wells n2

somerset churches

Folder: english churches by county
somerset and bristol churches and monastic architecture- and yes, I am aware that bristol is not in somerset, but has always been a separate entity

wells n2

07 Nov 2009 166
west end of the nave, early c13 stiffleaf blows about in the sunlight

wells nave 1215-29

07 Nov 2009 145
earliest english gothic ignored french rationalist rules from the start, dispensing with seperate bays to concentrate on the horizontal, allowing line to flow from pillar to arch without any defining capital, stilting door arches regardless of reason, and generally behaving with insular mannered eccentricity

wells s8

07 Nov 2009 179
beasties inhabit the stiffleaf capitals of the c13 arcade

wells s12

07 Nov 2009 168
windblown stiffleaf, thornpuller and mouthpuller , square and octagonal abaci. work of the earliest c13

wells east end 1320

wells 1320-5

wells vault 1310-20

wells tower 1315-22

wells vault 1340

wells chancel vault 1340

wells 1250

wells chancel elevation 1340

wells chancel aisle 1340

wells 1342

wells chapter house undercroft door 1250

wells chapter house stair 1250

wells west front 1230-40

wells north porch 1206

96 items in total