antworts- und Ladezeiten wegen komplizierter Skripte waren wohl die Ursache. Es gab einen riesigen Shitstorm. Viele haben sich damals verabschiedet. Nur deshalb bin ich übrigens hier gelandet.
Offenbar hat die Geschäftsleitung daraufhin beim Mutterkonzern Bertelsmann durchsetzen können, dass der halbherzig über die alte FC gestülpte 500px-Klon nun durch eine von Grund auf neu gestaltete Software ersetzt wird. Davor kann man echt den Hut ziehen. Für mobile Endgeräte ist alles bestens. Ob die Perfomance sich auch wieder verbessert hat, kann ich nicht sagen. Ich hab gerade keine Zeit, das zu testen. Optisch ist die FC jetzt jedenfalls top und setzt einen neuen Standard, der die Dringlichkeit des Change-Management-Prozesses nur unterstreicht, den wir gerade erst beginnen.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
raingirl club
Is there something wrong with using Basic instead of Economy?

Basic, Standard, Guest.

I don't know where we landed in terms of the order of the 3 options visually on this page. I still like either low to high cost - or high to low cost. But this pages suggested layout with the visual prominence of the middle, highest cost seems okay (it bothered me more in the prior versions).
6 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to raingirl club
No, there's nothing wrong with that. But please keep in mind that an opinion finding in the ima team and every decision making always takes at least 2-3 days, because most of the team work full time. William, for example, cannot/is not allowed to communicate from his workplace in a US agency during working hours. So he doesn't answer mails until we're asleep here.

What I want to say: just have a little patience. Answers are not found by repeating questions several times. It also takes time to think, weigh up and communicate within the ima-team. (The fact that I am so present here is a special situation and a stroke of luck for you. My wife, however, is not always enthusiastic about how much time I devote to you.)
6 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Bergfex club
Oh, please, I don't mean to seem impatient! I completely understand the difficulties of the group effort (IMA team and the rest of the community worldwide!). I'm just putting my 2 cents in (an expression meaning, saying my opinion that I hope to be considered - not insisting on my point of view).

And please give your wife a hug from me! (My husband doesn't always understand my contributions either - small as they are. But he does understand my love of photography.)
6 years ago.
Team club
The ima team now has selected the terms Basic, Standard and Guest from the suggestions made, as they have met with the broadest approval, are generally understandable and least judgmental.
Bernhard (ima)
6 years ago.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Team club
I am very pleased about the now unmistakably titled tariff groups and the defusing of some substantial components of the basic offer (formerly "free").
This joint effort once again highlights the uniqueness of this platform and its dedicated members.
A big thank you to you and the ima team and to all participating members of the community!
6 years ago.
Manu club
Tiny details:

I agree that

would look better than

And should it be "contribution to this project" instead of "in"?
6 years ago.
Team club
* * * * *
Please check the new update status 2.5, which includes all new optimization suggestions, also from the comments in the corresponding blog.
Bernhard (ima)
6 years ago.
Manu club
Looking good. Thank you for asking for our opinions!

I'd switch 2) and 1), so I don't see 2) first

Text for Standard now reads:

"3 months trial without charge. Unless it is upgraded [...]"

would be better

"3 months trial without charge. Will be changed to Guest after 3 months if no payment happens. [...]"
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Manu club
6 years ago.
I like the set up! I think it addresses the needs of everyone concerned. I am particularly pleased to see that free accounts will be allowed; my sister is a member only because she wishes to see and comment on my photos. I will just have to watch my memory usage. I may have more than 100 GB worth of photos, which shouldn't be a problem to take care of as a lot of them were used for editing purposes only.
6 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Valfal
You don't even have half of it.
6 years ago.
Team club
* * * * *
Please check the new update status 2.6, which includes all new optimization suggestions, also from the comments in the corresponding blog.
Bernhard (ima)
6 years ago.
Manu club
"1) ... will be deleted than"

will be deleted th_e_n
6 years ago.
Bergfex club
Men and multitasking did not have evolution in mind. (I'm also deleting the ipernity data garbage.)
It's fixed without change of release number.
6 years ago.
Manu club has replied to Bergfex club

another detail:

others' photos
other's photos

(and in footnote 3 I would write Guest, not "Guest")
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Manu club
Nach dem Regelwerk der deutschen Rechtschreibung kann man Worte innerhalb eines Satzes durchaus durch Anführungszeichen hervorheben. Ist das im Englischen anders?
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Be◉bachter club
Question to our native speakers:

Sounds "No limit" really better than "unlimited"?
6 years ago.
mapgraphs club
The membership options seem to be coming together. It is sometimes hard to see that these arrived-at-decisions are subject to an iterative process. View and review, revise. For perspective, consider where all this was a year ago.

BTW, for some of these special issues? If ima needs more money, ask for it. Per the adage, if you don't ask... ; - )
6 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to mapgraphs club
Do you have 250.000 EUR for the long overdue relaunch? Or can you get the money?
6 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Be◉bachter, if renting a car I would expect the mileage to be unlimited, but here I like “no limit”, clear and simple. Just a personal preference, and I would not be unhappy to see unlimited.

Manu, thank you for noticing my error with other’s.

Bernard, I suspect that when you edited out some capitals, your spell checker changed the style of double quotes from “English/US” to ,,German”. It is odd to my eyes.

Putting something "in quotes" in the middle of a sentence is valid in English, and a sort of emphasis. Perhaps you were referring to the use of "Guest" in footnote 1) which I think is ok.

I would say “… if no payment is made” rather than “… if no payment happens”.

If it is too late in the day for more minor changes, there are not any realy important amendments.
6 years ago.
Bergfex club
Thank you Rob, and also afterwards still you, Manu. I'll work that in right away and adapt the German and French versions.

After that I have to dedicate myself today to other things that are still important in this context. For example, an account has to be set up by tomorrow, similar to the return offer at that time.

That's a lot of work.
6 years ago.
Bergfex club
One more request: Could you give me some suggestions on how the Info-Panel could be better formulated, taking into account all our discussions here?
(But in such a way that the French translation, which is always about 20% longer, also has room).
6 years ago.
Manu club has replied to Bergfex club
"suggestions on how the Info-Panel could be better formulated"

You mean the text on yellow background on, only visible when one's logged out, yes?

Full text at the moment (so not everybody has to go check):


New User Tariffs
As of April 01, 2018, ipernity will offer a new tariff structure. In addition to our standard tariff there will be a lower-priced basic tariff as well as a gratis guest tariff. Until then, a transitional offer will be made to existing "free" users.


English is not my first language, so I'll wait if somebody else can help. I'd stay as close as possible to the picture above, so for the title:

New subscription packages
6 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Manu club
Make it: April 1, 2019
6 years ago.
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
Excuse me if I jump in first, but it will give others something to comment on.

New subscription packages
From 01 April 2019, ipernity will offer a new subscription structure. In addition to our “Standard” package there will be a lower-priced “Basic” package, as well as a limited free “Guest” account. Until then, a transitional offer will be made to existing "Free" registered users.

Deepl gave a French version barely any longer.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Bergfex club
But Spanish and Dutch are. (We'll fight for every letter on that spot.)

Nuevos paquetes de suscripción
A partir del 1 de abril de 2019, ipernity ofrecerá una nueva estructura de suscripción. Además de nuestro paquete "Estándar" habrá un paquete "Básico" a un precio más bajo, así como una cuenta gratuita limitada de "Invitado". Hasta entonces, se hará una oferta transitoria a los usuarios registrados "Gratuitos" existentes.

Nieuwe abonnementspakketten
Vanaf 01 april 2019 zal ipernity een nieuwe abonnementsstructuur aanbieden. Naast ons "Standaard" pakket is er een lager geprijsd "Basic" pakket, evenals een beperkte gratis "Guest" account. Tot die tijd zal er een overgangsaanbieding worden gedaan aan bestaande "Gratis" geregistreerde gebruikers.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Bergfex club
Nieuwe tarieven
Vanaf 1 april 2019 krijgt ipernity een nieuwe abonnementsstructuur. Naast ons "Standaard" pakket is er een lager geprijsd "Basis" pakket, evenals een gratis "Gast" abonnement met beperkte mogelijkheden. Tot die tijd zal er een overgangsaanbieding worden gedaan aan bestaande "gratis" geregistreerde gebruikers.
6 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Using a cell in Excel of the right width for the existing text to require 3 lines, my revision does become 4, which would be ok, but the Dutch stretches onto a 5th. Is this too much, and a shorter, more concise version is desired?
6 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Rob Stamp club
Nieuwe tarieven
Vanaf 1 april 2019 krijgt ipernity nieuwe abonnementen. Naast ons "Standaard" pakket komt er een lager geprijsd "Basis" pakket, evenals een gratis "Gast" abonnement met beperkte mogelijkheden. Tot die tijd komt er een aanbieding aan bestaande "gratis" gebruikers.
6 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Hi Jaap

Noting that you dropped “structure” and “transitional” to shorten the Dutch version.

Rather than a slight rewording of the existing text, are these two and a half lines in English still clear. Is "discount" a valid way of saying what we are going to offer?

New subscription packages
From 01 April 2019 there will be three options. “Standard” replaces "Club", a lower-priced “Basic” and a limited free “Guest” are new. Until then, existing "Free" registered users will be offered a discount.
6 years ago.
Subscriptions club has replied to Rob Stamp club
Bin in Eile, muss gleich für ein paar Stunden was privates erledigen..

Grundsätzlich: Eigentlich sollte man nicht erwähnen, was nicht mehr ist, sondern nur, was sein wird.

Außerdem richtet sich diese Botschaft vorzugsweise an Externe. Ich würde mich deshalb gern darauf ebschränken wollen, was eingeführt wird _ und das was wegfällt, gar nicht mehr erwähnen.

(sorry, das kommt aus dem Account, den ich gerade aufbaue. Keine Sorge, das bin ich, Bernhard)
6 years ago.
A comprehensive, well thought out plan! I would agree, however, with raingirl about using the term "Basic" instead of "Economy." "Economy often has the connotation of poor quality for the money.
6 years ago.
Bergfex club
That can be as short as possible. As a lead story it should only arouse curiosity and encourage to keep further clicking.

A link will be added underneath the lines :
6 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Depending on QwellCodes thoughts, but the link could be added to the title, and not need translations for "Read more", or similar. Blue and underlined to indicate a link.

New Subscription Packages
From 01 April 2019 there will be three options. “Standard”, a lower-priced “Basic” and a limited free “Guest”. Until then, existing "Free" registered users will be offered a discount.

Or not include the last sentence at all. Free users, who stay logged in will not see it, and I would think a mass email to them, with the offer, is required.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Subscriptions club
Doch, den letzten Satz bitte zur Beruhigung (oder Drohung, je nach Sichtweise) drin lassen. Mit dem Vorschlag, die Überschrift als Link auszufühern, passt es ja.

"Discount" würde ich noch ändern. Wo ich lebe, meint man damit Sonderangeote. Hier ist aber (feinsinnig unterschieden) ein"Überleitungsangebot" gemeint. Also ganz gezielt etwas, was von a) nach b) führen soll.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Subscriptions club
Shouldn't all other language versions be written exactly as Rob recommended for the English version, e.g. 2.5 MB instead of 2,5 MB, etc., or is that already taken into account?
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Subscriptions club has replied to * ઇଓ * club
Im Deutschen kann man mit dem Dezimalpunkt nichts anfangen. Dort steht immer ein Komma.
Selbstverständlich müssen alle Sprachversionen entsprechend aufmerksam angepasst bzw. überprüft werden.
6 years ago.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Subscriptions club
Well, thank you, Bernhard.
6 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
"special" rather than "discount" or earlier "transitional", and not underline the link.

New Subscription Packages
From 01 April 2019 there will be three options. “Standard”, a lower-priced “Basic” and a limited free “Guest”. Until then, a special offer will be made to existing "Free" registered users.
6 years ago.
Manu club has replied to Rob Stamp club
New Subscription Packages
From April 1, 2019 there will be three options: Standard, a lower-priced Basic and a free Guest. Users with an existing free account will receive a special offer.


a) For me, quotation marks mean so called
b) free limited Guest -> free Guest [because I read limited in the sense of a time limit]
c) Until then.. -> Users ...
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Nieuwe abonnementen
Vanaf 1 april 2019 krijgt ipernity drie abonnementen. "Standaard", een lager geprijsd "Basis" en een gratis beperkt "Gast" abonnement. Tot die tijd komt er een aanbieding aan bestaande niet betalende gebruikers.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Thanks Manu, I cannot fault your grasp of English as a second language, and I think your version is what we should proceed with.

I was noting that Jaap modified the “Free” registered users.
I agree about the ‘limited’ that I added, it is better left to be shown on the chart.
Bold text is a neater way to highlight.
The American format date in fine, and with April spelt, it is not confusing.
6 years ago.
Manu club has replied to Rob Stamp club
6 years ago.
Subscriptions club
Ich bin zurück.
Kann man das Wort "free" im Englischen durch ein Synomym ersetzen?
(Innerhalb des ima-teams besteht der Wunsch, den Gebrauch von "free" weitestgehen zu vermeiden, zumindest in Sätzen, die sich auf die Zukunft beziehen,)
6 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Replace "free" with "no cost", it follows as a step after "lower-priced".
I think that "existing free account" is the correct phrase to keep.
6 years ago.
Manu club

New Subscription Packages
From April 1, 2019 there will be three options: Standard, Basic and Guest.
Users with an existing free account will receive a special offer.

[too lazy to link the title]
6 years ago.
Bergfex club
Thank you for the constructive discussion and the helpful proposal. I would like to submit the text now as below to the ima team for approval at 9 pm. (tonight):

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Subscription Packages

From April 1, 2019 there will be three options: a Standard package, a lower price Basic package and a Guest package at no cost. Current users with a "free" account will receive a transitional offer.
Another sentence on another topic

Nouveaux paquets de cotisation

À partir du 1er avril 2019, il y aura trois options : Standard, un Basic moins cher et un Invité gratuit. Les utilisateurs actuels disposant d'un compte "libre" recevront offre de transition.
Une autre phrase sur un autre sujet

Neue Abonnementspakete

Ab dem 1. April 2019 wird es drei Wahlmöglichkeiten geben: ein Standard-Paket, ein preiswerteres Basis-Paket, und ein kostenloses Gast-Paket. Derzeitige Nutzer mit einem "freien" Konto werden ein Überleitungsangebot erhalten.
Ein weiterer Satz über ein anderes Thema

Nieuwe abonnementspakketten

Vanaf 1 april 2019 zijn er drie opties: een Standaard, een goedkoper Basis en een gratis Gast abonnement. Huidige "niet betalende" gebruikers ontvangen een overstap-aanbieding.
Nog een zin over een ander onderwerp

Nuovi pacchetti di iscrizione

Dal 1° aprile 2019 ci saranno tre opzioni: Standard, un Basic a prezzo più basso e un Invitato a costo zero. Gli attuali utenti con un conto "gratuito" riceveranno un'offerta transitoria.
Un'altra frase su un altro punto

Nuevos paquetes de suscripción

A partir del 1 de abril de 2019 habrá tres opciones: Estándar, un Basic más barato y un Invitado sin costo. Los usuarios actuales con una cuenta "gratuita" recibirán una
oferta transitoria
Otra frase sobre otro tema

Novos pacotes de assinatura

A partir de 1º de abril de 2019, haverá três opções: Standard, um Básico com preço mais baixo e um Convite sem custo. Usuários atuais com uma conta "gratuita" receberão uma oferta transitória.
Outra sentença em outro tópico.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- The links are underlined in accordance with the conventions for a barrier-free Internet.
- The colon before "and a no cost ..." has been inserted to make the separation clearer
- The quotation marks are intended, because "free" is really used here in a metaphorical sense.)
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Be◉bachter club has replied to Bergfex club
Instead of "options"
.... Ipernity will offer three subscription plans: ?
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Nieuwe abonnementen
Vanaf 1 april 2019 krijgt ipernity drie mogelijkheden: Standaard, Basis en Gast.
Niet betalende gebruikers ontvangen een speciale aanbieding.
6 years ago.
Bergfex club
Hi all!
We had already agreed on "subscription packages" for the graphic. I would like to leave it at that, so that we come to an end. Because I have to propose everything to the ima team by 9 p.m. tonight at the latest, so that there is 24 hours for the team's internal approval. Friday morning at 07 o'clock everything has to be sent to Qwellcode so that it can go online at 18 o'clock in the evening.

in short: Our deadline is tonight at 9 p.m.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Manu club
"From April 1, 2019 there will be three options: Standard, a lower priced Basic and a no cost Guest. Current Users with a "free" account will receive a transitional offer.
Another sentence on another topic"

Another sentence on another topic is a placeholder, yes?

"... Basic and a no cost Guest."
"... Basic and Guest at no cost."

"Current Users" -> "Current users"
6 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Manu club
- Placeholder: Yes. Surprise . . .

- "... Basic and Guest at no cost." (Das hätte ich auch gesagt. Ich hatte mich nur strikt an Robs Vorgabe gehalten. Ich habs oben geändert.)

Übrigens: Was bin ich froh, dass wir uns auf 7 Kernsprachen geeinigt haben. Spanisch/Portugiesisch/Italienisch bekomme ich möglicherweise noch bis morgen Abend Korrektur gelesen. Aber Katalan, Schwedisch, Tschechisch oder Chinesisch?
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Nieuwe abonnementen
Vanaf 1 april 2019 krijgt ipernity drie mogelijkheden: Standaard, goedkoper Basis en gratis Gast. Huidige niet betalende gebruikers ontvangen een speciale aanbieding.
6 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
In the other 6 languages the word "ipernity" intentionally does not occur. For best matching please do not use "ipernity" in the Dutch version.
As far as free users are concerned, it is very important that it is not a special offer (= special offer), but a transitional offer. This is the message that we will "transfer" them all.
Everything else I can readily familiarize myself with above.
addendum: What I miss is the translation "packages". This wording should also match with all translations, with the charts, with the linked offer, etc.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Bergfex club
Nieuwe abonnementspakketten
Vanaf 1 april 2019 zijn er drie opties: Een Standaard, een goedkoper Basis en een gratis Gast abonnement. Huidige "niet betalende" gebruikers ontvangen een overgangsaanbieding.
Nog een zin over een ander onderwerp.

Transitional: do you mean the German translation "Übergang" ??
If yes I would opt voor "overstap-aanbieding"

The last sentence is VERY strange and in this way/translation completely unnecessary
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has added
It should be:
.... drie opties: een standaard ... (and not: Een Standaard ...).
6 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Dear Jaap, thank you for the last corrections. I've implemented them.

(And don't stop at the last sentence. He just routinely flooded through the translation. Of course it will be different on Friday, and it will also be linked differently. This is just a placeholder.)
6 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
Like Manu, I noticed your deliberate mistake with “Current Users…”.

Yes, "... and Guest at no cost", but not a Guest.

You are right to revert to the initial “transitional offer”, which does describe it accurately, after trying discount offer, or “special offer” which feels more suited to supermarkets.

Quite a time ago, I too had found that inserting html coding for colour is rejected in these comments. So the blue is automatic after the typed address is converted to a link, and is based on the style defined for the page.
6 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Rob Stamp club
Thank you Rob!

- "Current users" (fixed)
- "Guest at no cost" (fixed)
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
 Iper SPC
Iper SPC club
Oh damn look at the time.
I’ve got to say that the Deepl translation of the [DE] above, reads well.
My mistake in ending up with what could be read quickly, as “Basic and Guest” were a no cost option.
So including package, and making it “, and a Guest..”
Can the English be finally presented as-

From 1st April 2019 there will be three options: a Standard package, a lower price Basic package, and a Guest package at no cost. Current users with a "free" account will receive a transitional offer.

6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Bergfex club
Hi, Rob.
I was busy with something else and just came back here to copy the final version for the ima team.
I've integrated your suggestions. Only with the date format I would like to leave it with the previous format.
6 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
No problem with date format, noting that the English version is not just for the British :-)
6 years ago.
Team club
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Final version 3.0 approved by ima team.
November 30, 2019
On behalf of the team
Bernhard (ima)
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
 Wolfgang Illmeyer
Wolfgang Illmeyer club
Hi. I'm very concerned about you wanting to limit people's ability to download my work. I'm publishing under Creative Commons licenses, and I expect my audience to be able to download my work, or otherwise me being here would be quite pointless. I already complained to the old team about it, because they would not even remove the stupid transparent pixel over my photos.
I have been paying for the fundraiser and I have been buying my subscription early in order to support the site, and I expect my concerns to be taken seriously. Thank you very much.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Wolfgang Illmeyer club
Definitely the plan is not to limit the features for paying account members. Currently, and as far as I know, also in the future at least the settings available here will stay:

But I personally do understand that is very likely not good enough. There should be a possibility to change the settings also per image. Moreover, there seem to be no possibility to let also anonymous users to download images, which I was not aware of.

So, I agree, we indeed need to look for some updates on the code, to give even better sharing settings. What is the point to have Creative Commons if it doesn't truly allow downloading(?)

Therefore on my own behalf I do thank you for pointing out this rather important issue. We as IMA team has just been unaware about this limitation on the code. But as we usually have to keep on saying: Since we do not currently have enough resources, we can't promise any quick updates on anything that requires serious updating on page code.

A possible "quick solution": We try to remove the z.gif from the page code when image has CC attribution or Free use. But even this can be rather tricky thing to do.
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Team club
Lieber Wolfgang,

hinsichtlich der Download-Funktion ist obiger Vorschlag nur eine Fortschreibung des Status Quo, keine Änderung bzw. Einschränkung. Wenn allerdings Änderungen gewünscht werden, müssen sie auch an das ima-Team herangetragen werden. Denn was mit dem früheren Betreiber der Website verhandelt wurde, kann das Team nicht wissen. Auch nicht im Hinblick auf die "transparenten Pixel", welche uns völlig unbekannt sind.

Da der obige Vorschlag bisher nur eine Blaupause ist, über dessen technische Realisierbarkeit erst nächste Woche mit dem IT-Dienstleister gesprochen wird, könnte die von Dir gewünschte Änderung durchaus noch berücksichtigt werden. Deine Argumente sind verständlich. Wir werden die Vor- und Nachteile Deines Vorschlages überprüfen.

Bernhard (ima)
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.

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