brize norton church, oxon detail of tree carved on tympanum of c12 south doorway(1)

oxfordshire churches 2

Folder: english churches by county

brize norton church, oxon detail of tree carved on…

brize norton church, oxon c12 font bowl, the base…

brize norton church, oxon late c12 opening fairly…

brize norton church, oxon c13 tower with plate tra…

brize norton church, oxon (15)

27 Oct 2019 75
ornate early c18 bale tomb, completely overgrown with ivy.

brize norton church, oxon this headstop on a north…

brize norton church, oxon C18 tombs, the bale 1718…

brize norton church, oxon (16)

27 Oct 2019 78
bowl-like hollow on top of chest tomb of 1716: is this a natural phenomena or related to a dole?

brize norton church, oxon skull end of c18 bale to…

brize norton church, oxon (18)

27 Oct 2019 80
c13 tower, much of the church redone by street

brize norton church, oxon (5) c14 tomb with herald…

brize norton church, oxon blacksmith's tombstone,…

brize norton church, oxon (2) bird (vulning?) on l…

brize norton church, oxon (1) late c12 south doorw…

brize norton church, oxon (12) late c13 tower with…

church enstone, oxon (17) c21 mosaic reredos by n…

church enstone, oxon (15) c21 mosaic reredos by n…

church enstone, oxon (12) saint harold ? glass de…

399 items in total