yaxley church, suffolk

c17 glass

Folder: stained glass and wall paintings

yaxley church, suffolk

10 Mar 2013 261
the east window was filled with old glass when the chancel had been rebuilt in the c19; with some late c13, c14 and c17 glass backing c15 and c16 figures.

tolleshunt d'arcy church, essex

03 Mar 2013 220
fragments of c14/c15 glass in the d'arcy chapel, including one c17 square showing an early representation of a tulip, probably flemish or dutch glass of course.

tolleshunt d'arcy church, essex

03 Mar 2013 151
external view of a very early c17 portrayal of a tulip in foreign glass

tolleshunt d'arcy church, essex

03 Mar 2013 197
fragments of c14/c15 glass in the d'arcy chapel, including one c17 square showing an early representation of a tulip, probably flemish or dutch glass of course. difficult to judge, since the church was locked.

christ church cathedral, oxford

19 Sep 2012 171
abraham van linge glass of c.1630 in the west end of the nave

all saints church, maldon, essex

09 Sep 2012 121
c17 flemish roundel

all saints church, maldon, essex

09 Sep 2012 126
c17 flemish roundel

all saints church, maldon, essex

09 Sep 2012 120
c17 flemish roundel

all saints church, maldon, essex

09 Sep 2012 128
c17 flemish roundel

all saints church, maldon, essex

09 Sep 2012 138
c17 flemish roundel

st.peter cornhill, london

23 Aug 2012 115
east end with plasterwork of c.1680, glass by gibbs 1872 : gutsy, but not really suitable for a wren church, which is already dark from the woodwork.

st.peter cornhill, london

23 Aug 2012 135
signature by sleeping soldiers of the resurrection in glass by gibbs 1872 : gutsy, but not really suitable for a wren church, which is already dark from the woodwork.

st.peter cornhill, london

23 Aug 2012 144
east end with plasterwork of c.1680, glass by gibbs 1872 : gutsy, but not really suitable for a wren church, which is already dark from the woodwork.

rivenhall church, essex

27 Feb 2016 128
flemish roundels of female martyr and the baptist, c16 and c17

st.michael's church, st.albans, herts.

24 Apr 2013 132
early c17 hour glass stand on the pulpit

st.etheldreda's church hatfield, herts.

01 Apr 2013 136
made up of real c17 heraldic glass and fragments of all sorts, in the north transept

st.etheldreda's church hatfield, herts.

01 Apr 2013 111
made up of real c17 heraldic glass and fragments of all sorts, in the north transept

hatfield house, herts.

01 Apr 2013 186
passover of the israelites. early c17 glass in the chapel.

361 items in total