salle church, norfolk

norfolk churches 4

Folder: english churches by county
yet more norfolk churches

salle church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 126
south transept, porch and tower, c15

salle church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 127
tower and porch c15

salle church, norfolk

09 Dec 2013 85
sound hole in c15 tower

salle church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 125
detail of west doorway c.1405

salle church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 108
angels over west door c.1405

salle church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 107
angels over west door c.1405

salle church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 112
church built between 1400-40, tower completed c.1510

salle church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 129
tower early c15, finished c.1510

salle church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 106
c15 north porch

salle church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 116
wildman on north porch, early c15

salle church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 120
c15 vaulting boss in north porch

salle church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 101
c15 vaulting in north porch

salle church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 119
c15 porch and tower from the north

salle church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 127
east window c.1440

salle church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 123
angel on chancel, c.1440

salle church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 113
south transept built c.1440, altered c.1470

salle church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 100
south transept built c.1440, altered c.1470

salle church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 113
detail of south treansept, altered late c15

2000 items in total