Stormlizard's favorite photos

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Kumano Shrine Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture, Japan

Female Guest A Beautiful bird Sparrowhawk Female (…

Sambhar Deer Rusa unicolor) in Huai Nam Dang Natio…

Dunnock nest with eggs in my hedge 2015 M25 01

HFF Blackbird watches the town traffic 01

Eurasian Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) J01 01

Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus) J01 01

Storm (Hurricane) named Gorm 07 Makes you stay at…

Easter Flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris) M05-01

01 My-house-1986

View West towards Gilberg Head

Naoshima October 17 but not Halloween O17 01

How now - Brown Cow O08-02

Orange and Black Beetle (Necrophorus investigator)…

Litter Bug (Eurpae vulgaris) A25 01

Froghopper (Prosapia bicinctai)

Saijo Festival 22 Displayed when the new Sake is r…

Round About Art A07-01

88 items in total