hunsdon church, herts.

wall paintings

Folder: stained glass and wall paintings
murals and wall paintings

hunsdon church, herts.

30 Jun 2013 173
early c16 wall painting on north wall of nave, showing seven deadly sins. a naked figure -pride ? - has dragon's heads growing from it, each swallowing a sinner. one even grows from the top of the figure's head, and the upper left hand one is gluttony, holding a flagon of drink.

hunsdon church, herts.

30 Jun 2013 123
early c16 wall painting on north wall of nave, showing seven deadly sins. a naked figure -pride ? - has dragon's heads growing from it, each swallowing a sinner. one even grows from the top of the figure's head, and the upper left hand one is gluttony, holding a flagon of drink. going by other such murals, the dragon coming from his chest is anger, from his right hand greed, from his left hand envy, from his loins lust, leaving only sloth.

stanstead abbotts church, herts.

30 Jun 2013 177
c18 mural text in north chapel

great offley church, herts.

23 Jun 2013 138
painted text of c.1800 in aisle

cottered church, herts.

06 Apr 2013 137
swordsman detail of the late c15 wall painting of st.christopher

freeland church, oxon.

tarrant crawford, dorset

04 Nov 2012 121
c14 king , one of the kings from the 3 living, 3 dead.

tarrant crawford, dorset

04 Nov 2012 148
st.margaret before the provost. c14

tarrant crawford, dorset

04 Nov 2012 125
st.margaret sits with distaff, being taught to spin by her nurse; the provost olybrius and his men watch from the right. c14

tarrant crawford, dorset

04 Nov 2012 123
st.margaret is tortured with water , c14

tarrant crawford, dorset

04 Nov 2012 132
north wall scenes by door, with st.michael weighing souls on the right with golden scales, st.margaret in the middle with golden staff and hair, wearing a red top, and other unreadable scenes of the c14.

whitcombe church , dorset

06 Nov 2012 103
late c13 painted arcading on the north wall of the nave

st. martin's church, wareham, dorset

03 Nov 2012 187
c17 carolean arms and c18 hebrew yhvh in a glory above, at the top of the east wall of the nave,overpainted with later arms below

st. martin's church, wareham, dorset

03 Nov 2012 141
royal arms of queen anne and the decalogue of 1713 over the chancel arch, they cover earlier stuart arms, and tantalising glimpses of early mediaeval work can be spotted underneath.

st. martin's church, wareham, dorset

03 Nov 2012 156
painted memorial of the naval carruthers family, c.1801

st. martin's church, wareham, dorset

03 Nov 2012 145
creed of 1713 pinted on south nave wall

cottered church, herts.

06 Apr 2013 132
hermit holding lantern, detail of the late c15 wall painting of st.christopher

cottered church, herts.

06 Apr 2013 130
background detail of the late c15 wall painting of st.christopher

999 items in total