lambourne c18th font

c18 fonts

Folder: church fonts

lambourne c18th font

east down church font

26 Feb 2010 169
font pedestal c.1530, font c.1700

st.bride's, fleet st. london , font

23 Apr 2010 177
post war font with finial copying wren's first tower design. the early c18 figures behind are of charity schoolchildren, in this case from the school set up in the old bridewell palace.

great yeldham dove

03 May 2010 92
somewhat dusty dove from font canopy counterweight. looks c18, unlike c19 canopy and font

st.michael paternoster royal

12 May 2010 115
butterfield font of 1866, font cover c18

st.giles cripplegate, london

14 May 2010 111
c18 font and cover from st.luke old street.

st,botolph aldgate, london

21 Jun 2010 120
c18 font cover

st,botolph aldgate, london

21 Jun 2010 109
c18 font from dance's church of 1741-4

st.bartholomew the great, london

25 Sep 2010 121
early c18 font cover

st.bartholomew the great, london

25 Sep 2010 150
early c18 font cover

st.bartholomew the great, london

25 Sep 2010 134
early c18 font cover

st.bartholomew the great, london

25 Sep 2010 158
early c18 font cover. in the literature, these heads are described as monks!

warham all saints church

26 Jun 2011 104
this church has three fonts, this is the c18 version

holme next the sea church

30 Jun 2011 68
font of 1778, hanover square, london

21 Jul 2011 95
elegant c18 font, hanover square, london

21 Jul 2011 79
elegant c18 font

mereworth church

30 Jul 2011 113
mid c18 font

stapleford tawney church

02 Oct 2011 130
the font cover seems c18, but the font appears to be a copy made to fit it

115 items in total