exeter cathedral

exeter cathedral

Folder: english cathedrals

exeter cathedral

24 Sep 2010 156
south transept tower, c.1105, with lower window tracery of 1287, with an early transom

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 142
effigy from tomb of bishop bartholemeus iscanus, 1184, purbeck marble and the oldest effigy in the church.

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 157
effigy from tomb of bishop bartholemeus iscanus, 1184, purbeck marble and the oldest effigy in the church.

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 167
the lower half of the chapter house has blank arcading of 1225; unfortunately the niches are all filled with poor fibreglass figures of 1974 which detract considerably from any enjoyment of the richly moulded arches and stiffleaf capitals of the c13 and hide c15 painted trompe l'oeil sculpture

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 155
corbel of c.1280, s.e. chapel

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 164
christ from side of tomb chest of of bishop marshall, +1206

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 158
paul from side of tomb chest of of bishop marshall, +1206

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 134
figure on purbeck marble tomb chest under bishop marshall, actually of c.1220

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 144
one of several dog corbels of the late c13, this one is in the lady chapel

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 151
side of tomb chest of c.1225, now under the effigy of bishop marshall, +1206

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 147
side of tomb chest of c.1225, now under the effigy of bishop marshall, +1206

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 161
effigy of bishop branscombe, + 1280

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 127
lady dodderidge +1614, in late c13 niche in the lady chapel

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 150
effigy of bishop branscombe, + 1280

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 150
the effigy of bishop branscombe of 1280 was given a similar chest and canopy to that of bishop stafford opposite in c.1420

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 135
lady dodderidge +1614, in late c13 niche in the lady chapel

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 152
c13 tiles in chapel of st.john the evangelist, c.1270, stag , heraldry. griffin

exeter cathedral

20 Jul 2010 144
1589 carew monument, including gawen carew and wife above, and nephew peter below in c13 dress and attitude.

644 items in total