westminster abbey

westminster abbey

Folder: london churches

westminster abbey

24 Aug 2010 163
captain cornwall's monument, 1743, by robert taylor; a detailed sea battle rages across the centre

westminster abbey

18 May 2010 222
tomb of 1743 to capt. cornewall by robert taylor, figs. carved by b.cheney

westminster abbey

24 Aug 2010 163
east cloister walk vaults showing the vault of 1250 and the more ornate lierne vault in the chapter house bay of c.1350

westminster abbey

24 Aug 2010 157
east cloister walk, the north end under the gallery open to the church dating from 1240-50

westminster abbey

24 Aug 2010 158
this corbel is one of a pair of large late c14 secular figures in the s.w.corner of the cloisters, dating from c.1350-60, flanking the lavatorium

westminster abbey

24 Aug 2010 180
coade stone memorial to edward wortley montague, 1777

westminster abbey

24 Aug 2010 181
the chapel of st.catherine continued the infirmary to the east; this is a view of the west end of the south aisle, showing the inside of the window of 1170 and one ofthe columns of the nave

westminster abbey

24 Aug 2010 176
the chapel of st.catherine continued the infirmary to the east, here is the western doorway added in 1371-2

westminster abbey

24 Aug 2010 142
east cloister walk with entry to the chapter house and day stair to former dormitory, now library, all built by 1250

westminster abbey

24 Aug 2010 164
monument of 1787 to sir richard jebb

westminster abbey

24 Aug 2010 141
east cloister walk with entry to the chapter house and day stair to former dormitory, now library, all built by 1250

westminster abbey

24 Aug 2010 167
monument to william woollett the engraver, who died 1785, and whose tomb relief of the artist at work surrounded by muses is signed by banks

westminster abbey

24 Aug 2010 176
monument to william woollett the engraver, who died 1785, and whose tomb relief of the artist at work surrounded by muses is signed by banks

westminster abbey

24 Aug 2010 176
captain cornwall's monument, 1743, by robert taylor the large figures carved by b.cheney

westminster abbey

24 Aug 2010 148
this corbel is one of a pair of large late c14 secular figures in the s.w.corner of the cloisters, dating from c.1350-60, flanking the lavatorium

westminster abbey

24 Aug 2010 155
mid c11 passage from dark cloister to the infirmary, one of the oldest parts of the abbey

westminster abbey

24 Aug 2010 164
cloister passage from the parlour to the abbots' courtyard, with a tierceron vault of c.1370 with unusual bosses

westminster abbey

24 Aug 2010 204
beautiful plaque to rebecca broughton +1699, and her husband james, the duputy surveyor of the abbey +1710

109 items in total