Hull Skyline Circoflex

Hull skyline Circoflex

02 Oct 2017

356 visits

Hull Skyline Circoflex

02 Oct 2017

371 visits

Hull Skyline Circoflex

25 Sep 2017

351 visits

Circoflex- Hull skyline

I had this idea over a year ago and intended to make it to promote "Hull UK City of Culture 2017" I've stated a bit late but hope to have it flying at the Fuerteventura Kite Festival next month! This is the full scale layout. I think it will be a bit of a problem to sew the design especially the Hull Minster in the middle I've started this morning 2 October 2017

02 Oct 2017

506 visits

Hull 2017 skyline

Princes Quay shopping centre The Circoflex sewing has begun. I started on an easy building :-)

05 Oct 2017

372 visits

Circoflex 1/3 finished

L to R Princes quay shopping centre. The Deep aquarium. The Guildhall

10 Oct 2017

315 visits

City of Hull skyline Circoflex kite

Hull City Hall, Hull Minster, Hull Maritime Museum (ex Dock Offices)

07 Jan 2018

329 visits

City of Hull skyline Circoflex kite

4m long. But folded up at the top and bottom for show

04 Nov 2017

350 visits

City of Hull skyline Circoflex kite

04 Nov 2017

331 visits

City of Hull skyline Circoflex kite

22 items in total