portsmouth cathedral (118)

portsmouth cathedral

Folder: english cathedrals

portsmouth cathedral (118)

05 Sep 2015 1 147
memento mori over main entrance of the 1691 nave

portsmouth cathedral (117)

05 Sep 2015 128
main entrance of the 1691 nave

portsmouth cathedral (10)

05 Sep 2015 139
late c20 west towers

portsmouth cathedral (11)

05 Sep 2015 139
1950s replica of the original ship windvane which is inside the church

portsmouth cathedral (12)

05 Sep 2015 127
late c20 west front

portsmouth cathedral (13)

05 Sep 2015 141
late c20 west doors form a superb tree of life

portsmouth cathedral (15)

05 Sep 2015 143
west tower of the late c17 nave, finished c.1693. cupola 1702-3.

portsmouth cathedral (19)

05 Sep 2015 130
inside the late c20 west doors

portsmouth cathedral (18)

05 Sep 2015 138
late c20 west doors handles inside

portsmouth cathedral (14)

05 Sep 2015 139
late c20 west doors form a superb tree of life; I love the roots

portsmouth cathedral (3)

05 Sep 2015 151
north transept of the original church, built in the early c13

portsmouth cathedral (4)

05 Sep 2015 156
choir from the north, built 1180-90

portsmouth cathedral (2)

05 Sep 2015 147
north transept of the original church, built c.1210

portsmouth cathedral (23)

05 Sep 2015 129
nicholson c.1938 nave with late c20 west end

portsmouth cathedral (22)

portsmouth cathedral (21)

05 Sep 2015 159
late c20 hms glamorgan falklands window in the north nave aisle

portsmouth cathedral (20)

05 Sep 2015 137
nicholson nave c.1938

portsmouth cathedral (17)

05 Sep 2015 177
superb 1710 ship windvane from on to of the cupola

112 items in total