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Old waterway "Ludwig-Donau-Main-Kanal"
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Focal Length:0.0 mm
Flash:No Flash
Exposure mode:Not Defined
Max Aperture:1.0
Dimension:549 x 800 pixels
Original Date:2010:03:20 21:03:57
Created on:2010:03:20 21:03:57
Brightness Value0
Color SpaceUnknown (0)
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Date/Time Created2010:03:20 21:14:00-19:39
Digital Zoom Ratio0
Exif Version0210
Exposure Compensation0
Exposure Index0
Exposure ModeAuto
File SourceUnknown (0)
Flashpix Version0100
Focal Length In 35mm Format0 mm
Focal Plane Resolution UnitUnknown (0)
Focal Plane X Resolution0
Focal Plane Y Resolution0
Gain ControlNone
ISO0, 0
Image DescriptionLudwig-Donau-Main-Kanal
Image Size549x800
JPEG ProcBaseline
Light SourceUnknown
Metering ModeUnknown
Photometric InterpretationYCbCr
Primary Chromaticities0 0 0 0 0 0
Reference Black White0 0 0 0 0 0
Resolution Unitinches
Rows Per Strip160
Samples Per Pixel3
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Scene TypeUnknown (0)
Sensing MethodUnknown (0)
Strip Byte Counts4014
Strip Offsets1693
Subfile TypeFull-resolution Image
Subject Distance0 m
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
Thumbnail Offset1084
White BalanceAuto
White Point0 0
Y Cb Cr Coefficients0 0 0
Y Cb Cr PositioningUnknown (0)