rochester cathedral c11 crypt

rochester cathedral

Folder: english cathedrals
cathedral 604 a.d. benedictine abbey as well 1076 abbey dissolved, back to just cathedral 1537

rochester cathedral c11 crypt

07 Oct 2010 144
gundulf's crypt of c.1080

rochester cathedral c11 crypt

07 Oct 2010 180
gundulf's crypt of c.1080 with archaic capitals of a design more common in europe. the groined vaults have no ribs whatsoever, not even transverse ribs between each cell.

rochester cathedral, gundulf's tower

07 Oct 2010 172
gundulf's tower of c.1077, a keep like building to one side of the cathedral. once higher, it was probably defensive in purpose, and allowed direct access to the north transept

rochester cathedral, gundulf's tower

07 Oct 2010 150
gundulf's tower of c.1077, a keep like building to one side of the cathedral. once higher, it was probably defensive in purpose, and allowed direct access to the north transept

rochester cathedral

07 Oct 2010 157
n.e.wall of north aisle, the wall dates from c.1090, with an internal buttress of c.1150 proving that no vault or gallery floor was ever intended. the window is late c14.

rochester cathedral chapter house

07 Oct 2010 122
the chapter house was built 1114-24, this is the main door with a king and two devils on the capitals

rochester cathedral devil

07 Oct 2010 179
the chapter house was built 1114-24, this is one of several devils over the entry door

rochester cathedral chapter house

07 Oct 2010 140
the chapter house was built 1114-24

rochester cathedral graffiti,emmaus graffiti incis…

rochester cathedral queen

07 Oct 2010 138
queen column figure on west door, mid c12

rochester cathedral graffiti,emmaus graffiti incis…

rochester cathedral west door

07 Oct 2010 161
archivolts of west door, mid c12

rochester cathedral, lust

07 Oct 2010 166
sheela na gig type figure holding fish on west front , c.1160. she's also got her tongue out like kali!

rochester cathedral cloister

07 Oct 2010 142
east range of cloister from south, 1114-24

rochester cathedral west front

07 Oct 2010 157
west front of c.1160, with window of late c15

rochester cathedral hand of god

07 Oct 2010 146
day stair doorway to dorter, 1114-24, with scene of sacrifice of isaac. here the lettering says aries per cornua, and below the hand of god is indeed the ram caught by its horn in a thicket

rochester cathedral

07 Oct 2010 150
view through dorter undercroft doorway of c12 towards the s.e. transept

rochester cathedral dorter tympanum,day stair door…

268 items in total