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Some of EXIF data are only available in English.
Exposure: | 0.8 sec. |
Aperture: | f/11.0 |
Focal Length: | 70.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 70.0 mm) |
Flash: | Off, Did not fire |
Exposure mode: | Aperture-priority AE |
Max Aperture: | 2.8 |
Resolution: | 300 x 300 dpi |
Dimension: | 1728 x 1195 pixels |
Original Date: | 2022:08:10 21:37:16 |
Created on: | 2022:08:10 21:37:16.65 |
Modified on: | 2022:09:29 19:39:33 |
Software: | Adobe Photoshop 23.5 (Windows) |
Copyright: | Stephan Wolf.All rights reserved! |
Already Applied | True |
Approximate Focus Distance | 4294967295 |
Artist | Stephan Wolf |
Auto Lateral CA | 1 |
Blacks 2012 | 0 |
Blue Hue | 0 |
Blue Saturation | 0 |
CFA Pattern | [Red,Green][Green,Blue] |
Camera Profile | Adobe Standard |
Camera Profile Digest | 7453B3B4E044C00997A55C30D2002A EF |
Circle Of Confusion | 0.030 mm |
Clarity 2012 | 0 |
Color Grade Blending | 50 |
Color Grade Global Hue | 0 |
Color Grade Global Lum | 0 |
Color Grade Global Sat | 0 |
Color Grade Highlight Lum | 0 |
Color Grade Midtone Hue | 0 |
Color Grade Midtone Lum | 0 |
Color Grade Midtone Sat | 0 |
Color Grade Shadow Lum | 0 |
Color Mode | RGB |
Color Noise Reduction | 25 |
Color Noise Reduction Detail | 50 |
Color Noise Reduction Smoothness | 50 |
Color Space | Uncalibrated |
Color Temperature | 5300 |
Compression | JPEG (old-style) |
Contrast | Normal |
Contrast 2012 | 0 |
Creator | Stephan Wolf |
Crop Angle | -0.953062 |
Crop Bottom | 0.97568 |
Crop Constrain To Warp | 0 |
Crop Left | 0.006744 |
Crop Right | 0.993256 |
Crop Top | 0.02432 |
Custom Rendered | Normal |
Date Created | 2022:08:10 21:37:16.065 |
Date/Time Created | 2022:08:10 21:37:16 |
Defringe Green Amount | 0 |
Defringe Green Hue Hi | 60 |
Defringe Green Hue Lo | 40 |
Defringe Purple Amount | 0 |
Defringe Purple Hue Hi | 70 |
Defringe Purple Hue Lo | 30 |
Dehaze | 0 |
Derived From Document ID | xmp.did:d8fcfd7b-8bf2-d64a-be0 8-f436f9818c56 |
Derived From Instance ID | xmp.iid:fe19e1ac-ff61-f642-a8a 3-30f741952c02 |
Derived From Original Document ID | C8D4E7A764A3A0DD5313A87DBAC9BA 31 |
Digital Zoom Ratio | 1 |
Distortion Correction Already Applied | True |
Exif Version | 0231 |
Exposure 2012 | 0.00 |
Exposure Compensation | -2 |
Exposure Mode | Auto |
Field Of View | 28.8 deg |
File Source | Digital Camera |
Focal Length In 35mm Format | 70 mm |
Focal Plane Resolution Unit | cm |
Focal Plane X Resolution | 2048.402222 |
Focal Plane Y Resolution | 2048.402222 |
Format | image/jpeg |
Gain Control | None |
Grain Amount | 0 |
Green Hue | 0 |
Green Saturation | 0 |
Has Crop | True |
Has Settings | True |
Hierarchical Subject | Château La Ronchinne, Mond |
Highlights 2012 | -18 |
History | 2022-09-29T19:23:42+02:00.Date i "220810_213716_Frankreich _Urlaub.NEF" geöffnet.Öffnen.false.true.C :\Users\swolf\Pictures\2022\22 0829_Frankreich\220810_213716_ Frankreich_Urlaub.NEF.Als: Camera Raw.Model: "Nikon D810".Settings: Image Settings.Space: Adobe RGB (1998).Depth: 16 Bits/channel.Resize to Fit: Off.Resolution: 300.Resolution Unit: Pixels/inch.Output Sharpen For: None.219..Neue Helligkeits-/Kontrast-Ebene.Ei nstellungsebene Erstellen .Unter Verwendung von: Einstellungsebene.Art: Helligkeit/Kontrast.Ohne Alte Version verwenden..Helligkeits-/Kontra st-Ebene verändern.Aktuelle Einstellungsebene einstellen .Auf: Helligkeit/Kontrast.Helligkeit : 93.Kontrast: 0.Ohne Alte Version verwenden..Freistellen.Freiste llen.Bis: Rechteck.Oben: 1.8 Pixel.Links: 0 Pixel.Unten: 4791.2 Pixel.Rechts: 7182 Pixel.Winkel: 0°.Mit Freigestellte Pixel löschen.<unbekannt>.Zie lbreite: 1600 Pixel.Zielhöhe: 1067 Pixel.Zielauflösung: 118.11 pro cm..Neue Ebene.Ebene Erstellen .Mit Unten.5..Arbeitsfläche.Arbeit sfläche.Mit Relativ.Breite: 5 Pixel.Höhe: 5 Pixel.Horizontal: Zentriert.Vertikal: Zentriert.Erweiterungsfarbe: Weiß..Neue Ebene.Ebene Erstellen .Mit Unten.6..Vordergrundfarbe einstellen .Auf: RGB-Farbe.Rot: 65.183.Grün: 36.996.Blau: 22.848. "eyeDropperSample".. Arbeitsfläche.Arbeitsfläche. Mit Relativ.Breite: 5 Pixel.Höhe: 5 Pixel.Horizontal: Zentriert.Vertikal: Zentriert.Erweiterungsfarbe: Vordergrundfarbe..2022-09-29T1 9:33:41+02:00.Datei C:\Users\swolf\AppData\Roaming \Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\AutoRecover\_220810_21371 6_Frankreich_Urlaub68CD33CFA87 C830BCDEF2E844870EADC.psb wurde gespeichert.Neue Ebene.Ebene Erstellen .Mit Unten.7..Arbeitsfläche.Arbeit sfläche.Mit Relativ.Breite: 1 cm.Höhe: 1 cm.Horizontal: Zentriert.Vertikal: Zentriert.Erweiterungsfarbe: Weiß..Ebene "Hintergrund" Auswahl .Ohne 'Sichtbar machen'.1..Vordergrundfar be einstellen .Auf: RGB-Farbe.Rot: 255.Grün: 255.Blau: 255. "photoshopPicker"..N eue Textebene.Textebene Erstellen .Unter Verwendung von: Textebene.Text: "sttoeberhai".Verfor men: Verformen.Stil: Ohne.Biegung: 0.Vertikale Verzerrung: 0.Horizontale Verzerrung: 0.Achse: horizontal.Texteinfügemarke: 9.3%, 90.7%.Textposition: ohne.Ausrichtung: horizontal.Glätten: ohne. <unbekannt>.0 Punkt.-9 Punkt.52.9 Punkt.4.8 Punkt. <unbekannt>.0.2 Punkt.-8.1 Punkt.52.7 Punkt.0.6 Punkt.Textform: Textform-Liste.Textform.Art der Textform: Punkt.Textausrichtung: horizontal.Transformieren: transformieren.xx: 1.xy: 0.yx: 0.yy: 1.tx: 0.ty: 0.Reihenanzahl: 1.Spaltenanzahl: 1.Mit Reihen-Hauptreihenfolge verwenden.Zwischenschlag: 0 Punkt.Spaltensteg: 0 Punkt.Spaltenabstand: 0 Punkt.Ausrichtung erste Zeile: Oberlänge.Mindesthöhe erste Zeile: 0 Punkt.Basis: 0, 0.Stilbereich: Formatbereich-Liste.Formatbere ich.Von: 0.Bis: 12.Stil: Textformat.true.PostScript-Nam e: "BradleyHandITC".Sch riftname: "Bradley Hand ITC".Schriftschnitt: "Regular".Skript: 0.Schrift-Technologie: 1.true.Größe: 12 Punkt.Größe transformiert: 12 Punkt.Horizontale Skalierung: 100.Vertikale Skalierung: 100.Ohne 'Faux Fett'.Ohne 'Faux Kursiv'.Mit Auto-Zeilenabstand.Laufweite: 0.Grundlinienversatz: 0 Punkt.Grundlinienversatz transformiert: 0 Punkt.Auto-Kerning: Metrisch.Großbuchstaben-Schri ft-Option: normal.<unbekannt>.<u nbekannt>.0 Punkt.0 Punkt.0 Punkt.Position der Grundlinie: normal.OpenType-Grundlinienpos ition: normal.'Durchgestrichen 039;: Durchgestrichen deaktiviert.'Unterstriche n': Unterstrichen deaktiviert.Mit 'Ligaturen verwenden'.Ohne 'Alternative Ligaturen verwenden'.true.Ohne 'Bruchziffern verwenden'.Ohne 'Ordnungszahlen verwenden'.Ohne 'Kursive Zierbuchstaben verwenden'.Ohne 'Titelschrift verwenden'.Mit 'Kontextbezogene Alternativen verwenden'.Ohne 'Stilistische Alternativen verwenden'.0.Ohne 'Zierschriften verwenden'.false.Zahlenst il: normal.Ohne 'Zeichenspezifische Abstände verwenden'.Ohne 'Kana verwenden'.Ohne 'Kursivschrift verwenden'.Richtung der Grundlinie: mit Stream.Textsprache: Deutsch.Japanisch - Alternativ: Standardzeichen.Tsume: 0.Rasterausrichtung: Lateinische Grundlinie.Ohne 'Kein Umbruch'.Farbe: RGB-Farbe.Rot: 255.Grün: 255 |
History Action | saved, saved, derived, saved, saved, converted, derived, saved, saved, converted, derived, saved |
History Changed | /metadata, /metadata, /, /, /, /, / |
History Instance ID | xmp.iid:e9a8d430-a5a2-1e4f-a9a 9-ce10fd691768, xmp.iid:5a1a0be7-f0e6-0b49-8a3 e-2addb84fd5f2, xmp.iid:d048daba-9792-3945-996 a-019d3746ddd8, xmp.iid:9ffd43a6-ff12-d34c-bdc 4-f2361fbdac62, xmp.iid:d8fcfd7b-8bf2-d64a-be0 8-f436f9818c56, xmp.iid:fe19e1ac-ff61-f642-a8a 3-30f741952c02, xmp.iid:ffb603ba-9f3b-cf4a-b39 6-89e8dd1364a4 |
History Parameters | converted from image/x-nikon-nef to image/tiff, from image/tiff to application/vnd.adobe.photosho p, converted from image/tiff to application/vnd.adobe.photosho p, from application/vnd.adobe.photosho p to image/jpeg, converted from application/vnd.adobe.photosho p to image/jpeg |
History Software Agent | Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 14.4, Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 14.5 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 14.5 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop 23.5 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop 23.5 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop 23.5 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop 23.5 (Windows) |
History When | 2022:08:10 21:47:16+02:00, 2022:09:29 19:07:21+02:00, 2022:09:29 19:23:38+02:00, 2022:09:29 19:39:19+02:00, 2022:09:29 19:39:19+02:00, 2022:09:29 19:39:33+02:00, 2022:09:29 19:39:33+02:00 |
Hue Adjustment Aqua | 0 |
Hue Adjustment Blue | 0 |
Hue Adjustment Green | 0 |
Hue Adjustment Magenta | 0 |
Hue Adjustment Orange | 0 |
Hue Adjustment Purple | 0 |
Hue Adjustment Red | 0 |
Hue Adjustment Yellow | 0 |
Hyperfocal Distance | 14.83 m |
ICC Profile Name | Adobe RGB (1998) |
ISO | 250 |
Image Number | 7321 |
Image Size | 1728x1195 |
Lateral Chromatic Aberration Correction Already Applied | True |
Legacy IPTC Digest | 96103BB78BA8820F5C42E3D9893DEB E6 |
Lens | 70.0-200.0 mm f/2.8 |
Lens ID | AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II |
Lens Info | 70-200mm f/2.8 |
Lens Manual Distortion Amount | 0 |
Lens Model | 70.0-200.0 mm f/2.8 |
Lens Profile Digest | B360BD08BCA5EF6C078537504B00F8 82 |
Lens Profile Distortion Scale | 100 |
Lens Profile Enable | 1 |
Lens Profile Filename | NIKON D700 (Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f2.8G ED VR II) - RAW.lcp |
Lens Profile Is Embedded | False |
Lens Profile Name | Adobe (Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II) |
Lens Profile Setup | LensDefaults |
Lens Profile Vignetting Scale | 100 |
Light Source | Cloudy |
Light Value | 5.9 |
Look Amount | 1 |
Look Copyright | © 2018 Adobe Systems, Inc. |
Look Group | Profiles |
Look Name | Adobe Color |
Look Parameters Camera Profile | Adobe Standard |
Look Parameters Convert To Grayscale | False |
Look Parameters Look Table | E1095149FDB39D7A057BAB208837E2 E1 |
Look Parameters Process Version | 11.0 |
Look Parameters Tone Curve PV2012 | 0, 0, 22, 16, 40, 35, 127, 127, 224, 230, 240, 246, 255, 255 |
Look Parameters Tone Curve PV2012 Blue | 0, 0, 255, 255 |
Look Parameters Tone Curve PV2012 Green | 0, 0, 255, 255 |
Look Parameters Tone Curve PV2012 Red | 0, 0, 255, 255 |
Look Parameters Version | 14.5 |
Look Supports Amount | false |
Look Supports Monochrome | false |
Look Supports Output Referred | false |
Look Uuid | B952C231111CD8E0ECCF14B86BAA70 77 |
Luminance Adjustment Aqua | 0 |
Luminance Adjustment Blue | 0 |
Luminance Adjustment Green | 0 |
Luminance Adjustment Magenta | 0 |
Luminance Adjustment Orange | 0 |
Luminance Adjustment Purple | 0 |
Luminance Adjustment Red | 0 |
Luminance Adjustment Yellow | 0 |
Luminance Smoothing | 0 |
Metadata Date | 2022:09:29 19:39:33+02:00 |
Metering Mode | Multi-segment |
Original Document ID | C8D4E7A764A3A0DD5313A87DBAC9BA 31 |
Override Look Vignette | False |
Parametric Darks | 0 |
Parametric Highlight Split | 75 |
Parametric Highlights | 0 |
Parametric Lights | 0 |
Parametric Midtone Split | 50 |
Parametric Shadow Split | 25 |
Parametric Shadows | 0 |
Perspective Aspect | 0 |
Perspective Horizontal | 0 |
Perspective Rotate | 0.0 |
Perspective Scale | 100 |
Perspective Upright | 0 |
Perspective Vertical | 0 |
Perspective X | 0.00 |
Perspective Y | 0.00 |
Post Crop Vignette Amount | 0 |
Preserved File Name | _DSC7308.NEF |
Process Version | 11.0 |
Red Hue | 0 |
Red Saturation | 0 |
Resolution Unit | inches |
Rights | Stephan Wolf.All rights reserved! |
Saturation | Normal |
Saturation Adjustment Aqua | 0 |
Saturation Adjustment Blue | 0 |
Saturation Adjustment Green | 0 |
Saturation Adjustment Magenta | 0 |
Saturation Adjustment Orange | 0 |
Saturation Adjustment Purple | 0 |
Saturation Adjustment Red | 0 |
Saturation Adjustment Yellow | 0 |
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent | 1.0 |
Scene Capture Type | Standard |
Scene Type | Directly photographed |
Sensing Method | One-chip color area |
Sensitivity Type | Recommended Exposure Index |
Shadow Tint | 0 |
Shadows 2012 | 0 |
Sharpen Detail | 25 |
Sharpen Edge Masking | 0 |
Sharpen Radius | +1.0 |
Sharpness | Normal |
Split Toning Balance | 0 |
Split Toning Highlight Hue | 0 |
Split Toning Highlight Saturation | 0 |
Split Toning Shadow Hue | 0 |
Split Toning Shadow Saturation | 0 |
Sub Sec Time Digitized | 65 |
Subject | Château La Ronchinne, Mond, Hotel |
Subject Distance Range | Unknown |
Text Layer Name | stoeberhai, Château de Ronchinne |
Text Layer Text | stoeberhai, Château de Ronchinne |
Texture | 0 |
Thumbnail Offset | 1334 |
Tint | -19 |
Tone Curve Name 2012 | Linear |
Tone Curve PV2012 | 0, 0, 255, 255 |
Tone Curve PV2012 Blue | 0, 0, 255, 255 |
Tone Curve PV2012 Green | 0, 0, 255, 255 |
Tone Curve PV2012 Red | 0, 0, 255, 255 |
Version | 14.5 |
Vibrance | 0 |
Vignette Amount | 0 |
Vignette Correction Already Applied | True |
Weighted Flat Subject | Château La Ronchinne, Mond |
White Balance | Manual |
Whites 2012 | -95 |
XMP Toolkit | Adobe XMP Core 7.2-c000 79.1b65a79, 2022/06/13-17:46:14 |
GPS Information |
GPS Date Stamp | 2022:08:10 |
GPS Date/Time | 2022:08:10 21:37:16Z |
GPS Latitude | 50 deg 21' 20.98" N |
GPS Latitude Ref | North |
GPS Longitude | 4 deg 55' 42.41" E |
GPS Longitude Ref | East |
GPS Map Datum | WGS-84 |
GPS Position | 50 deg 21' 20.98" N, 4 deg 55' 42.41" E |
GPS Time Stamp | 21:37:16 |
GPS Version ID | |
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